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Those with Large Families(atleast 5 or more that is schooling )


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A little of both. I break them into groups. Then tutor as needed. Right now I have Upper Grammar for dd9 and ds12, Lower grammar for ds7, K for dd5 (will be K next year as well..but doing sixth grade work), then two Lower Primary dd2 and ds11mth today :)


Ds19 is done. :)


What ages are urs? That will help me give u advice.

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I encourage independent work and tutor as needed. I'd rather they work independently and be a little behind, that be heavily tutored/ pushed and ahead. Because at the end of the day I won't be there to hold their hand-- the ability to study and learn independently is an invaluable skill.


We have collected a lot of curricula over the years so we use an assortment of Saxon, R&S, VP, MFW, and oldest DS uses SOS. Each child has their personalized combination. One of my DD is an avid reader (she can burn through a novel a day) so she is actually partially unschooled. I require math, handwriting, creative writing, but beyond that I let her follow her own interests. Others of the kids have a more structured approach.



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I am pregnant with baby # 6, but currently only 3 are schooling with the 4th joining them next school year. I use CLE for Language Arts and Math because it is independent. I put my oldest in Veritas Press online classes this school year, but am considering not doing that next year.

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Well, I am technically only schooling 4 this year...the youngest is only doing phonics and math. We use TOG here. It is our 2nd year with TOG and I love how it is working for us. My oldest 2 (9th and 8th) are both working on the R-level and are combined for everything except math and science. #3 (6th) is working on D-level work and #4 is doing upper grammar. They are combined for science.


We do memory work (Scripture, poetry, and hymns) all together at meal times.


It is still A LOT of work and planning, but I feel as though I am more organized and have a better plan with TOG.



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It is hard to determine what size is large, but I have 8 kids..5 schooling, so I went with that.


I am curious what curriculum you use? Everyone separate? Everyone together? Groups?


What do you do?


I've got 5, and all 5 are in school this year. My older 2 are very independent, but we're adding in more discussion time together this year, so that's a time eater. My middle boy is working towards independence. My younger two still need me quite a bit, but there are a couple of things they can do alone (handwriting, Evan Moor, etc.).


They each have their own math (Saxon), but the older 2 are mostly independent. They each have their own grammar (Rod & Staff 7, 6, 4, & 2).


Ds12, ds11, & ds9 do Sequential Spelling for Adults together, as well as A Sentence a Day (I write one sentence on the white board and we find the mistakes together). This Friday, we're going to start Patty Paper Geometry together once a week as well.


Ds12 & ds11 are doing WWS & Classical Writing for Older Beginners together (we just started CW). They also do Elementary Greek and Latin Alive together, and Mosdos Silver, Fallacy Detective, and Orbiting with Logic.


Ds9 and ds7 do their own levels of WWE (2 & 4). Ds9 just added in Imitations in Writing, and is doing Visual Latin and Getting Started with Latin. Ds7 does Evan Moor Beginning Geography and Spell & Write 2. Ds9, ds7, and ds6 each have their own logic (Logic Countdown, Primary Analogies, and Can You Find Me?), and they each also have Sonlight Readers specific to their level.


Ds6 is doing Phonics Pathways and Plaid Phonics, as well as penmanship.


Together we do Sonlight 6 (and if we ever finish, we'll start 7)--the history and literature only. Everyone listens to all that I read aloud. I just started having the older 2 read the Foster book to themselves and writing a summary of it. We use Map Trek for Geography, and all but the youngest do this.


Everyone also listens to me read Hakim's Story of Science (when we get to experiments from Milestones in Science, we'll do them together as well), and the Complete Book of US History and The American Story.

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I have 8th, 6th\7th, 3rd, K and a preK right now.


Everything is separate right now for my two older students. I customize to each child so heavily that it was almost impossible to combine. I tried combining last year for the two oldest but I always felt like one was struggling, one was bored, one was having to wait or one was trying to keep up. I spend less time now that I've gone separate, and they are doing so much better. One is very analytical and logical, a self motivator who likes textbooks, and just wants to get it done. The other is VSL, creative and artistic, and works best if she can use real books, projects and see the whole picture first.


The younger three are all separate right now too (I'm not doing much with the K or the preK students (about an hour and 30 minutes respectfully). Next year though I will combine dd8 and ds5 for just science and history. I will focus on dd8's work in these though as I will only be looking for exposure in ds5. I don't want to spend copious amounts of time organizing work for a 1st grade student only to have him loose interest after the messy project is done.

I am prepared though at some point I will have to consider separating them as well since they too have completely different learning styles and interests.

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I'm just teaching 3 with another little tagging along (soon to be 2 littles) so I'm interested to see what others say. Most of what I'm using and am interested in using in the future is teacher-intensive. I also can't see combining my kids very much. Their personalities, interests, learning styles, etc. are just very different. They do enjoy tagging along with their siblings sometimes, but not sure if I want that to be their sole work.


Anyone have an older child work with a younger one? My oldest is already trying to teach her younger siblings letters, copywork, and math.

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It is hard to determine what size is large, but I have 8 kids..5 schooling, so I went with that.


I am curious what curriculum you use? Everyone separate? Everyone together? Groups?


What do you do?


Not 5 this yr, but I have had 5 simultaneously multiple times. ;)


It goes in seasons. I typically do not combine them except in a very limited way. I have combined them at times (for example, with spelling/dictation/grammar for high school functioning level kids or a unit study like Literary Lessons from LOTR w/2 that have output on similar levels. )


However, I find it easier to not combine and teach each child individually at their own level. (I also don't use pre-fab plans, but create each child's individual courses and daily plans. It makes it easier for me to teach in the long run.)

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Anyone have an older child work with a younger one? My oldest is already trying to teach her younger siblings letters, copywork, and math.


Dd14, dd12 and dd8 each have to watch dd3 for an hour during the day so I can have one on one with others. During that time I ask them to do some educational things with her. I don't count that toward what I consider her school time though (me spending about 30 minutes in specific instruction) because it's hit or miss what they teach her from day to day. Today dd14 was teaching her how to count in Latin...which would have been great if she even knew there were numbers past 3.:tongue_smilie:

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To the OP--the curriculum I like is also teacher intensive, esp for my kids in the grammar stage. You can see from my signature what we're using.


Basically, I have a checklist for each child who is formally schooling (4 of them). The logic stage kids are able to get started on their work. Typically, If I sit down with them for an hour or two on Monday, they can go on their own for a couple days. At the end of the day I strive to do a big "check-in." Of course, the days we have grammar, I teach them (together). This means that both my 5th and 7th grader are on the same level for grammar and writing. We're using the advance large sample of ALL from SWB and Writing With Skill. After we wrap up ALL, we'll have to head back to Rod and Staff grammar, grade 6. I also use Big Book of Lively Latin 2 for both of them. They are each doing history study out of Story of the World. While they share the same book, they have different requirements.


I will not tell a lie. Teaching my grammar stage kids is intensive, and one on one. It's hard. It's worth it. And yes, sometimes the 3 year old is running amuck.


I find that FIAR works wonderfully for DS6 (1st grade) and DS5 (prek) to do TOGETHER.


I think that teaching 6 kids involves spending a lot of time teaching my children 1) how to wait your turn 2) how to not interrupt and 3) how to think of creative play on your own.


Our best days are the days that I enforce the one hour mandatory in your room quiet time. I need the mental break.


I like teaching all my kids. I truly enjoy it. But it is one of the most challenging things I've ever taken on.

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Anyone have an older child work with a younger one? My oldest is already trying to teach her younger siblings letters, copywork, and math.


I have 7 but am only teaching 5 1/2 this year.


My 17yo teaches piano outside our home and she is also teaching my 10 yo.


Off and on an older child will pick a book that was a particular favorite and read it aloud each day to a younger one until it's finished. Anything from The Hobbit to SOTW Ancient Times.

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It is hard to determine what size is large, but I have 8 kids..5 schooling, so I went with that.


I am curious what curriculum you use? Everyone separate? Everyone together? Groups?


What do you do?


I have 6 schooling, along with a toddler and another baby due in just over 3 weeks - so this could be all subject to change very soon...:tongue_smilie:


My kids work mostly separately with a few combinations for various things. That was as clear as mud wasn't it!? My older three use Sonlight independently for their Core work (history, literature, writing) each at their own level. They have their own math, grammar, science and music as well. I also have a 'group time' with them where we do some read-alouds, current events, logic, and citizenship. I plan on adding some Shakespeare with them this year as well.


My younger three have fairly individualized programs as well, mostly put together by me using a variety of resources (mostly SL, SOTW, and Higher Up Further In) and working from a daily checklist (although ds7 doesn't work independently from checklist yet.) I will be combining dd9 and dd11 this year for science using Apologia Astronomy. The younger three also combine for drawing with me, some read-alouds, French, and Australian geography at this stage.


Sometimes I think it would be great, or easier, to combine more, but when I really think about it I know that it probably wouldn't benefit everybody where they are at. I work with the younger 3 in the mornings while the older kids work independently. We have an hour quiet time after lunch, then I have my group time with the older three. The others then can go and play, or finish off things, or whatever.


We also do have a few 'family' things that we do together. Currently, we listen to our composer at breakfast, read poetry at lunch, and sometimes have a family read-aloud after dinner - we are reading through the The Ranger's Apprentice series). Also, we sometimes have an art time all together on Fridays although we may or may not all be working on the same thing at that time. We are adding Latin and Greek roots this year (using English From the Roots Up) which we'll have a go at doing all together.


Does that all make sense? ;)

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I have 6 and one on the way only schooling 3, working with 4 starting in Feb. We've toyed around several times with individual curriculum.. But have found what is more us..



My Fathers World Creation to Greeks

with Story of the World 1 added in



2nd and 3rd grade use Primary Language Lessons 3x per week

4-6th use Intermediate Language Lessons 3x per week

4th grade starts Writing STrands 3 and we work through till Writing Strands 5 2x per week

2nd on up use Spelling by Sound and STructure 3x per week

Math U See for math all the way through adding a few workbooks for time, money, and word problems occasionally 5x per week

A reason for handwriting through 5th grade. 4x per week

McGuffeys for Reading practice (daily in 1st and 2nd occasionally in 3rd on up) 3-5x per week depending.


We use MFW for K and 1st as well with Math U See Primer then Alpha added in, Explode the Code when needed for extra practice, and A Reason For Handwriting as well.


We do Individuals in the morning and MFW stuff in the afternoon during naptime!

Grades are 5th, 3rd, 1st, K starting in Feb..plus 3yo, 1yo and baby in June <3

Edited by MamaMamaMama!!
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I have 7 children - 5 school age this year (8th, 5th, 4th, 2nd, 2nd), with a new kindergartener to be added next year.


Like the others, I use independent study and grouping where possible. I have a couple of dc with "learning differences", so some of their things have to be done one-on-one.


Bible - 8th - separate, done independently, Bible studies she picked out from CBD; 5th (CLE) - separate - done with me; 4th and 2nd (CLE) - grouped together - done with me


LA - Everyone on their own level - 8th grader mainly independent; elementary students 25-50% independent - we use a combination of IEW, TLP, Sequential Spelling, ETC, FLL, WWE, HWT, Cheerful Cursive, and Barton program


Math - TT for 4 of them; MUS for the other


Science - Same groupings as with Bible. Oldest using Rainbow Science, elementary children using RS4K


History - I group the 8th and 5th grader (Biblioplan year 3), then the 4th and 2nd graders (American History). Next year the olders will do BP year 4, and the youngers, including the K'er, will use Galloping the Globe.





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We have 10 kids and have had up to 9 schooling at once. Right now I only have 6 school age. I combine as much as possible. I would have a few different groups depending on ages and ability, but pretty much the only things that they did alone/on grade level were math and grammar. I outsource when I can either with DVD courses or community college classes.

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I am only teaching 6 kiddos. Can't believe all my children are 'in school' now:001_huh:. ds 1st grade (finally learning how to read), ds 3rd (emerging reader), ds 4th, ds 5th, dd 6th and ds 8th.


My oldest is very independet (8th grade). I do sit with him for math and WWS. He uses Bob Jones dvds for history, science, literature and Bible.


My dd 6th grade does a lot on her own as well. She's using America the Beautiful, MUS, Analytical Grammar with the dvd, CM style science, Soaring with Spelling along with copywork and such. I do sit with her for a few things but not everyday.


My two middle boys I started combining this year using HOD Preparing. They also use AAS and Shurley English. One uses TT and the other MUS.


My two younges 1st and 3rd graders are also using HOD Beyond. Also using AAS, AAR, and R&S English 2.


Between my two sets of HOD I am 'floating' between children. Kinda like keeping the plates spinning. After I read and we discuss what was read, I get them started on a project or independet history/science. Then start AAR with Lance, finish with him, call Ethan, to the 'hot' seat. Once done with him, call my two Preparing boys and so forth. I do this until 2:00p.m. then everyone goes for their 2hr. quiet time :001_smile:


I am teaching from 8:00-2:00 with an hour lunch :D

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