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Favorite Harry Potter toys/games?

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For his 11th bday, we're giving ds the 1st HP book. He'll get one/year from then on, so he's the same age as Harry...& so he has to wait like we did. Yes, we're mean. Dh esp.


Anyway, I expect him to be swept away. At book 1? I don't know...I saw the 1st 2 movies & started reading w/ book 3. But I'm not a kid.


If he's swept away, I figure he'd enjoy *something* to go w/ it. He loves to play imagination already, & they tend to incorporate what they're learning/reading...


I've seen games, lego sets, etc, but I can't tell which of them would really be fun, if any. So far, he's never gotten into legos, although I tried to push them once a few yrs ago. Maybe he's at the age where I should try again? There are so many lego sets, that would sure make life easier... :lol:


So what do you guys think? The only thing I'm (pretty) sure he wouldn't be interested in is dress-ups. :bigear:

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I knit my kids Gryfinndor scarves and they were thrilled.


I'm panning on knitting one for myself this Christmas. :lol:



I like the idea of a wand and a robe, unless you think he might feel too old for pretend play. If so, maybe a lego set? I know they have little "potions" kits too...

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It would be cruel to make him only read one a year (unless you are channeling your inner Durlsey!!!!)- besides, in a few years he can get himself to the library and devour them all anyway.


There are some cool Lego sets for HP, or a wand, or Warner bros website has acceptance letters to Hogwarts that are customized with the kid's name...heck, check the on-line shops for Wizarding World of Harry Potter for lots of cool stuff!!!

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There are some cool Lego sets for HP




My kids have played with their Harry Potter Legos for years. Lego has newer sets, but I think the older sets were better made. I was able to buy all the old sets at a garage sale, and it was one of the best purchases I ever made.

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A robe and a wand. Every HP fan needs both. ;)


ETA: I know you said he wouldn't be interested in dress up, but a robe is different. Harry Potter robes are different. And if you really think he won't want one, then go for just the wand. The wand is essential.


:iagree: My 11yo dd is a huge Harry Potter fan and she plays with a robe and wand. :) It helps that all her younger sisters know and love Harry Potter, too.


We also have HP Legos. :)

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A robe and a wand. Every HP fan needs both. ;)


ETA: I know you said he wouldn't be interested in dress up, but a robe is different. Harry Potter robes are different. And if you really think he won't want one, then go for just the wand. The wand is essential.




Sorry, but yes, he will need a robe and a wand. DS8 also loves his Hedwig. :D It will be hard to keep the magic from the other kids. Frankly, he's going to be needing a Hermione and Ron. Playing HP without a sidekick is painful. Thankfully, I have the full cast here. DS8 has read and watched 1-5. DD has read and watched only the first one, as DH and I are firmly convinced that Aragog and the basilisk will set her back severely in terms of nightmares. Still, she's got the gist of being Hermione. The attitude comes naturally to her. :tongue_smilie:


That said, I don't know about getting him the robe and wand with the book, as he will need to fall in love first. If you give them all to him together, the magic will not have captivated him yet, and the dress-up stuff might prompt eye rolling. I say let the book be the gift and follow up at Christmas with the merchandise.


DS8 also has all the Lego Harry Potter stuff and adores it all.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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It would be cruel to make him only read one a year (unless you are channeling your inner Durlsey!!!!)- besides, in a few years he can get himself to the library and devour them all anyway.


This has been our plan since he was born almost. Yes, I know it's cruel. I don't think we'll last very long. :lol: But I'm sure we'll torture him for a little while. And, we really do want to save some of the more mature themes for later.

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Sorry, but yes, he will need a robe and a wand. DS8 also loves his Hedwig. :D It will be hard to keep the magic from the other kids. Frankly, he's going to be needing a Hermione and Ron. Playing HP without a sidekick is painful. Thankfully, I have the full cast here. DS8 has read and watched 1-5. DD has read and watched only the first one, as DH and I are firmly convinced that Aragog and the basilisk will set her back severely in terms of nightmares. Still, she's got the gist of being Hermione. The attitude comes naturally to her. :tongue_smilie:


I don't know if we'll be able to hold 8yo off till she's 11--they do everything together. But the magic isn't the reason for waiting for us, but some of the darker themes in the later books. We don't want to make him wait YEARS between books, & they do seem to progress maturity-wise. Which I think is wonderful, but...if he tries to read all of them in 1 sitting like I did...:lol:


That said, I don't know about getting him the robe and wand with the book, as he will need to fall in love first. If you give them all to him together, the magic will not have captivated him yet, and the dress-up stuff might prompt eye rolling. I say let the book be the gift and follow up at Christmas with the merchandise.


DS8 also has all the Lego Harry Potter stuff and adores it all.


His bday is right after Christmas, so I was actually thinking of doing the book for Christmas, something else for his bday. I totally agree about falling in love first, so maybe we should wait even longer, but I know he's already a *little* bit in love because he knows how much dh & I like HP. He's a very respectful kid. ;) :lol:

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This has been our plan since he was born almost. Yes, I know it's cruel. I don't think we'll last very long. :lol: But I'm sure we'll torture him for a little while. And, we really do want to save some of the more mature themes for later.


I don't think it's cruel - I think it's awesome. DD (10) begged me to read no. 1 to her a couple of years ago and I gave in, but would only read 1/year. Then this year, she read #3 on her own, and asked if she could read #4. I very hesitantly agreed - she couldn't get through it. I just don't think she's ready, and I think she will really love them when she's a little older. Maybe I'll get her her own set (1 at a time) starting next year and see if she gets into it any more. (I'm such a fan, I just want her to be too, lol.)


I don't know what would be a good "go-along", but I'd be THRILLED to get a hand-knitted scarf. Maybe you can let him sign up for Pottermore, and once he gets sorted into a house, you'll know exactly what color robe/scarf, whatever to get him. :)

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I knit my kids Gryffindor scarves and they were thrilled.



Slight thread-jack (sorry, PP): I have scoured the web for patterns for Gryffindor scarves and haven't found any that I liked. What is the source for your pattern?


PP - my ds10 just became interested in HP. Dh is making the kids wands for Christmas this year. [Yes, *sigh*, all of them. Well, except the baby. There would be an absolute riot if only ds10 got a wand and no one else did. There's enough sibling rivalry w/o that, TYVM]

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