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Orthodontist wants to pull 3 primary teeth on dd

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My dd is almost 7 yo. She has a small jaw and big teeth like me. I just got a call from the orthodontist saying that she wants to pull 3 primary teeth to make space. I have never heard of it before. Back then with me, I only needed to pull 4 permanent teeth and do braces. Is early intervention worth it? Should I get a second opinion?

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I would definitely get a second opinion. I would specifically be asking about what long term benefits it has, savings in total costs and/or time, whether it is in place of later orthodontic treatment or in addition to it.


To start, find out the terminology for your dc's malocclusion. Then read this article to see what the current *evidence* is to whether early treatment is likely to be helpful:




This doesn't replace a 2nd opinion, but should help you understand the pros/cons and what criteria the dentist should be considering before recommending pulling primary teeth.


Personally, unless there is compelling evidence that early treatment would replace a longer later treatment and/or *significantly* improve results/permanence, I would just say, "no". Even if it is somehow "better", I wouldn't want to put my young child through that process without compelling reason and absolute confidence (mine, not the DDS's) that it is worthwhile.


Braces where tough enough at 12yo, and dental extractions (even primary teeth)...are not trivial surgeries. Your trying to find the best answer for your CHILD, not just your child's teeth. ;)


Good luck on a tough decision. :hug:

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My daughter has gone through early treatment for similar reasons and it has absolutely been worth it. The way it was explained to us, by intervening now and making room for these teeth as they come in will help prevent or at least lessen the need to have permanent teeth pulled later. They did pull two of her baby teeth on the bottom but she seemed to have a lot less trouble with that than I had as an adult getting permanent teeth pulled. I would definitely encourage a second opinion but I know we haven't regretted doing what we have done for Sweet-Pea.

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One of my kids also got two primary teeth pulled to help make room for the permanent teeth. The strategy is to help the permanent teeth come in less crooked so that less will have to be done to straighten them in the future. This is different than when I was a kid. At that time, they just let the permanent teeth come in any way they did, and then put us in braces for years to correct it.

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My oldest just had 5 primary teeth removed (she'd already lost 7). For us it was the right move- she's had 4 teeth come up and they've completely filled the space that was previously filled by eight baby teeth, if that makes sense. She literally didn't have the room for her teeth and will need spacers.

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We had two baby-teeth pulled last week at the recommendation of our orthodontist. He showed us the x-rays of the incoming permanent teeth and how extraction of the baby-teeth would allow the permanents space to come in properly (which would not have been the case otherwise).


He said this could very well save us from future orthodontics (against his material interest) and he sent us back to our dentist to do the extractions, so (again) he did not benefit.


He also said pulling "permanent teeth" (as opposed to baby teeth) is a practice he generally frowns on, but one which was once fairly common, and still practiced by many. For him this would be a "last choice" scenario, but a sometimes reasonable option.


I have zero expertise in the matter, but I have high-respect for the our orthodontist who has a sterling reputation in the community.



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My daughter had eight removed yesterday (6 baby and 2 permanent). We had two removed last year. Her teeth are crowded and jammed together. Our ortho made the recommendation and I discused it with our dentist, who agreed. I also discussed it at length with the oral surgeon, who also agreed.


My daughter may still need braces or more teeth pulled, but her teeth can now shift into better position instead of stacking against each other. I don't regret it, even though she's still recovering. She has stitches but says that it doesn't really hurt today.

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My ds ended up having 12 baby teeth and 4 permanent teeth pulled over the years, starting when he was 6. Our ped dentist recommended it initially and then the ortho confirmed it. His mouth is really small and after studying x-rays and impressions, things like a palate expander wouldn't have worked for him. Seriously, the extractions really weren't a big deal, it was the anticipation that was the worst part of it.

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I'd get a second opinion but not be surprised if this what's recommended. I've had two free consultations for dd. Each orthodontist was more than willing to take a look at her teeth and give me their opinion. One even took x-rays and spent 30 minutes answering questions. All for free! Orthodontia is a medical specialty where people "shop around" so the doctors seem more willing to spend time answering questions.

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Get a 2nd opinion.


My parents were told to do this for me when I was young. I had several teeth removed. Some of my permanent teeth took their time coming in and the ones that were there spread out to the available space, not leaving room for the late bloomers. I ended up having braces for nearly 4 years as a result... all through high school because those permanent teeth weren't ready to come in.

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Get a 2nd opinion.


My parents were told to do this for me when I was young. I had several teeth removed. Some of my permanent teeth took their time coming in and the ones that were there spread out to the available space, not leaving room for the late bloomers. I ended up having braces for nearly 4 years as a result... all through high school because those permanent teeth weren't ready to come in.


:iagree: If you have questions or doubt please get a second opinion.

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