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Microwave died this morning. Does anyone live without one?

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We just got rid of ours a few weeks ago and haven't really missed it. Dh wanted to reheat some pizza, once, and remembered we didn't have a microwave. He wound up putting it in the oven.

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We've been microwave free for over 10 years. Our kids don't even know how to use one.

I'll never go back.

It's not that hard once you get used to not having it you just don't think about it. Find other ways. toaster oven works for lots of stuff. Hot water electric kettle for boiling water fast. And I use my baby saucepan a lot for reheating small amounts of food.



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Ours died this summer when DH was unemployed. I had been contemplating giving it up before that but decided this was the time to give it a trial run. I didn't even last a week. I know stuff can be warmed up in the oven/stovetop but it took about 4x as long. SInce I already cook nearly everything from scrath I spend several hours a day in the kitchen. The extra hour spent everyday monitoring the rewarming of food (and yes it really did take that long with the assorted leftovers we eat for lunch everyday so not everything could be done at the same time/temperature) as well as the extra dishes was so NOT worth it. Even though we really didn't have the money it became a huge priority and we are happy microwave owners once again.

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We have been microwave free for the last 16 years.


We heat up leftovers in the oven, stovetop or in a toaster oven.


My four younger kids have never had a microwave in our home, so they have never missed one or even knew that their was an option in re-heating or cooking foods.


Microwaves kill all the nutrients in your food, so you are better off without them and your food is much healthier ! :001_smile:

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Ours died early this year - like yours, ours was fairly new. That was so irritating that we didn't replace it. We had a couple of weeks of a learning curve, but don't miss it.


We did end up getting a toaster oven for heating up leftovers and baking potatoes, and that works really well for us. Takes just a little more counter space than the toaster did, and far less than the microwave.

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Ours died this summer . . . I had been contemplating giving it up before that but decided this was the time to give it a trial run. I didn't even last a week. I know stuff can be warmed up in the oven/stovetop but it took about 4x as long. . . .we are happy microwave owners once again.


This is our story, too. One week without was enough for us.

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I can't believe it died!! It's 8 mths new! Can I live without one? We really only use it to heat up leftovers, but wow, heating up leftovers without one will be horrid...won't it? :confused:


We haven't had a mic for several years, maybe 6 or 7? You need a couple of smaller pans, I don't hesitate to put two things in one pan also like meat and potatoes. If you are warming up for more than just one or two people I think doing it on the stove is faster than the mic.


Neither of my kids will eat something warmed in a mic. They would rather eat it cold.:D

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Thanks for the replies everyone! My dh just phoned and I told him that it died and he immediately asked how we could live without one?? He likes it for heating up coffee, lunch, whatever. I think we should try to see if we can at least get through the holidays without it. Who knows, we once thought we couldn't live without TV and it's now going on 12 years without one (not TV, but Television shows....we watch DVDs)


We owned a toaster oven once and it just sat there?? We didn't know what exactly to DO with it except make toast. :lol: I guess we are just really spoiled. We put our leftovers on a plate, nuk it for a minute, and eat.:001_smile: How much more difficult is it to do that in a toster oven? I'm assuming you can't put your food on a plate, that it has to go on a pan first...thereby giving mom MORE dishes to wash. Am I missing some simplicity that I'm not aware of?


How about convenience foods. I don't buy them often, but occasionally the boys will ask for pizza pockets, or the like. Can you make them in a toaster or regular oven?

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Microwaves kill all the nutrients in your food, so you are better off without them and your food is much healthier ! :001_smile:


Excuse me, but this is claim has no scientific basis.

All the microwaves do is set the water molecules into motion. Water, being a polar molecule, is trying to align its dipole with the field of the microwave and thus begins to vibrate, bumping into other molecules, dispersing kinetic energy throughout the food - which raises the temperature.

Foods containing no water can not be heated in a microwave.

Nothing in this physical mechanism "kills nutrients" more than cooking a food. (Since times are shorter, it may even be that microwave cooking preserves more heat sensitive vitamins compared to cooking in a pot.)


This said: my parents have been without a microwave all their lives. We have one and use it maybe one every two weeks.

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How about convenience foods. I don't buy them often, but occasionally the boys will ask for pizza pockets, or the like. Can you make them in a toaster or regular oven?


We're able to heat convenience foods in the oven. Usually there are instructions for a conventional oven hidden somewhere on the box. Otherwise, I just throw frozen food in the oven at 400 degrees until hot. I haven't had a microwave since before hubby and I got married. I don't miss it. :D

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