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taking toddler to neurologist...prayers please

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update: it is bascially a tic, not a seizure, and nothing to worry about. She will probably either outgrow it or learn to surpress it as she gets older. YAY!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for your prayer!


My toddler has an appointment at the neurologist today. She has frequent episodes of posturing and shaking. I don't think they are seizures, but they are something, and it is time to find out what. I'm pretty terrified, but I keep telling myself she is too healthy NOT to be healthy, if that makes sense.


any prayers/kind wishes/vibes appreciated.

Edited by ktgrok
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We are frequent flyers at the neurologist but I understand how scary it can be.


Try to write down anything and everything you think of for the doctor--when it happens, how long it happens, how she is before/after the episode---tired, hungry, crying, upset, etc. Notice time of day, etc. as well. Anything else concerning--motor skills, speech, sleep, eating, behavior, etc? The more info you have for the doctor the better---and some things that you might think are totally unrelated might be a piece to the puzzle.


If possible, I would suggest that you either have your older one or another adult take her out to the waiting room while you talk with the doctor after the physical exam. That way you can totally focus on what the doctor is saying and not on a busy toddler. If the doctor decides they want to check something else, they can always bring her back in. I just know it is really hard to focus on things and ask questions while distracted. Also, you might be able to talk better without your older one in the room.


keep us posted.

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