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s/o When do your DHs allow your dds to use public restrooms alone?

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DH and I got into a big disagreement about this when my oldest was about 3. He was no longer comfortable taking her into the men's restroom, which meant that *I* had to always do potty duty, and that he could never go anywhere alone with her for more than an hour or so, because she'd inevitably have to go potty. He took her to a special baseball game when she was newly 5, just a father/daughter thing, and was scared to death to let her go in the women's restroom alone. He's very protective, LOL. As it turned out, she poked around and took forever, and he panicked and asked a woman coming out if she'd go in and look for dd. She was just playing at the sink and ignoring dh, btw. :D


In the other thread, many people were comfortable taking 8-9+ yr old boys into a woman's restroom. Do you all feel similarly about a dad taking a dd into a men's restroom? Or do girls get to use public facilities alone sooner because they are safer?

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That's a hard one.


I don't think that women's rooms are automatically safer than men's rooms but in a women's bathroom there are doors on all the stalls. Men's rooms usually have urinals out in the open. For that reason, I'm a little more leery of bringing a little girl into the mens room past a fairly young age. Unless it's somewhere that there's unlikely to be any other people in there.


Our local malls all have family restrooms now. In the absence of those.... I'm not sure. DD is 4. I'm not sure what I'd have dh do. I don't think she's old enough to go in by herself yet.

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Statistically, women's restrooms *are* safer, as women are far less likely to be pedophiles (particularly on the same sex) than men. Women are also more inclined to help small children than men, IME.


OT: I get very angry when I see a single adult coming out of the family restroom. My ds has wet his pants more than once while we waited for some inconsiderate b@@b who was too lazy to use the appropriate restroom.

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That's a hard one.


I don't think that women's rooms are automatically safer than men's rooms but in a women's bathroom there are doors on all the stalls. Men's rooms usually have urinals out in the open. For that reason, I'm a little more leery of bringing a little girl into the mens room past a fairly young age. Unless it's somewhere that there's unlikely to be any other people in there.


Our local malls all have family restrooms now. In the absence of those.... I'm not sure. DD is 4. I'm not sure what I'd have dh do. I don't think she's old enough to go in by herself yet.




Dh struggled with this with his daughter before we got together. He was a single dad, and she was just 6 when we got engaged. When he was single and took his son and daughter out by himself, it was a constant worry for him. Back then (10 years ago) family restrooms were less popular. There was no way he wanted to take dd into the men's room because, according to him, they're usually disgustingly dirty, not to mention he didn't want dd to see other men's 'parts' at the urinal. It really impacted what he was able to do out and about with the kids.

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The problem with ladies' rooms isn't the ladies; it's the potential that a man is in there with bad intentions toward the next woman to come in. We were at a state park, and a man came into the ladies room. Luckily, there were three adults and all of our girls (and my young ds,) and we yelled at him to get out and called the police. I'm glad my dd wasn't in there alone. All three of us got the bad gut feeling about him. I even keep my cell phone out and ready when *I* have to go into a deserted restroom somewhere, and I'm pretty tough. ;)


I have two dds, so my dh was able to start sending them in a bit younger than he might have otherwise. It's rare that he has them without me, and it's even rarer that we aren't someplace where we can find a family restroom or single restroom, and none of my dc has to use the bathroom constantly, so it hasn't really been an issue. AFAIK, they have never been into a men's room.

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Dh never took dd's into the men's room. Until they were 5, he was teaching all day, and coaching nights and weekends, so it wasn't an issue. And I don't think he started going alone w/ them anywhere til they were at least 7. As others have said, women's restrooms are generally safer, especially in busy stores.

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DH still takes our 4yo DD with him. Men are not terribly "flashy" at urinals for the most part, per him. If a stall exists, he takes her in and uses that with her. If a family bathroom is there, obviously he uses that. She is newly 4 and totally unreliable in the women's room alone. She would be in there playing and gazing at herself in the mirror for hours likely without someone with her.

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Three year olds know how to pull their pants up and down and are able to get onto public toilets unassisted? I'm amazed. I guess my boys were late bloomers (or very short). :D


:lol: I have an 8yr old who needs reminded to actually pull everything back up before wandering out.:001_huh:

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My hubby and I have 7 dds between us and they didn't really have family restrooms yet when our girls were small. My hubby was the stay at home parent so he pretty much had to deal with this situation. He took the girls into the men's rooms until the could go in at least groups of two with the youngest being no younger than about five. He would open the door and announce girls coming in and men were very discreet. He never had any incidences.

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My 6 year old still needs help buttoning his pants sometimes.


And this reminds me of something about my first son. I think he was 4 and we were at the library. At home he got into the habit (for some reason) of pulling his pants down before going into the bathroom. Well, he did that at the library one day (when there was an event with a lot of people). LOL Oops!


:lol: Mine done that too, at an outdoor harvest food festival. He was more than 4.:blink:

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Three year olds know how to pull their pants up and down and are able to get onto public toilets unassisted? I'm amazed. I guess my boys were late bloomers (or very short). :D


My 3 year old has no trouble with it. She does often have trouble reaching the sink though. So my 5 year old helps her up.

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Only recently has my DH started not taking the girls into the men's bathroom. He cited the urinal as an issue, mostly but also the fact that the girls love to sit there and chat for a long time about exactly what they are doing at the moment. Generally leads to alot of laughing in the women's bathroom and comments to me like "oh, I remember when my little girls were like that," but seems to be less appreciated in the men's room.


On a side note, DH does lament the lack of family bathrooms because he was caught out with babies who needed to be changed and no diaper station in the men's room when each of our kids were little.

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I think DH started sending the girls (together) alone when they were 6 and 4. I still don't let Sylvia go completely alone, but Becca can and she can take Sylvia.


DH stopped taking them into the men's room because they were sometimes a bit too curious and also there was often un-kid-friendly graffiti on the walls. :glare:

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This really belongs in the other thread, but since we're trading bathroom funnies....Before we ever had kids, DH went into the restroom once at a local fish camp. There were only two stalls, and he didn't see any feet in one, but the door was latched, so he went into the other one. Shortly, he heard a little boy's voice singing, "Here we go, Daniel, here we go..[clap, clap] Here we go......[sounds of straining].....WAY TO GO, DANIEL, WAY TO GO! [clap, clap]"



He said it was all he could do not to burst out laughing. He came back to the table, face beet red, and told us what had happened. About that time, Daniel came out of the restroom and ran over to his table, yelling at the top of his lungs, "I DID IT! I POOPED!! And it was BIIIIIIIIIGGGGG!" :smilielol5:

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I'm a lot more free range than some other folks on this issue and even I have to say that 3 is too young to go in the bathroom alone for most kids. The stall, sure. But not the bathroom. To me, gender has very little to do with it. I sent my kids in the bathroom alone around age 4 in places that were safe, clean and they knew well. Age 5 most of the time. And by age 6, it was the rule unless you were sick or something.


Now, conversely, I plead with you all to stop taking your 9 yo sons in the women's room. But that's another story.

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