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another Disney question

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Our "keys to the kingdom" (park entry, room key, dining plan, room charge for adults, all on one card) and cell phones. That's IT. Sometimes a camera, and sunglasses during the day.


But it makes life so much easier *not* to have stuff to keep up with. You're not worried about losing anything, leaving anything, storing it on rides... And you get to skip the bag-check lines when you walk into each park.


(We don't carry water bottles at Disney 'cause the water fountains are virtually undrinkable. Very, very swampy tasting. We generally have one of the Disney Dining options and use our snack credits for bottles of water in the parks and drop empties in the plentiful recycling bins.)

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Our "keys to the kingdom" (park entry, room key, dining plan, room charge for adults, all on one card) and cell phones. That's IT. Sometimes a camera, and sunglasses during the day.


But it makes life so much easier *not* to have stuff to keep up with. You're not worried about losing anything, leaving anything, storing it on rides... And you get to skip the bag-check lines when you walk into each park.


(We don't carry water bottles at Disney 'cause the water fountains are virtually undrinkable. Very, very swampy tasting. We generally have one of the Disney Dining options and use our snack credits for bottles of water in the parks and drop empties in the plentiful recycling bins.)


good to know about the water situation...I like my waterbottle, but your suggestion sounds like a good idea.

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Whenever we go to Disney we always carry the following:

Keys to the Kingdom card (hotel key, park pass, food card), cell phone (in pants pocket)

We both wear a fanny pack which contains:

park maps, dramanine, extra pair of eyeglasses. My husband also has his camera in his.

We also each had a backpack (very small ones) which had:

poncho, sunscreen. We bring the backpacks in case we buy souvenirs so we don't have to carry bags around. The backpacks are small enough that we can take them on any rides we want to. Depending on the ride, we either stow it in the bag in front or just wear it (for the mild ones). The fanny pack is pushed to the side if necessary for the seatbelts/lap bars to fit properly in rides.


When we're on a fast ride, we'd take off our ball caps and thread it through the waist strap of the fanny pack so they won't fly away.

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I carry this bag: http://www.amazon.com/Baggallini-Messenger-Bagg-Dark-Olive/dp/B000PDEULM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326064651&sr=8-1 Mine is green and it is a lifesaver! It hangs across your body, so no pinching between your shoulder blades like you might have with a traditional backpack. The pockets are PERFECT for Disney. My Key to the Kingdom card goes in a special zippered pocket, easily accessed without having to open the whole bag. Great for quick use in the fastpass machines!


In it I carry the KTTK card, cell phone, wallet, band-aids (in case someone feels a blister coming on), Motrin, sunscreen, our camera, gum or mints, hand sanitizer, a couple granola bars and a few packs of fruit snacks (for a quick fix while waiting in line if it's been awhile since we ate) and our dining reservation numbers for that day (printed out from Disney, so it's official). That's it.

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The kids and I each have a fanny pack. Wallet, tickets, hotel key, and a wet washcloth in a ziploc bag for cooling off the back of the neck. Dh carries the backpack. In it we have snacks, bottles of water, sunscreen, and a small towel for wiping things down.

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Our "keys to the kingdom" (park entry, room key, dining plan, room charge for adults, all on one card) and cell phones. That's IT. Sometimes a camera, and sunglasses during the day.




I try never to carry anything I can't put in my pockets, except for a camera sometimes.


So, ticket/room key, cell phone, car keys if we've driven that day. If we're not staying on property and don't have charge privelges on a room key, I carry my credit card and ID. Sometimes, I toss a little cash in a pocket, since it makes small transactions like popcorn and soda more efficient.


Anything else just gets in the way.

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If you have the dining plan, you get a refillable mug to carry.


This is only with Deluxe Dining and only works in your resort. It's also only good for fountain type drinks, so if you're a water-drinker and not a soda-drinker, it's not a whole lot of help. (We've had them on a trip or two, and do end up using them -- but not to go to the parks or anything.)

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Our "keys to the kingdom" (park entry, room key, dining plan, room charge for adults, all on one card) and cell phones. That's IT. Sometimes a camera, and sunglasses during the day.


But it makes life so much easier *not* to have stuff to keep up with. You're not worried about losing anything, leaving anything, storing it on rides... And you get to skip the bag-check lines when you walk into each park.


(We don't carry water bottles at Disney 'cause the water fountains are virtually undrinkable. Very, very swampy tasting. We generally have one of the Disney Dining options and use our snack credits for bottles of water in the parks and drop empties in the plentiful recycling bins.)


This is about all I carry now too. I have a little cross over the shoulder purse that holds phone, money, credit card, tix, id and camera. (sometimes advil too).


About the water - we always ask for water at the counter service places. They will give you a full sized cup of filtered water with ice for FREE. It isn't awful at all. Saves a TON of money and toting stuff around.

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:lurk5: We've only been to Disney once but I long to go again (so thanks for this thread).


I know some folks aren't in favor of carrying water bottles, but I did bring a few frozen Poland Spring ones in a canvas messenger bag (because coolers were not allowed). We quickly went through them and bought bottled water from the vendors (and I was pleasantly surprised that the price was not gauged as much as it could have been).

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I carry this bag: http://www.amazon.com/Baggallini-Messenger-Bagg-Dark-Olive/dp/B000PDEULM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326064651&sr=8-1 Mine is green and it is a lifesaver! It hangs across your body, so no pinching between your shoulder blades like you might have with a traditional backpack. The pockets are PERFECT for Disney. My Key to the Kingdom card goes in a special zippered pocket, easily accessed without having to open the whole bag. Great for quick use in the fastpass machines!


I have something very similar from Eddie Bauer that I'm planning to use when we go. Subbing, because this thread is super helpful!

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I carry this bag: http://www.amazon.com/Baggallini-Messenger-Bagg-Dark-Olive/dp/B000PDEULM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326064651&sr=8-1 Mine is green and it is a lifesaver! It hangs across your body, so no pinching between your shoulder blades like you might have with a traditional backpack. The pockets are PERFECT for Disney. My Key to the Kingdom card goes in a special zippered pocket, easily accessed without having to open the whole bag. Great for quick use in the fastpass machines!


In it I carry the KTTK card, cell phone, wallet, band-aids (in case someone feels a blister coming on), Motrin, sunscreen, our camera, gum or mints, hand sanitizer, a couple granola bars and a few packs of fruit snacks (for a quick fix while waiting in line if it's been awhile since we ate) and our dining reservation numbers for that day (printed out from Disney, so it's official). That's it.


I LOVE this bag, but can't afford it. Does anybody know of something similiar, but cheaper???

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I carry this bag: http://www.amazon.com/Baggallini-Messenger-Bagg-Dark-Olive/dp/B000PDEULM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326064651&sr=8-1 Mine is green and it is a lifesaver! It hangs across your body, so no pinching between your shoulder blades like you might have with a traditional backpack. The pockets are PERFECT for Disney. My Key to the Kingdom card goes in a special zippered pocket, easily accessed without having to open the whole bag. Great for quick use in the fastpass machines!


In it I carry the KTTK card, cell phone, wallet, band-aids (in case someone feels a blister coming on), Motrin, sunscreen, our camera, gum or mints, hand sanitizer, a couple granola bars and a few packs of fruit snacks (for a quick fix while waiting in line if it's been awhile since we ate) and our dining reservation numbers for that day (printed out from Disney, so it's official). That's it.


I love that bag.

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Only rolling coolers are not allowed, a soft sided cooler you carry is allowed.


We bought this one for the parks:




It is the Igloo Maxcold Maxpack Cooler-Black(18 can).


It is large enough to carry enough food for lunch, snacks, and drinks for all 5 of us for the day. We take in sandwiches, trail mix, fruit, a can of pringles on the side pocket, some containers of various snacks too. We carry in water bottles and if it is hot out, a couple of them we take frozen to act as ice packs and they melt during the day to drink.





:lurk5: We've only been to Disney once but I long to go again (so thanks for this thread).


I know some folks aren't in favor of carrying water bottles, but I did bring a few frozen Poland Spring ones in a canvas messenger bag (because coolers were not allowed). We quickly went through them and bought bottled water from the vendors (and I was pleasantly surprised that the price was not gauged as much as it could have been).

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I LOVE this bag, but can't afford it. Does anybody know of something similiar, but cheaper???


I have a cheaper, slightly smaller bag that I think I found at Target. It *is* nice to have an across-the-body bag. It usually ends up staying in our room (since carrying a bag does mean you have to wait at the bag-check lines going into the parks, and while that's usually not a long wait, it's an annoying one), but it's nice to have if we need to carry medication, or want a bag for the camera, or something like that.


Mine is probably something more like this maybe? http://www.amazon.com/Light-Weight-Sling-Backpack-Sports/dp/B0055OUQ00

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I LOVE this bag, but can't afford it. Does anybody know of something similiar, but cheaper???


Did you plug in the options for the bag? Because (oddly enough) they are different prices based on the color. This cute steel blue one is only $29. And honestly, I look at mine as a Disney investment....because the wrong bag will have you weeping by the end of the day.:lol:




I don't know if you'll get the right price with this link, but on the page, click the size button and then click "one size", then click "steel blue" for the color.

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I carry this bag: http://www.amazon.com/Baggallini-Messenger-Bagg-Dark-Olive/dp/B000PDEULM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326064651&sr=8-1 Mine is green and it is a lifesaver! It hangs across your body, so no pinching between your shoulder blades like you might have with a traditional backpack. The pockets are PERFECT for Disney. My Key to the Kingdom card goes in a special zippered pocket, easily accessed without having to open the whole bag. Great for quick use in the fastpass machines!


In it I carry the KTTK card, cell phone, wallet, band-aids (in case someone feels a blister coming on), Motrin, sunscreen, our camera, gum or mints, hand sanitizer, a couple granola bars and a few packs of fruit snacks (for a quick fix while waiting in line if it's been awhile since we ate) and our dining reservation numbers for that day (printed out from Disney, so it's official). That's it.


Love this bag! Is it big enough for a few diapers and wipes as well? I doubt my 2 yo will be potty trained by then.

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Most people have already posted what I take in, but I'll tell you what we do just because I love answering these questions!


ME: In a fanny pack (I know. Horrible!! But, I like to be hands free!):

phone (doubles as my camera)

Key to the World Card

Dd's sunglasses (unless she's wearing them)

Lip balm

Small thing of sunscreen


Everyone else (in pockets):

KTTW card



Ds11 carries his epi pens and benadryl in his fanny pack.


Dd5 is reminding me of her TRADING PINS!!!! Can't forget those!


We still take a stroller because the 5 yo (and occasionally, the 11 yo) get really tired! So, I use that to carry some extra things in a back pack. The pack usually sits under the stroller:


If it's going to rain, I'll bring a couple ponchos (more to cover up the stroller than anything!).

Water bottles (I;ve never minded the taste and with teenaged boys, we need our snack credits for FOOD!!! LOL)

We usually go in January, so I'll also pack up some very small gloves and a hat for everyone (again, weather dependent)


The stroller/bag acts as our dumping ground for everything the kids don't want to carry. So, sunglasses usually get thrown in there.


So, yes. We do have to go through the line for people with bags. Annoying, yes. But, I love having the stroller and the couple of things that could save us a bit of money (water, ponchos, lip balm, etc).

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I used to pack a ton of stuff that I *might* need. Now that we are all walking (no strollers), I love to not have a backpack at all. If it doesn't fit in the pockets, we don't really need it. Note that my dh does wear his cell phone and I usually have a camera dangling from my wrist, but we don't have to wait in the security lines and keep up with extra stuff.


We usually go when it is warm. We are planning on going in 19 DAYS. I hate the idea of dressing in layers and then having to carry a sweatshirt or jacket, but am hoping that the cool weather and low attendance more than make up for my jacket hassles:001_smile:


When are you going???


p.s. those little flavor packets are pretty good at making the water taste drinkable.

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I used to pack a ton of stuff that I *might* need. Now that we are all walking (no strollers), I love to not have a backpack at all. If it doesn't fit in the pockets, we don't really need it. Note that my dh does wear his cell phone and I usually have a camera dangling from my wrist, but we don't have to wait in the security lines and keep up with extra stuff.


We usually go when it is warm. We are planning on going in 19 DAYS. I hate the idea of dressing in layers and then having to carry a sweatshirt or jacket, but am hoping that the cool weather and low attendance more than make up for my jacket hassles:001_smile:


When are you going???


p.s. those little flavor packets are pretty good at making the water taste drinkable.


When will you be there? We'll be there 2/2 − 2/9. There are three of us who will be there at the same time and I'd love to set up a short meeting.

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Love this bag! Is it big enough for a few diapers and wipes as well? I doubt my 2 yo will be potty trained by then.


Yes, it will! It really isn't that big, but it is really well designed. Lots of pockets and you could probably fit up to 5 diapers in the main section of the bag. It's like a mini backpack, but it sits on your hip. It's so comfy, I hardly even know I'm carrying it. :D

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Yes, it will! It really isn't that big, but it is really well designed. Lots of pockets and you could probably fit up to 5 diapers in the main section of the bag. It's like a mini backpack, but it sits on your hip. It's so comfy, I hardly even know I'm carrying it. :D


Great! Now to pick a color. I like green and the orangey red and the olive brown.

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Did you plug in the options for the bag? Because (oddly enough) they are different prices based on the color. This cute steel blue one is only $29. And honestly, I look at mine as a Disney investment....because the wrong bag will have you weeping by the end of the day.:lol:




I don't know if you'll get the right price with this link, but on the page, click the size button and then click "one size", then click "steel blue" for the color.


I looked at the reviews on this bag and I read the 1 and 2 star ones...did you have any of the problems that those people had...or are they out of their mind and this is the best bag ever???

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Our "keys to the kingdom" (park entry, room key, dining plan, room charge for adults, all on one card) and cell phones. That's IT. Sometimes a camera, and sunglasses during the day.


But it makes life so much easier *not* to have stuff to keep up with. You're not worried about losing anything, leaving anything, storing it on rides... And you get to skip the bag-check lines when you walk into each park.


(We don't carry water bottles at Disney 'cause the water fountains are virtually undrinkable. Very, very swampy tasting. We generally have one of the Disney Dining options and use our snack credits for bottles of water in the parks and drop empties in the plentiful recycling bins.)



We were just at the Magic Kingdom yesterday, busier than we expected but still great, and we carried no bags. I get cold first so I also tied a sweatshirt around my waist for when the sun went down.

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- 1 camelbak backpack. We fill in the morning and then have fresh water between meals.

- glow sticks on cords in the same color for everyone.

- dollar store rain ponchos

- ziplock with tweezers, bandaids, and wet wipe.

- mini notebook that has our dining reservation, must sees, and parade times (and car park, if applicable).

- sunscreen


-extra ziploc bag.


This next time we'll be bringing an Ipad and eliminate the mini-notebook but also will have the wait time apps, the maps, and the scavenger hunt/trivia.

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We always take a backpack (the bag lines are not that long). It's for the "stuff" -- tissues, hand sanitizer/wipes, sunglassess, sunscreen, light jackets (you may need jackets in November). It isn't a huge backpack and we don't overstuff it, but we're always glad we have it. I don't ever recall going to Disney without one. Maybe in the Stroller Era when we used a diaper bag instead...

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