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UCK!! HELP!! BUGS in my Christmas Tree!!!

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Its some very very tiny black beetle looking bug. I can't actually see them on the tree but they are all over the floor. Slow moving. Don't seem to fly. Anyone ever hear of this? Can I safely spray the tree with something??? :glare:


I'm so grossed out right now.

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I don't have any suggestions, but we bought a small juniper bonsai tree that once had small, black, beetle-type bugs that dropped out of it. These bugs all seemed to die soon after they came off the tree. They were all gone within a week. I think we looked up a remedy and it was to "wash" the tree with a very light dish detergent solution and rinse the tree off well (like a good rain storm). In your case this would be impossible work since it is a big tree.

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This was our first year to get a real tree and I was concerned about that very thing. We left our tree in our garage for at least a week to let any yuckies fall out. DH set it up in the stand and watered it the whole time. We never saw anything and it's been in the house this week without a problem. I've been waiting, though. I can't offer any wisdom as to what the bugs are or what to do, but just wanted to offer the idea of letting it hang out in the garage (if you have one) first. Maybe put it out there now and let all the bugs fall out and then when you don't see them anymore, move it back in. I would also call the place you got the tree and see what they say. Maybe they can tell you how to remedy it. I would guess that you aren't the first person to experience this problem.

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We cut our tree down at a Christmas tree farm. It had 2 praying mantis cocoons in it. The lady that checked us out told us to keep them outside and they'll 'hatch' or whatever they do in late spring. She told the kids how the first born eat the second round siblings. My son is stoked!

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Eek. I hope the buggies go away soon.


Not to freak you out more... but I have a friend who had ticks come off of her live tree... So keep an eye out for those, too. (We do artificial now, because I am paranoid about ticks.)


If you haven't decorated the tree yet, maybe you can take it outside and do a quick non-toxic bug spray?

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Eek. I hope the buggies go away soon.


Not to freak you out more... but I have a friend who had ticks come off of her live tree... So keep an eye out for those, too. (We do artificial now, because I am paranoid about ticks.)


If you haven't decorated the tree yet, maybe you can take it outside and do a quick non-toxic bug spray?


This is what we had to do one time. The bugs didn't start coming out until the tree had been in the stand for a day or so. Fortunately, we hadn't decorated it yet. The bugs looked just like tiny ticks ("seed ticks" dh calls them), but they weren't actually ticks. We had to take the tree outside and spray it with something... I think it was soapy water?? I can't remember because this was years ago.

Edited by ereks mom
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Never in my 43 years of having a live tree have I ever had, or heard of a Christmas tree having bugs! I'm curious, do you live in the South?


Yes... Is this a southern thing?!?!?


And ticks?? EEEK!! I hadn't thought of that. I wish dh would hurry up and get home from work. This is so not my area of expertise. :glare:

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We had this happen once when we bought a real tree. If I recall correctly, they were all dead and gone within a week or two. I didn't put any gifts or anything under the tree and I kept sweeping up dead bugs until they disappeared. I think my husband did some research and found out that they would die quickly and that's how I knew to wait on the gifts--but it's been so long I don't remember exactly. They aren't harmful. Just gross and annoying. :001_huh:

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