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I am in the snarkiest mood today....

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Someone asked me in a most snotty tone " why on earth would you homeschool? ". So, I just looked at her...and answered " because I am too flippin' lazy to get out of bed in the morning and put them on the bus...why do you think?". Then I huffed off.:glare:


I never act like this....:001_huh:


I need a nap.



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Someone asked me in a most snotty tone " why on earth would you homeschool? ". So, I just looked at her...and answered " because I am too flippin' lazy to get out of bed in the morning and put them on the bus...why do you think?". Then I huffed off.:glare:


I never act like this....:001_huh:


I need a nap.




:D Well, maybe she won't ask anyone else again for awhile!



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Someone asked me in a most snotty tone " why on earth would you homeschool? ". So, I just looked at her...and answered " because I am too flippin' lazy to get out of bed in the morning and put them on the bus...why do you think?". Then I huffed off.:glare:


I never act like this....:001_huh:


I need a nap.





I see you are getting in touch with your inner child :D

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I just spent five days with my MIL belittling homeschooling so I'm feeling a bit snarky right now, too.

My DH did send me a nice thank you note this morning, thanking me for not murdering his mother or kicking her out. :lol: He was actually madder at her than I was. He was hoppin' mad. I was just offended.

I love your answer. I can't imagine getting my night owl up in the morning and off to school when it is still dark outside.

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Someone asked me in a most snotty tone " why on earth would you homeschool? ". So, I just looked at her...and answered " because I am too flippin' lazy to get out of bed in the morning and put them on the bus...why do you think?". Then I huffed off.:glare:


I never act like this....:001_huh:


I need a nap.




I think what she said to you was beyond rude. I don't blame you at all for being flippant back at her. (People say things like that because they think they're going to make you uncomfortable and awkward. Good for you.)



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Someone asked me in a most snotty tone " why on earth would you homeschool? ". So, I just looked at her...and answered " because I am too flippin' lazy to get out of bed in the morning and put them on the bus...why do you think?". Then I huffed off.:glare:


I never act like this....:001_huh:


I need a nap.




Wow, the nerve.

I have a few responses in reserve for when this becomes an issue, my fave being: "if she isn't going to be able to either read or do math when she leaves school, why should she even start?"


Ask me what I think of our local schools!

Edited by macpuffins
getting acquainted w/ my Enter key!
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My standard response to people who are aghast at the thought is to say we homeschool because we are crazy, abusive, unsocialized religious fanatics.


Or I say, "Me 'n Bubba learns 'em real good at home."


Or I say, "Our local school is built on an ancient burial ground and my daughter is too sensitive to the plight of exploited aboriginal people to learn to read there."


People who ask why you would homeschool are the same people who ask if all my children have the same father, or did I have so many kids on purpose, or ask if I am aware that they make disposable diapers now, so mine shouldn't be in cloth. What they are really asking is why would you make any decision that is different from the one they have made.


Snark away


Amber in SJ

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My standard response to people who are aghast at the thought is to say we homeschool because we are crazy, abusive, unsocialized religious fanatics.


Or I say, "Me 'n Bubba learns 'em real good at home."


Or I say, "Our local school is built on an ancient burial ground and my daughter is too sensitive to the plight of exploited aboriginal people to learn to read there."


People who ask why you would homeschool are the same people who ask if all my children have the same father, or did I have so many kids on purpose, or ask if I am aware that they make disposable diapers now, so mine shouldn't be in cloth. What they are really asking is why would you make any decision that is different from the one they have made.


Snark away


Amber in SJ


Oh, gee...I have had those questions and many others too. Yep....everyone else just has it so much more together than we do....gag.



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The two questions we get A LOT: 1) Are you homeschooling through college??? AND 2) Did you just move in?


Answers (we threatened putting them on a sign in the yard at Halloween): no and no


Homeschooled ds is about to graduate from college (and yes he got in and got a scholarship to pay for it) and dd is about to go, why on earth would one homeschool through college??? And our income hasn't allowed us to decorate our home of 7 years, so although it looks like we just moved in, we have been here awhile.

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People who ask why you would homeschool are the same people who ask if all my children have the same father, or did I have so many kids on purpose, or ask if I am aware that they make disposable diapers now, so mine shouldn't be in cloth. What they are really asking is why would you make any decision that is different from the one they have made.


Snark away


Amber in SJ


Ok, it might just be some of the folks locally who've asked me why I'd ever think of homeschooling - but the folks who ask that, or any of the other things you've mentioned, most of them have the most-hideously behaved, spoilt brat children who wouldn't read a book for leisure if you PAID them to (Yeah, I asked!!). :tongue_smilie::001_huh:


Then there's the moms I know who'd look at you as if you are stupid to put your child in public school (you really want a stupid minion who can't read? wow, low-balling aren't you! - yeah, I"ve heard THAT one too!).


A bunch of us have decided that "we parent as our hearts lead, and my heart wants me to nurture my child and her creativity, and not subject her to what the province thinks is important for her to learn, yet will not teach effectively"


Snark is my friend :)

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