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Is the dream of MFW ECC better than the reality!?


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I know that is a very open ended question. I am sure one can say that of many curricula and for me that statement is true for HOD so far.


I had MFW ECC in my hands and regifted it and now I want it back, well, that's mean....you know what I mean.


So, what did you find, was it what you expected? Better or not even close to what you thought? And why?

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We LOVE MFW ECC! The answer to your question really depends on what you put into it though. If you simply read the pages of the indicated books for each country and day, then it could be a really dull curriculum. If you do the "extra's" (which there is plenty of time for!!) such as the meals, read alouds from the book basket, crafts-- then its a VERY fulfilling and rich curriculum. We started off doing all the extras then our schedules got so crazy full that we were barely able to just do the required/scheduled work. Now that our schedules are easing up again we are adding back in the enrichment and its so fun again. We look forward to doing ECC! We are exploring the Governments from all of the countries using the DK Book of Rule. We are having a BLAST with recipes from other countries (even the ones that end up not so good :lol:) Its just been fun! We look for music from the country we are learning about from Online, news headlines from our current country. This curriculum really is what you make of it, in my opinion! (and I am NOT a creative person :001_huh:)

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I wanted to love ECC, but did not. It was fine, but I will make some major changes for our second and third times through. I felt that it covered too much of European culture and too little of Africa's. Our next time through we will add components of Journey into Africa to round it out more nicely.


Everyone on the MFW boards seems so excited about ECC and I felt oddly disappointed. Maybe my perspective will change with more experience. I hope so because I love learning about different cultures and I want my dc to love it, too.

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My kids LOVED ECC. I liked it a whole lot, and the times where the reality fell short of the dream for me, were the times when *I* was tired, grouchy, unmotivated, too distracted by the toddler, whatever. Times when I did not follow through and do the "fun" stuff - the art projects, the cooking, the games - those things are important and they're good quality and they really add a lot to the program, imo. When they didn't get done, it was less exciting or whatever.


I know a lot of people have said that ECC produced a lot of change in the hearts of the family members - they maybe became more compassionate toward people of other countries/cultures, etc. Maybe developed a heart for missions, etc. I will say - I think I experienced more of this than my children did. My dd did LOVE the Christian Heroes books, but did not (for example) develop a deep well of compassion for the people who killed Nate Saint. But she won't, I don't think, forget the story, and I think there's a seed planted for later - she's just still a kid, kwim?


Anyway. Rambling. I loved ECC and look forward to starting CtG (in Jan). I have no idea if I answered your question. :D

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I agree with the last poster who said she felt oddly disappointed, but my reason for disappointment is that I can't seem to do the extras at this point.


We are doing it right now and part of the problem is that I'm on bedrest for a high risk pregnancy and I'm struggling with the energy and the ability to do the extras. We tend to do homeschool on or around my bed. Or they go do their 3 R's at their desks then come to me with questions and checking answers. I know the extras would round it out so well, but it's just not getting done. I've had to give up on certain parts and turn to my tried and trues that have always worked for me so far, but I feel like I'm doing a disservice to the program that I was so excited about using.


So my answer would be that it is dull without the extras but a wonderful program those weeks before I was put on bed rest and we were doing everything that the program has to offer.

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Yes, my dream for ECC was BIG...I was super excited.


Now 12 weeks in...well.....umm...I'm seeing where I could have done alot of this myself.


Now, I will put out there that we do not use the Science included in ECC. It's dull, dull, dull, and DS13 does Apologia, so DS8 and DS5 do Elemental Biology. We don't use their Math, LA, writing recommendations either. I mainly and mostly use MFW for the History portion and enjoy the Bible portion as well. The cost is worth it, because we love History and I want it done right.


Here's the thing, there's a country. You color the flag, color the world map, color the continent map, color the country map. Look at an Atlas. Read books about that country. Do crafts for the country. Cook a food for that country. Talk about interesting facts about the country.


What part could you not do yourself? Flags, map, crafts, food....all online. Most free. Or use library books.


Okay, so I get that the beauty of MFW is that they did all of that work for us.

But honestly...about 90% of the books listed in the TM, my library doesn't have...I just use any other books I can find about the particular country.


The recipes they have listed...most my children probably won't eat due to the ingredients...so I find other options online, or if we are lucky, we eat at a local authentic restaurant that serves that type of food.


The arts and crafts for each country are not MFW own ideas....they come from a book, Global Art, and guess what, I've found better ideas online because I didn't like the options in Global art. (Actually to my surprise, alot of the Global Art ones are online...they would pop up when I would do a search for each country).


So I've made changes, improvements for us. But then, I added to it. National anthems for each country, on Youtube. Videos on Netflix and United Streaming and Brainpop for each country, if available. Extra crafts etc.


So I'm completely NOT bashing MFW. I actually love MFW...one of my favorite curriculums (well, at least Adventures was) since we've been HSing these past 8 years.


And if you are a person who will needs to open the TM and do exactly what it says, and nothing more, nothing less, then ECC will be great. But apparently, over these years, I've morphed into a "tweaker".


It also comes down to time as well. Having ECC planned out saves one a bunch of time. On the other hand, I could have saved $300 odd dollars, and planned it out myself (since I apparently spent a load of time tweaking anyway, lol!).


ps. All that being said, I am selling our MFW package:)....have a look see on the For Sale board ,if you are keen to purchase MFW :) :).

Edited by Samiam
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Our next time through we will add components of Journey into Africa to round it out more nicely.


Not even sure why I clicked on this thread, but that curriculum looks fabulous! Maybe I'll start another thread or search for people who have used it for their thoughts...

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Thank you all for your input.


Julie, I am sorry o hear about the bed rest as well! Praying for you!





What you said about basically doing it yourself, is a thought I have had. THanks for your post it is making me think this through a little more.



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Yes, my dream for ECC was BIG...I was super excited.


Now 12 weeks in...well.....umm...I'm seeing where I could have done alot of this myself.


Now, I will put out there that we do not use the Science included in ECC. It's dull, dull, dull, and DS13 does Apologia, so DS8 and DS5 do Elemental Biology. We don't use their Math, LA, writing recommendations either. I mainly and mostly use MFW for the History portion and enjoy the Bible portion as well. The cost is worth it, because we love History and I want it done right.


Here's the thing, there's a country. You color the flag, color the world map, color the continent map, color the country map. Look at an Atlas. Read books about that country. Do crafts for the country. Cook a food for that country. Talk about interesting facts about the country.


What part could you not do yourself? Flags, map, crafts, food....all online. Most free. Or use library books.


Okay, so I get that the beauty of MFW is that they did all of that work for us.

But honestly...about 90% of the books listed in the TM, my library doesn't have...I just use any other books I can find about the particular country.


The recipes they have listed...most my children probably won't eat due to the ingredients...so I find other options online, or if we are lucky, we eat at a local authentic restaurant that serves that type of food.


The arts and crafts for each country are not MFW own ideas....they come from a book, Global Art, and guess what, I've found better ideas online because I didn't like the options in Global art. (Actually to my surprise, alot of the Global Art ones are online...they would pop up when I would do a search for each country).


So I've made changes, improvements for us. But then, I added to it. National anthems for each country, on Youtube. Videos on Netflix and United Streaming and Brainpop for each country, if available. Extra crafts etc.


So I'm completely NOT bashing MFW. I actually love MFW...one of my favorite curriculums (well, at least Adventures was) since we've been HSing these past 8 years.


And if you are a person who will needs to open the TM and do exactly what it says, and nothing more, nothing less, then ECC will be great. But apparently, over these years, I've morphed into a "tweaker".


It also comes down to time as well. Having ECC planned out saves one a bunch of time. On the other hand, I could have saved $300 odd dollars, and planned it out myself (since I apparently spent a load of time tweaking anyway, lol!).


ps. All that being said, I am selling our MFW package:)....have a look see on the For Sale board ,if you are keen to purchase MFW :) :).




Sam, what would you have used instead of ECC? My plan was to move on to ECC next year, but i've been thinking that I could probably use Trail Guide to Geography (I already have this) and flesh it out and have the same thing.

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Not even sure why I clicked on this thread, but that curriculum looks fabulous! Maybe I'll start another thread or search for people who have used it for their thoughts...



I really like it! We have had it for a few months and I keep finding my daughter pouring over the student resource book. We also have the African music CD's and they are listened to quite frequently. DD has taken it upon herself to drag our youngest off for "Africa school" so she can share her knowledge. Fortunately our youngest is only four years old and she loves all one-on-one attention.


Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions about it. :001_smile:

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I think I would have used Galloping the Globe as a very basic spine. I've seen it ever so briefly. Just enough to give me a idea to bounce from.


Maps, crafts, recipes, all online for free.


Library search for corresponding books, or even better Amazon :).


Netflix, United Streaming, Brainpop for corresponding video/audio.


The thing about ECC and/or any country/cultural study, unlike doing a historical time study, it's a basic repeat for each country.


You know, find where it is, discuss which hemisphere it is, how's weather different than ours, color/label maps, color flag, learn about flag, read good books to learn more about brief history and current life, watch interesting video, make a craft or two, eat some yummy food. Done? Okay now do it all again for the next country.


So it's not that ECC is bad, really, it's more that it's well nothing special in terms of a geo/culture study. If you want it all done for you, then it's a great option. But if you feel like you could have easily done it yourself, with all of today's free online resources, then you should because otherwise you will be disappointed in ECC, I think.

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I think I would have used Galloping the Globe as a very basic spine. I've seen it ever so briefly. Just enough to give me a idea to bounce from.


Maps, crafts, recipes, all online for free.


Library search for corresponding books, or even better Amazon :).


Netflix, United Streaming, Brainpop for corresponding video/audio.


The thing about ECC and/or any country/cultural study, unlike doing a historical time study, it's a basic repeat for each country.


You know, find where it is, discuss which hemisphere it is, how's weather different than ours, color/label maps, color flag, learn about flag, read good books to learn more about brief history and current life, watch interesting video, make a craft or two, eat some yummy food. Done? Okay now do it all again for the next country.


So it's not that ECC is bad, really, it's more that it's well nothing special in terms of a geo/culture study. If you want it all done for you, then it's a great option. But if you feel like you could have easily done it yourself, with all of today's free online resources, then you should because otherwise you will be disappointed in ECC, I think.



You are right of course, I would love to have it done for me, but I don't want to spend money on something that I could probably do myself, i'd rather buy more books. Will you continue with the other MFW years?

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Yes, my dream for ECC was BIG...I was super excited.


Now 12 weeks in...well.....umm...I'm seeing where I could have done alot of this myself.

Now, I will put out there that we do not use the Science included in ECC. It's dull, dull, dull, and DS13 does Apologia, so DS8 and DS5 do Elemental Biology. We don't use their Math, LA, writing recommendations either. I mainly and mostly use MFW for the History portion and enjoy the Bible portion as well. The cost is worth it, because we love History and I want it done right.


Here's the thing, there's a country. You color the flag, color the world map, color the continent map, color the country map. Look at an Atlas. Read books about that country. Do crafts for the country. Cook a food for that country. Talk about interesting facts about the country.


What part could you not do yourself? Flags, map, crafts, food....all online. Most free. Or use library books.

Okay, so I get that the beauty of MFW is that they did all of that work for us.

But honestly...about 90% of the books listed in the TM, my library doesn't have...I just use any other books I can find about the particular country.


The recipes they have listed...most my children probably won't eat due to the ingredients...so I find other options online, or if we are lucky, we eat at a local authentic restaurant that serves that type of food.


The arts and crafts for each country are not MFW own ideas....they come from a book, Global Art, and guess what, I've found better ideas online because I didn't like the options in Global art. (Actually to my surprise, alot of the Global Art ones are online...they would pop up when I would do a search for each country).


So I've made changes, improvements for us. But then, I added to it. National anthems for each country, on Youtube. Videos on Netflix and United Streaming and Brainpop for each country, if available. Extra crafts etc.


So I'm completely NOT bashing MFW. I actually love MFW...one of my favorite curriculums (well, at least Adventures was) since we've been HSing these past 8 years.


And if you are a person who will needs to open the TM and do exactly what it says, and nothing more, nothing less, then ECC will be great. But apparently, over these years, I've morphed into a "tweaker".


It also comes down to time as well. Having ECC planned out saves one a bunch of time. On the other hand, I could have saved $300 odd dollars, and planned it out myself (since I apparently spent a load of time tweaking anyway, lol!).


ps. All that being said, I am selling our MFW package:)....have a look see on the For Sale board ,if you are keen to purchase MFW :) :).

:iagree: Yep. All of the above. I think what it comes down to is that in years past, MFW was truly special. The way it balanced everything, and integrated bible at the same time was magical. The combo of science and bible last year (Adventures)- wow, so much fun.


ECC doesn't contain that magic for me. If anything, I think they have really dropped the ball on the notebooking pages. I have pulled together some really interesting pages from off of the internet. The pages that come with the program are pretty uninteresting.


Add to that that the science is just dreadful. The spine is so dry. I'm basically following their rough outline, but using library books instead.




I think I would have used Galloping the Globe as a very basic spine. I've seen it ever so briefly. Just enough to give me a idea to bounce from.


Maps, crafts, recipes, all online for free.


Library search for corresponding books, or even better Amazon :).


Netflix, United Streaming, Brainpop for corresponding video/audio.

The thing about ECC and/or any country/cultural study, unlike doing a historical time study, it's a basic repeat for each country.


You know, find where it is, discuss which hemisphere it is, how's weather different than ours, color/label maps, color flag, learn about flag, read good books to learn more about brief history and current life, watch interesting video, make a craft or two, eat some yummy food. Done? Okay now do it all again for the next country.


So it's not that ECC is bad, really, it's more that it's well nothing special in terms of a geo/culture study. If you want it all done for you, then it's a great option. But if you feel like you could have easily done it yourself, with all of today's free online resources, then you should because otherwise you will be disappointed in ECC, I think.


This is exactly what I'm doing. I'm following the rough outline that ECC sets out, but pulling together all of my own stuff from the internet. I do like the book basket list. There are some real gems in there. Our library has about 90% of the titles, so we're getting use of it.


I'm also debating buying a couple of Amanda Bennet unit studies. They look like a lot of fun.


So, to the OP. Yes, I think the dream is better than the reality.

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I think I would have used Galloping the Globe as a very basic spine. I've seen it ever so briefly. Just enough to give me a idea to bounce from.


Maps, crafts, recipes, all online for free.


Library search for corresponding books, or even better Amazon :).


Netflix, United Streaming, Brainpop for corresponding video/audio.


The thing about ECC and/or any country/cultural study, unlike doing a historical time study, it's a basic repeat for each country.


You know, find where it is, discuss which hemisphere it is, how's weather different than ours, color/label maps, color flag, learn about flag, read good books to learn more about brief history and current life, watch interesting video, make a craft or two, eat some yummy food. Done? Okay now do it all again for the next country.


So it's not that ECC is bad, really, it's more that it's well nothing special in terms of a geo/culture study. If you want it all done for you, then it's a great option. But if you feel like you could have easily done it yourself, with all of today's free online resources, then you should because otherwise you will be disappointed in ECC, I think.


:iagree: Yep. All of the above. I think what it comes down to is that in years past, MFW was truly special. The way it balanced everything, and integrated bible at the same time was magical. The combo of science and bible last year (Adventures)- wow, so much fun.


ECC doesn't contain that magic for me. If anything, I think they have really dropped the ball on the notebooking pages. I have pulled together some really interesting pages from off of the internet. The pages that come with the program are pretty uninteresting.


Add to that that the science is just dreadful. The spine is so dry. I'm basically following their rough outline, but using library books instead.






This is exactly what I'm doing. I'm following the rough outline that ECC sets out, but pulling together all of my own stuff from the internet. I do like the book basket list. There are some real gems in there. Our library has about 90% of the titles, so we're getting use of it.


I'm also debating buying a couple of Amanda Bennet unit studies. They look like a lot of fun.


So, to the OP. Yes, I think the dream is better than the reality.




I have been avoiding this thread like the plague! Why? Because I really, REALLY love the heart behind MFW, and we really enjoyed Ex-1850 and 1850-MOD. But I am slicing and dicing this curriculum apart! We are in week 10 and my youngest and oldest are bored. I used GTG with my oldest and I'm wishing I had just gone with that. I don't own it anymore, and someone loaned me all the ECC books, so we're going to stick it out. I'm just not going to be bound by the TG anymore. It's holding me back.


I will say, this is the only science I've ever liked from MFW! I know I'm totally in the minority there, but we are loving learning about the ecosystems, and the animals that live there. If you don't care for Answers in Genesis, you won't like the science, but it's one part I do like. Go figure!




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I feel like the total minority here. :(

Done ecc twice and liked it both times. but I have small dreams and hopes. so maybe that's it?

I found when the routine was just that Ă¢â‚¬â€œ routine, it seemed to match our time of year more than just the materials. Then it was time to shake it up a bit. Used the Illustrated World Atlas to just have open on the kitchen table. It was table chat. (oh look, in that place they don't roads like we do).


We'd eat a breakfast from the country. The kids loved that. So many cultures have hot chocolate and bread for breakfast. Ok, they werenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t too sure about sushi for breakfast. But ok.

We'd find another song to sing when I couldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t stand the wee sing. But as soon as I did that, the older two went back to try to make up dances to the Wee Sing songs. Sometimes you just canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t win with these kids.


Maybe I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t dream like I use to. That whole mid life crisis thing. But the second time I did ECC, my dream/hope was to enjoy learning about several key places, let my children have some fun crafts once in a while. Learn that some places and people are similar, some are different. Hope my kids did their 3 RĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s. Hope they hear something in lives of others that might some day inspire them. I know some things did. But it didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t change us to be some Ă¢â‚¬Å“missionary familyĂ¢â‚¬ or some other blog worthy dream ideal poster family.


I have a story about flags. A few weeks ago, my oldest (who did ECC the 2nd time about 3 years ago) was in a restaurant with her grandparents. Flags were all over the place from Central and South American countries. Except for this one. Grandparents couldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t figure it out. My oldest said Ă¢â‚¬Å“ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Spain.Ă¢â‚¬ No no no honey, it canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t be Spain. The waiter said Ă¢â‚¬Å“ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Spain.Ă¢â‚¬ My daughter came home and said "See? I was paying attention during ECC!"


And IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m in the oddball minority here. I am the weirdo on the internet who likes the science. there's just something wrong with me I guess. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s fun to dig up the back yard for worms. Or have dad help them build a river. Or, the time where we had that really big snow and jumped ahead and did all of the Antarctica experiments and snow mountain stuff. and that just the fun stuff in the manual back when I did it. POE has some of that.

POE is textbook with some simple hands on stuff in those blue boxes. But my middle gal liked it. (even though we did 1st edition of ECC, we bought the book). I guess weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re really weird and IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just realizing it. SheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s in 7th grade, and in EX1850 this year. She saw the book on the shelf the other day and was reading it for fun. Ok, weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re weird. dream over.


I know there is no such thing as what one person likes that someone else will like. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just trying to say (and not doing a good job of it) that even from someone like me who liked it, there were some Ă¢â‚¬Å“boringĂ¢â‚¬ parts and some things that we changed around. But when it wasn't stuck in the blah of winter, we had some fun reality.


Other times we got goofy with our Monday morning currency exchange. We looked at pics of the real money, but used monopoly money and I played bank teller with an accent and tried to make them at least say one word with the language lessons in the Trip Around World.



Hope the OP finds a good fit in her family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



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Thanks Ladies :grouphug:


I really do appreciate your frankness and insight. In the back of my head I thought, can't I just pull together some of this info myself? I do have the Trip Around the World books, so I could do the recipes from that and get a map, find notebooking pages off the internet, get library books related and call it a Geo study :001_smile:


The question is, will I do all that? :glare:


Sometimes having it all planned out for you is worth the money. I think though I am going to go to a scrapbook store, grab 2 passports, possibly order Expedition Earth and beef it up for my 4th and 5th graders.


Thank you all for your info you have shared.



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Thanks Ladies :grouphug:


possibly order Expedition Earth and beef it up for my 4th and 5th graders.


Thank you all for your info you have shared.





I think this is what i'm going to do as well. I noticed that Expedition Earth has some additional activities for older students that might help you with beefing it up.

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I have been avoiding this thread like the plague! Why? Because I really, REALLY love the heart behind MFW, and we really enjoyed Ex-1850 and 1850-MOD. But I am slicing and dicing this curriculum apart! We are in week 10 and my youngest and oldest are bored. I used GTG with my oldest and I'm wishing I had just gone with that. I don't own it anymore, and someone loaned me all the ECC books, so we're going to stick it out. I'm just not going to be bound by the TG anymore. It's holding me back.


I will say, this is the only science I've ever liked from MFW! I know I'm totally in the minority there, but we are loving learning about the ecosystems, and the animals that live there. If you don't care for Answers in Genesis, you won't like the science, but it's one part I do like. Go figure!







How is the TG holding you back?


I am pretty positive that my DS 9 would love the science in ECC. :001_smile:

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We did this a few years ago - not the updated current guide. We started out great, but about 1/2 way through it got very repetitious and boring for me - so much so, I accelerated it just to get through it so I could be done and go onto something more interesting. We did all the crafts and the meals but it just got boring.


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Now see - we LOVED the science and the notebooking pages! We did not find Properties of Ecosystems dry, and there are a lot of projects/experiments in there too.


I don't know - we all really enjoyed it, and even though there were times when I thought to myself 'another flag sheet, ugh' my kids were always more like, "Yay! Another flag sheet!" My kids are seriously sad that it's over, and I'm working hard to convince them that CtG is going to be just as good. :D


I'm not saying I never added or changed anything, but overall this has been one of the richest and most fun years we've had. And I do absolutely TREASURE having the plans made out for me. It is such a huge time/stress saver that I feel like I *can* add or change something here or there to make it our own...without killing myself to make all the plans.

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I feel like the total minority here. :(

Done ecc twice and liked it both times. but I have small dreams and hopes. so maybe that's it?

I found when the routine was just that Ă¢â‚¬â€œ routine, it seemed to match our time of year more than just the materials. Then it was time to shake it up a bit. Used the Illustrated World Atlas to just have open on the kitchen table. It was table chat. (oh look, in that place they don't roads like we do).


We'd eat a breakfast from the country. The kids loved that. So many cultures have hot chocolate and bread for breakfast. Ok, they werenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t too sure about sushi for breakfast. But ok.

We'd find another song to sing when I couldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t stand the wee sing. But as soon as I did that, the older two went back to try to make up dances to the Wee Sing songs. Sometimes you just canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t win with these kids.


Maybe I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t dream like I use to. That whole mid life crisis thing. But the second time I did ECC, my dream/hope was to enjoy learning about several key places, let my children have some fun crafts once in a while. Learn that some places and people are similar, some are different. Hope my kids did their 3 RĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s. Hope they hear something in lives of others that might some day inspire them. I know some things did. But it didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t change us to be some Ă¢â‚¬Å“missionary familyĂ¢â‚¬ or some other blog worthy dream ideal poster family.


I have a story about flags. A few weeks ago, my oldest (who did ECC the 2nd time about 3 years ago) was in a restaurant with her grandparents. Flags were all over the place from Central and South American countries. Except for this one. Grandparents couldnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t figure it out. My oldest said Ă¢â‚¬Å“ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Spain.Ă¢â‚¬ No no no honey, it canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t be Spain. The waiter said Ă¢â‚¬Å“ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Spain.Ă¢â‚¬ My daughter came home and said "See? I was paying attention during ECC!"


And IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m in the oddball minority here. I am the weirdo on the internet who likes the science. there's just something wrong with me I guess. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s fun to dig up the back yard for worms. Or have dad help them build a river. Or, the time where we had that really big snow and jumped ahead and did all of the Antarctica experiments and snow mountain stuff. and that just the fun stuff in the manual back when I did it. POE has some of that.

POE is textbook with some simple hands on stuff in those blue boxes. But my middle gal liked it. (even though we did 1st edition of ECC, we bought the book). I guess weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re really weird and IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just realizing it. SheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s in 7th grade, and in EX1850 this year. She saw the book on the shelf the other day and was reading it for fun. Ok, weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re weird. dream over.


I know there is no such thing as what one person likes that someone else will like. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just trying to say (and not doing a good job of it) that even from someone like me who liked it, there were some Ă¢â‚¬Å“boringĂ¢â‚¬ parts and some things that we changed around. But when it wasn't stuck in the blah of winter, we had some fun reality.


Other times we got goofy with our Monday morning currency exchange. We looked at pics of the real money, but used monopoly money and I played bank teller with an accent and tried to make them at least say one word with the language lessons in the Trip Around World.



Hope the OP finds a good fit in her family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:




I'll be weird with you, Crystal! We had a great year with ECC, including the science! :D

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Now see - we LOVED the science and the notebooking pages! We did not find Properties of Ecosystems dry, and there are a lot of projects/experiments in there too.


I don't know - we all really enjoyed it, and even though there were times when I thought to myself 'another flag sheet, ugh' my kids were always more like, "Yay! Another flag sheet!" My kids are seriously sad that it's over, and I'm working hard to convince them that CtG is going to be just as good. :D


I'm not saying I never added or changed anything, but overall this has been one of the richest and most fun years we've had. And I do absolutely TREASURE having the plans made out for me. It is such a huge time/stress saver that I feel like I *can* add or change something here or there to make it our own...without killing myself to make all the plans.



This was our experience in MFW Adventures! So many folks petered out when they hit the State Sheets. My boys LOVED them so much. It was the highlight of every day. And, my 6 year old (he's 7 now) cried when we did the last one.


I am finding that the best test for a curriculum is ME trying it out on MY kids. There is just no way to know until I try. Sometimes I filter curriculum through MY lens and decide what would be best for ME rather than for my kids. I am often pretty bad at predicting their responses, positive or negative. ADV is a case in point. I *almost* didn't do it based on reviews about how boring the state sheets are and one of the history spines. We loved every book and the state sheets were a huge highlight. I can't believe we almost missed such a pleasant, fun, special year of homeschool based upon my FEARS and worries. Funny how I'm back in that place now trying to figure out, based on others' experiences, what will work for my unique family! :D Just today I was convicted to be less Martha (busy, bothered, worried) and more Mary (sitting at the Lord's feet - in other words, PRAYING). I am indeed worried and bothered rather than resting and trusting!

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Popping back in to see how this thread is going..


I was thrilled to see mention made of Expedition Earth and Galloping the Globe. When I tweak ECC for our next go around (starting next fall), I will be incorporating both of these as well. I can't wait to pull everything off the shelves and start organizing and planning. I have all of the components of ECC, GTG, EE, and Journey into Africa, so I am determined to make a geography program that will be wonderful for our entire family (or I will go to my grave trying!) :lol:

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Popping back in to see how this thread is going..


I was thrilled to see mention made of Expedition Earth and Galloping the Globe. When I tweak ECC for our next go around (starting next fall), I will be incorporating both of these as well. I can't wait to pull everything off the shelves and start organizing and planning. I have all of the components of ECC, GTG, EE, and Journey into Africa, so I am determined to make a geography program that will be wonderful for our entire family (or I will go to my grave trying!) :lol:


^ that is EXACTLY what I want to do! do you have a blog, Sheep Lady Mama?

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I ditched ECC earlier this year, but now have it back.:lol: We have only got a few weeks under our belt and so far, this has been our best homeschool year ever. Call me weird too!:D


The only things not working for us is that ds doesn't enjoy coloring, granted he is 10, but he's never liked coloring anything. I expected that so we just only do what I feel is needed with the student sheets when it comes to using crayons/colored pencils and etc. We only pick out the art projects that he might be interested in doing. DS is not super crafty, but will do some.


So we aren't very far, like week 4, but ds loves all the books and even the science. He's coming from all textbooks, so it feels refreshing to him to be able to do things differently and he's very interested in learning about other cultures/areas.


Hope you find what works!



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How is the TG holding you back?


I am pretty positive that my DS 9 would love the science in ECC. :001_smile:


Hey Katrina!


I have a couple of problems with the TG in this program. I've made adjustments and it's working well, but I had to take a deep breath and say, "Dorinda, it's OK to make this curriculum work for you. After all, you don't have that much money invested in it.":D I will be the first to admit, if I had purchased the program in it's entirety, I would be a little more frustrated. I'm having to cut out a lot of the reading for the sake of time. It would take me 2-3 weeks to do one of their weeks if I didn't just keep moving. I feel like that's where a lot of people feel they're missing the "dream" or fruit of the program. All the components from Bible to Music seem to really make the program a whole. So if you only do the Geography, or you only do the Science, you're missing the big picture. But, it's a lot to do, and it's hard to know where to slice and dice.


Here are some of the changes we've made:


1. One of the main resources doesn't match up with the TG because it is constantly being updated by the publisher. Crystal and I discussed this on the MFW boards, and while I've tried to get past it, it is driving me CRAZY! I thought it would get easier to follow because we would just read about the continent we're studying, but it's still very frustrating to me. I think they need to find a new resource, or put out an adjusted page list like they did for one of their books in EX-1850. I haven't decided what to do about this.


2. I don't like how they split up some of the assignments, so we're not really following the grid by days. Instead, I have check marks indicating what we got done.


My week is starting to look like this:

Monday-All-most of the Geography readings/ pages

Wednesday- Science

Thursday - Science

Friday - Rest of Geography and Science if there's time


3. We're behind in the Read Alouds so I've had to give myself permission to skip or be behind.


4. We're skipping a lot of the Bible reading too because we fell behind, and I can't function in two different weeks of MFW.


5. The Geography Workbook is at or above a 6th grade level. I only purchased one, but it is still a huge challenge for my 6th grader. That leaves no map skills for my youngest so she's only using the notebook pages. We do the activites from "A Trip Around the World," but they're very, very easy. All of this is another reason why we do Geography on Monday. We're usually able to get it done in one day.



Like I said I LOVE the heart behind MFW, and I really love the science from this year, but it's not as much fun as GTG was. I thought the missionary focus would be more than just reading about them. I've thought about switching to GTG, but since I borrowed most of this, it seems pointless. So, we're making it work for us.




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You're not going to believe this. After reading, responding, and discussing this thread with my dh, we've decided to scrap MFW and do GTG! I seriously thought I was getting a grass is always greener mentality, from reading this thread, but my dh had no idea I was adjusting everything so much, and that the girls weren't really combined. My youngest had told him how bored she was and how much she disliked the program (I already knew), and he said, "Why are we wasting our time then? You've already done GTG with oldest and enjoyed it, how hard would it be to switch?" So, there you are! I am actually relieved and excited to switch gears. We'll start learning about Christmas around the world next week!


So, after all that, yes OP, I do think the dream is better than the reality. It makes me sad to say that, but it's true. :(





PS My oldest is starting an online class for History with Veritas in January, so that helped contribute to my decision. I should have said that when I first posted this. That's another topic, but since I'm only teaching one student Geography, and that student was so unhappy, it sealed the deal.

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I went with Expedition Earth and downloaded it last night. It looks good and I will just add extras for my 4th and 5th graders.


Where are you getting the Christmas around the World info? Is this a lapbook/notebook study??


Best wishes on your new choices.



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I went with Expedition Earth and downloaded it last night. It looks good and I will just add extras for my 4th and 5th graders.


Where are you getting the Christmas around the World info? Is this a lapbook/notebook study??


Best wishes on your new choices.




HOW FUNNY that I just offered you my TG:lol:


GTG has a Christmas Unit. But, you can find plenty of unit studies for cheap on the internet.


Best Wishes to you too!


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I went with Expedition Earth and downloaded it last night. It looks good and I will just add extras for my 4th and 5th graders.


Where are you getting the Christmas around the World info? Is this a lapbook/notebook study??


Best wishes on your new choices.




Kristen, i've been looking at Expedition Earth from confessions of a homeschooler and it has a Christmas Around the World unit. You may need to look at your download a bit more and make sure it's there.

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