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I am here to confess that I need help..I am a carbaholic

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I love bread, pasta, potatoes, anything with starch and it loves my hips and butt!


I HATE eggs and I don't eat a lot of meat.

I love vegetables and fruit, but this can become a bit pricey.

I need to lose about 30lbs.



Any ideas or suggestions?

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Try this book--Potatoes Not Prozac.


My sil does marathon, mountain biking, and tri-athalons. She's in awesome shape and she started her journer to health with this book. I also read it years ago and it changed my approach to eating. I have since then altered my own eating outside of this, but I still try to adhere to this book a lot.

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My name is Michelle, & I'm addicted to carbs too. I lost 26# last summer. Here's what I did:

Breakfast-Kashi cereal (the crunchy high fiber, high protein kind)

am Snack-banana or home made fruit salad (can add walnuts if really hungry)

Lunch-salad w/light salad dressing, nuts and cheese sometimes or 6 triscuits & cheese

mid pm snack-cottage cheese and a couple T preserves, or a 100 cal snack pack

Dinner smaller portions of normal dinner. Meat-size of palm.


I cut out all sweets which I used to eat after every meal. The fruit salad & cottage cheese/preserves helped curb my sweet tooth. I love pasta, bread etc and would eat a small portion w/dinner. A portion of carbs=to the size of a computer mouse.


I've slid back into eating more sweets, and they make me nauseated very quickly afterwards, probably from a drop of blood sugar.

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I love bread, pasta, potatoes, anything with starch and it loves my hips and butt!


I HATE eggs and I don't eat a lot of meat.

I love vegetables and fruit, but this can become a bit pricey.

I need to lose about 30lbs.



Any ideas or suggestions?


I am a recovering carboholic. Seriously. I finally figured out I have a kind of sensitivity to most carbs. Especially potatoes. I mourn potatoes. But they make me feel awful! Wheat bread saves me. The real fresh, almost crunchy kind. I usually have a piece with some butter as a treat from time to time to curb the craving. I had to go cold turkey and I had withdrawals! Headaches, tiredness. Ugh! It lasted a couple of days but the cravings did go away. Now I am just really careful about "carb creep". You might try some online LoCarb sites for some ideas. Do you like cheese and nuts? That might be a snack alternative. Good luck! I feel your pain...:(

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I lost about 26lbs earlier this year using Eat to Live, and while I've backed off a bit on the strictness of it, I have maintained healthier eating since doing it, and I haven't gained back any of the weight. My parents and baby sister just started doing it a little over a week ago (in part due to my insistence), and they're all enjoying it. It's not an "easy" diet -- it's very strict -- but it's also really healthy and because the rules are so strict, it actually makes it fairly easy to follow. There just aren't any questions about whether this is better or that -- it's either allowed (and very healthy and you'll lose weight eating this way) or it isn't...


Anyway, it'll break you of your carb habit, and it doesn't require that you eat eggs *or* meat at all. It's hard, but it's logical, healthy and it *works*. Dh and I have stuck with it (not 100%, but pretty well), because we feel great following it. We were both reasonably healthy eaters before, but this difference was huge... I can't say enough about it.

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I'm a carb addict, too, and I never felt deprived or hungry with their 1200-1500 cal. plan (7 grain servings per day!)


The general plan looks like:

Breakfast: 2-grains, 1-fruit, 1-dairy, 1-"extra"(sugar/fat)

Lunch: 2-grains, 1-vegetable, 1-protein (meat or beans)

Snack: 1-grain (smaller than normal serving, I think), 1-fruit

Dinner: 2-grains, 1-protein, 2-veggies, 1-dairy, 1-"extra"


I've "paused" at -20 lbs - trying to get 10-20 more off, eventually. The most important thing has been overhauling my eating habits - I try to stick with their general outline even when I'm not watching calories so closely, and the pounds are still (slowly) coming off.

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I'm a carb addict, too, and I never felt deprived or hungry with their 1200-1500 cal. plan (7 grain servings per day!)


The general plan looks like:

Breakfast: 2-grains, 1-fruit, 1-dairy, 1-"extra"(sugar/fat)

Lunch: 2-grains, 1-vegetable, 1-protein (meat or beans)

Snack: 1-grain (smaller than normal serving, I think), 1-fruit

Dinner: 2-grains, 1-protein, 2-veggies, 1-dairy, 1-"extra"


I've "paused" at -20 lbs - trying to get 10-20 more off, eventually. The most important thing has been overhauling my eating habits - I try to stick with their general outline even when I'm not watching calories so closely, and the pounds are still (slowly) coming off.


I might have to try this. I sure could stand to lose 20 lbs. When the baby is 14 months old, I guess the time for excuses is over!:)

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I did a lo-carb diet a few years ago and did lose weight but it made me very sensitive to carbs. If I had a normal amount, like spaghetti for dinner, I got a migraine. Dependably. It didn't take sodas and candy bars to do it. I can't live like that.


I've also been more sensitive to any chemicals in my body since, especially sugars and caffeine.


To top if off, I really like carbs much better than protein!


Ironically, the time of my life that I weighed the least was when I was on my own and not eating "balanced" meals - just the junk food whenever I wanted it.


Now I need to find something similar. Twenty pounds needs to go.


But something like this would be torture:


Breakfast-Kashi cereal (the crunchy high fiber, high protein kind)

am Snack-banana or home made fruit salad (can add walnuts if really hungry)

Lunch-salad w/light salad dressing, nuts and cheese sometimes or 6 triscuits & cheese

mid pm snack-cottage cheese and a couple T preserves, or a 100 cal snack pack

Dinner smaller portions of normal dinner. Meat-size of palm.



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I could've written this post. I went to a Naturopathic Doctor recently and he said to eat all protein for breakfast, mostly protein and a little carbs for lunch and almost all carbs for dinner. He said our bodies process different foods better at different times of the day and carbs in the morning and protein in the evening is bad for you. I don't know if it works or is true, but I am going to try it. Also, the carbs of course should not come from processed foods, but healthy, whole grain, organic is best. He also said no popcorn!!!!completely out!


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I used it last year to lose 25 lbs. The main reason I lost the weight is that I got full faster, so I ate less. I also stopped craving carbs all the time, so I stopped eating bread and pasta almost entirely *but I didn't miss it at all!*


My dh remarked that he wondered "who I was" when we went out to eat soon after I started 5-htp. The waiter put a basket of bread on the table, and I didn't want any. Dh was amazed, b/c I ALWAYS want the bread! ;-)


In July last year, I realized (to my surprise) that I hadn't eaten pasta since April. I was shocked, b/c I hadn't intentionally avoided it -- I just didn't want to eat it, so I made other choices.


If you'd like to read the medical study I read before starting 5-htp, please email me and I'll forward it.



lkporter91 at comcast dot net

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I might have to try this. I sure could stand to lose 20 lbs. When the baby is 14 months old, I guess the time for excuses is over!:)


Ha - for me, "baby" is now 10yo! (Never too late!)


Really, in my case, it was "homeschooling weight". I put on about 10-20lbs (more) when I quit working to stay home.

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Try eating 6 small meals a day and have your "bread group" eaten by lunch and just fruits and veggies and proteins the rest of the day. It'll increase your metabloism and you won't feel like you have the munchies at night. It works. I've lost 19 pounds!

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My name is Michelle, & I'm addicted to carbs too. I lost 26# last summer. Here's what I did:

Breakfast-Kashi cereal (the crunchy high fiber, high protein kind)

am Snack-banana or home made fruit salad (can add walnuts if really hungry)

Lunch-salad w/light salad dressing, nuts and cheese sometimes or 6 triscuits & cheese

mid pm snack-cottage cheese and a couple T preserves, or a 100 cal snack pack

Dinner smaller portions of normal dinner. Meat-size of palm.


I cut out all sweets which I used to eat after every meal. The fruit salad & cottage cheese/preserves helped curb my sweet tooth. I love pasta, bread etc and would eat a small portion w/dinner. A portion of carbs=to the size of a computer mouse.


I've slid back into eating more sweets, and they make me nauseated very quickly afterwards, probably from a drop of blood sugar.

:iagree: This is one of the best ways to loose the weight. Portion that bread and pasta. Up the vegetables. Cheese & crackers or crackers and organic p.butter with a touch of preserves were my sweet snack of choice. I do oatmeal or kashi for breakfast with fruit. Yogert for snack. salad or organic p.butter and ww bread, fruit or veggie for lunch. triscuits w/cheese, cottage chs or crm cheese for afternoon snack(sometimes 1 cookie if I really had to have something). Whatever I made for dinner in controlled portions(not always easy I know, when you are a carbaholic it's very hard but you will survive:001_huh:) Good luck and YOU Can DO THIS

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I'm a carb-o-holic, too, but I lost 20lbs last year, anyway. It was more about the exercise and the NO SNACKING than about the carbs themselves, for me! And about not drinking any calories.


(BTW, I was about 140lbs and went down below 120 at 5'6". So I got the "last five pounds" with that, too.)

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