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A virus that causes long-lasting muscle weakness?

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Has anyone come across a virus recently that causes vague cold symptoms, muscle pain, fatigue, and long-lasting muscle weakness? My daughter and I both had this last month. We're long since over it, but the muscle weakness has remained. I'm just barely able to get basic housework done (and I'm alone in the house bored most of the time), and I can't walk the dog around the neighborhood as I usually do. My daughter had been swimming all fall, doing really well, but now she can't get across the pool. She started back to ballet recently, and (I kid you not) she had trouble pointing her toes, after almost 10 years of ballet training.


What is WRONG with us???

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Not at all. She had Lyme last year, and she was on two antibiotics for it all summer. The doc declared her Lyme-free in August.


We were both fine until about Thanksgiving. We both got a virus that was going around, and that's when we started feeling bad. We thought it was the flu, because our muscles were aching, but it wasn't very severe.

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Not at all. She had Lyme last year, and she was on two antibiotics for it all summer. The doc declared her Lyme-free in August.


We were both fine until about Thanksgiving. We both got a virus that was going around, and that's when we started feeling bad. We thought it was the flu, because our muscles were aching, but it wasn't very severe.


If he said she was lyme-free because of an antibody test, it doesn't mean anything. There are many negative lyme tests when a person actually has a really bad case of it. Lyme bacteria hides out when the environment gets threatening including antibiotic use. It can come back out when your system is weak (including fighting another virus). But it wouldn't make sense for both of you to have it if only she had the Lyme's.


Epstein-Barr isn't just mono. It can cause many long-lasting symptoms.

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My entire upper body was sore (ALL the muscles) starting the day after Halloween and lasted all week. And I felt weak, too. When I asked the Hive, they all told me it was probably a virus. Mine didn't last nearly as long as yours,though. If it's been more than two weeks, and it sounds like it has been, I would definitely go see the doctor. Hope you both feel better soon!

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The fact that you are both suffering in the same way for the same duration of time surely seems you are both suffering from the same thing. I would also recommend a trip to the doctor, if nothing else but for reassurance.


My dd19 isn't home right now, but she had mono a couple of years ago. She was sick for several weeks and then tired and weak for a couple of months. I don't remember whether the tired was as consistent as the weak. Something else... Just this past year, she began suffering weakness and a general feeling of blah for months and the doctor diagnosed her with severe iron deficiency. But I can't see how both of you would be suffering from that at the same time.

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Has anyone come across a virus recently that causes vague cold symptoms, muscle pain, fatigue, and long-lasting muscle weakness? My daughter and I both had this last month. We're long since over it, but the muscle weakness has remained. I'm just barely able to get basic housework done (and I'm alone in the house bored most of the time), and I can't walk the dog around the neighborhood as I usually do. My daughter had been swimming all fall, doing really well, but now she can't get across the pool. She started back to ballet recently, and (I kid you not) she had trouble pointing her toes, after almost 10 years of ballet training.


What is WRONG with us???


I would be willing to bet anything it is still Lyme Disease.



Please find a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor)if you can and re-evaluate.

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If he said she was lyme-free because of an antibody test, it doesn't mean anything. There are many negative lyme tests when a person actually has a really bad case of it. Lyme bacteria hides out when the environment gets threatening including antibiotic use. It can come back out when your system is weak (including fighting another virus). But it wouldn't make sense for both of you to have it if only she had the Lyme's.


Epstein-Barr isn't just mono. It can cause many long-lasting symptoms.


Unless, of course, you both have it. Both our girls have it.

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Get to a doctor, ASAP. This is how my CFS started.


If it were just one of you, I would say this for sure.. But keep it mind anyway. The best thing to do until you get it figured out is REST. I swear this is what saved me. The second I felt tired, I was on the couch with a glass of water and some Cal-Mag supplements.


Good luck!!

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Thank you so much for your suggestions! I took her this afternoon to the doctor. She ordered a great deal of bloodwork, but her strong opinion is -- anemia. My daughter has been having abnormally frequent menstrual cycles (every 2-3 weeks) for some time now. She is weak and out of breath, is constantly eating (to try to keep her strength up), and wants to lie down whenever she can. She feels that her muscles are turning to water. She seems to have a brand-new heart murmur.


Duh -- how could I have missed that??? The doc said that she may have to put her on BCP for a while to regulate her cycle, if her guess is correct.


Just to be on the safe side, the doc is also testing for Lyme, thyroid issues, and mono. So lots of bases are being covered here.


Thanks again!!

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