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Do you rotate your childs chores?

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I do weekly ... if i do daily, it's too hard for me to keep track of, but weekly assures that every area gets a decent clean once a cycle (I still have to help my 6 year old, so on her cycle, I do a lot), and it allows them to learn the different jobs without getting bored with always being stuck with x or y.

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Or do they pretty much do the same thing every day? I had been changing up the chores weekly, but honestly when everyone does their part they aren't cleaning more than 30 minutes a day so swapping it all around has just become a big pain.


Yes, I do. We use a chart that I made a few years ago. It was somewhat time-consuming, but once I did it, it was done! EK (dd17) and I share the chores--I had to modify the chart for just the two of us since ER went away to college (before that, chores were divided 3 ways)--and we each have only a few chores per day Monday through Friday, so we're "off" on weekends. Laundry and dishes are not included on the chart because everyone, including dh, is expected to help with those on an as-needed basis.


I've posted about my chart on the boards several times--most recently, a couple of weeks ago--and I always offer to send it to others. PM me your e-mail address if you'd like me to e-mail it to you (as an attachment). I made the chart in MS Word, and you could easily customize it to fit your own chore list and also the number of people to whom you want to assign duties.

Edited by ereks mom
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We do not swap frequently. Kids are assigned chores based on age/ability and when oldest "graduates" to a new set of responsibilities everyone moves up the line. (more or less)


This is what we do as well. I re-do the chore chart every so often and chores get added and bumped. The boys are in the habit of checking the chore list almost daily, so it take me maybe 20 minutes every 6-9 months.


The boys do rotate after meal chores weekly, but it's assigned by area (dining or kitchen) and it's their responsibility to keep track of who's supposed to clean which area.



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They have 4 that never change - brush teeth etc., make bed, clear their own dishes and pick up toys/books.


The ones that do change (2 each) rotate about every month or six weeks. More often is too hard to remember and keep up with! We do better when we are all in a certain groove for a while. The rotating 4 are: feed the dog, KP, set the table and laundry helper.


There is a random extra one too - help Mommy or Daddy.

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