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TYPE "A" Question: If you traditionally set up...............

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one of those ceramic Holiday villages in your home as a Christmas decoration, would you tell me how you initially began?


Did you buy one little section of town first (commerce), and then go on to neighborhoods, Santa's workshop, etc? Or did you just get what you liked?


I haven't done this in like 100 years, and I want to do it as economically as possible and still have it look amazing.


Sorry -- I know it is such a STOOPID question, but I have tons of stuff on my ebay watch list, and I want to do this is an organized fashion.


TIA --


post pix if you have them.;)

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I have Dept. 56 Dickens' village pieces.


It started when Mr. Ellie gave me Bob Cratchet's house; then I began doing 12 Days of Christmas things in general, and Dept. 56 had a whole 12 Days of Christmas collection, so I started collecting those. And then I discovered e-bay, and began buying houses/buildings that were from different Dickens' stories, like Betsy Trotwood's cottage, or Fagin's hide-away. And of course, there needed to be people in addition to the 12 Days of Christmas collection, so I added Eliza Dootlittle's flower stand, and Dickens reading to a little boy, and A Christmas Carol being read aloud in the town square.


I have reached my limit, though, because there just isn't space to put any more buildings or people. :)

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If you're looking, check craigslist before you buy from ebay. Prices are much lower on ebay. But beware! It's addicting. Know how much space you can/want to devote to your "village," and then STOP looking! Do not buy on impulse. Know exactly what you want and wait for those specific pieces to appear on craigslist.


We have about 12 buildings w/ some accessories (people, fences, animals...) My kids love setting it up just before Thanksgiving, and it is very pretty. But it does take up space (to set up and to store) and it gets a little nerve wracking knowing the cat is just waiting to launch an attack....

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I have Dept. 56 Dickens' village pieces.


It started when Mr. Ellie gave me Bob Cratchet's house; then I began doing 12 Days of Christmas things in general, and Dept. 56 had a whole 12 Days of Christmas collection, so I started collecting those. And then I discovered e-bay, and began buying houses/buildings that were from different Dickens' stories, like Betsy Trotwood's cottage, or Fagin's hide-away. And of course, there needed to be people in addition to the 12 Days of Christmas collection, so I added Eliza Dootlittle's flower stand, and Dickens reading to a little boy, and A Christmas Carol being read aloud in the town square.


I have reached my limit, though,


That's what my mom has and that's how it got started as well - my dad bought her something from the collection and it has grown from there -- that must have been 30+ years ago. My sister has taken custody of it, and I think my kids would love it so I am going to start again - my first set was ruined when it was stored in the garage of our beach house and the bay swept in. :crying:

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If you're looking, check craigslist before you buy from ebay. Prices are much lower on ebay. But beware! It's addicting. Know how much space you can/want to devote to your "village," and then STOP looking! Do not buy on impulse. Know exactly what you want and wait for those specific pieces to appear on craigslist.


We have about 12 buildings w/ some accessories (people, fences, animals...) My kids love setting it up just before Thanksgiving, and it is very pretty. But it does take up space (to set up and to store) and it gets a little nerve wracking knowing the cat is just waiting to launch an attack....


See in red - THAT is why I need a plan or I will have hundreds of pieces and no plan -- I need a plan.


Yes, I just checked CL after you suggested it -- there are a few that are quite close to me and the prices are really good. Thanks for the suggestion.:)

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If you're looking, check craigslist before you buy from ebay. Prices are much lower on ebay. But beware! It's addicting. Know how much space you can/want to devote to your "village," and then STOP looking! Do not buy on impulse. ..


I would agree about this, if I were not a thrift store aficianado (sp). The Salvation Army on Stockton and Taylor has a collectibles section, and every so often something really special shows up there, like a Hummel or something really nice.

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I worked at a library the first year we were married, so we bought the library first, and every year we have added one more piece. After the library we bought the church, then the town hall, then a bed and breakfast with people, and it really started to look like a village with all e people and the big Christmas tree in the middle. Have fun with it!

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And it all started with one church, a few trees, and a couple of people.....


I love it!


BTW.... If you're looking at Dept. 56, the "Heritage" series houses are on a larger scale than the Snow Village/North Pole Village/Dickens Village/etc., so you might want to choose one or the other. They look odd if you put them side by side.


My mom has dept 56 -- I am a nut about 'scale' that's why I need a plan.:tongue_smilie:

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I have 7 of the Lemak (sp?) ceramic buildings - just got what I oliked based ion what was leftover and 75% off a couple days after Christmas the past few years. Mostly (ahem) bakery and chocolate shops ;) as those would dominate the landscape of my ideal world (well, I do need a library!). I have some tiny fake trees and towns people, too. It all fits on the top two shelves of a four-foot tall bookcase.

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I have 7 of the Lemak (sp?) ceramic buildings - just got what I oliked based ion what was leftover and 75% off a couple days after Christmas the past few years. Mostly (ahem) bakery and chocolate shops ;) as those would dominate the landscape of my ideal world (well, I do need a library!). I have some tiny fake trees and towns people, too. It all fits on the top two shelves of a four-foot tall bookcase.


I do find myself drawn to the bakery and coffee shop. ;) I am closer to having a plan - thankfully.

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