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How many of you were homeschooled?

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but I wish I was. I was a natural student and grew up hiding my grades and brains. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I'd been at home and allowed to go as deep and wide as I wanted in subjects that caught my imagination...

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I was :) 3rd - 12th. 1988-1998 My mom is still homeschooling 7 of my siblings the youngest is almost 7 so she has a long way to go. She will be 62 when the last one graduates and I'm sure ready to retire after 31 years of homeschooling LOL.


Wow! Your mom deserves some sort of diploma, degree, award! That is amazing! Kudos to her!

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I was :) 3rd - 12th. 1988-1998 My mom is still homeschooling 7 of my siblings the youngest is almost 7 so she has a long way to go. She will be 62 when the last one graduates and I'm sure ready to retire after 31 years of homeschooling LOL.


That is so cool! :thumbup:

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I was :) 3rd - 12th. 1988-1998 My mom is still homeschooling 7 of my siblings the youngest is almost 7 so she has a long way to go. She will be 62 when the last one graduates and I'm sure ready to retire after 31 years of homeschooling LOL.


OK, this may sound like a repeat, but it really is my story: I was homeschooled (I "finished" in 2000). My mom is still homeschooling 7 of my siblings and the youngest is soon-to-be 7. My mom (parents) has been homeschooling for over 20 years now(!). And she still has some years ahead. I am planning to homeschool as well.

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Amie are all your siblings biological? I have one biological sister and her jr or sr yr in highschool My parents started adopting kids. All the ones being homeschooled are adopted. 2 from Kazakhstan, 2 from Columbia and 3 from Ethiopia. It is quite a different experience for my mom now. When she was homeschooling my sister and me there was 7 yr between us. She had it pretty easy. I was working independently by the time my sister started being homeschooled. Now she is dealing with language issues and learning issues and 7 kids who are for the most part dependent on her. So it can be very trying at times. My oldest is 4.5 and I have one who is almost 2. I've tutored math for 9 yrs now. I love getting to homeschool and i can't imagine sending my kids to school everyday and not getting to choose curriculum and participate in their schooling.

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I was :) 3rd - 12th. 1988-1998 My mom is still homeschooling 7 of my siblings the youngest is almost 7 so she has a long way to go. She will be 62 when the last one graduates and I'm sure ready to retire after 31 years of homeschooling LOL.


She deserves a pension for that kind of service. To bad we can't unionize, LOL!

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I remember getting very frustrated in 1st and 2nd grade when they would only let me do one page of my math book a day. I was so frustrated that they were holding me back ... I was only 6-8 years old and knew I should be able to go at my own pace.

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I chose to do independent studies in high school. I did that 10-12th grade (90-93). Even though I had a teacher that gave me my assignments I could do them at my own pace and basically taught myself. It was really cool, I could do a semesters worth of work in 2 mos and I got to do some really great electives.


My mom did wish she could have homeschooled my brother and I, but as a single mom it wasn't really an option so she was very supportive of my choice to do independent studies and to homeschool my kids.

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but I wish I was. I was a natural student and grew up hiding my grades and brains. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I'd been at home and allowed to go as deep and wide as I wanted in subjects that caught my imagination...


Same here. I never wanted to be pegged as the "smart kid" so I tried to act "average".

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but since I have started homeschooling my boys my mom has said multiple times that she wishes she would have known enough about homeschooling to homeschool us. She never graduated from high school but she is so smart! She says that she would have lacked the confidence to try something so "out of the box"! I know she would have been *great*!


My younger sis (12 years younger than me) really wishes she was homeschooled. She despised ps even though she was a varsity cheerleader and voted Most Beautiful in her class. She hated the "fluff" that just wasted time and the social hierarchy that ruled her school.

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I was taught at home with the exceptions of grades 8 and 10-12. Loved every minute of it, and was smugly satisfied when I saw the big yellow school bus roll into our neighborhood around 3:30pm, my public school friends' days just ending -- hours after I had finished. That extra time to just be a kid and play and imagine and read, instead of waiting for 28 classmates to finish with a worksheet or a writing assignment before going on to the next? Wonderful. I KNEW I had it good.

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one of my "best friend's" was. After spending tons of time around their family all throughout high school, I knew that's what I wanted for my children someday! My mom says if she had known about it when I was younger, she would have loved to hs too...and actually she is going to get involved with my hs next year by teaching my ds6 piano lessons and art lessons! :001_smile:

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lol another family of 7 kids and I was 3rd. My mom started homsechooling I think my K year, but maybe a year before that. She will graduated her 7th child in two more years. She will be 63yrs old.


I liked being homeschool because I am very introverted. I did go to the public school for drivers ed and I greatly disliked it the entire time.

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Amie are all your siblings biological? I have one biological sister and her jr or sr yr in highschool My parents started adopting kids. All the ones being homeschooled are adopted. 2 from Kazakhstan, 2 from Columbia and 3 from Ethiopia. It is quite a different experience for my mom now. When she was homeschooling my sister and me there was 7 yr between us. She had it pretty easy. I was working independently by the time my sister started being homeschooled. Now she is dealing with language issues and learning issues and 7 kids who are for the most part dependent on her. So it can be very trying at times. My oldest is 4.5 and I have one who is almost 2. I've tutored math for 9 yrs now. I love getting to homeschool and i can't imagine sending my kids to school everyday and not getting to choose curriculum and participate in their schooling.

Yes, all of my siblings are biological. I'm the oldest of nine (:ohmy:). What an amazing thing for your parents to do; I think that is wonderful. I'm sure they face challenges many could never quite understand. I have one ds (not quite 2). He already loves learning new things, so I'm really looking forward to hs'ing him.

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My family pulled the five of us out of a miserable year in Texas schools (I was even paddled - for READING AHEAD of my reading group and losing my place - but that's another story) in 1983. I was the youngest of the five, so I got to homeschool the longest - from 4th grade through graduation. Loved it!!!!


attachedto4, my mom used Abeka one year, and other than that did sort of an eclectic mix, mostly using library books. She'd take us to the library and tell us we had to get a science book, a history book, and so on. It was more interest-led that way, but sadly far from thorough. I will be filling in some gaps in my own education as I school my children!

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I was, for my entire life. I have an older brother and my mom began homeschooling him in his 1st grade year (I was 4). After sitting and listening to her teach him, I learned to read, and asked to be taught, too. We had a wonderful homeschool experience, I pray my children have the same!

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What kind of materials did your moms use to homeschool you all who were homeschooled? I know that what is available has changed a lot, so I'm curious what was out there before. :)


Well that would be a long post. ;) We used a lot of different things. Our homeschool evolved and changed each year as my parents would learn about new things and meet other homeschoolers (not as many back then). I began with the complete boxed set of Calvert, as this was easy for my first-time-homeschooling-mom. Then my parents began putting things together themselves--so it was quite an eclectic mix. Our homeschool has used a little BJ (early on), A Beka, Saxon math, LLATL, R&S, just to name a few off the top of my head. My parents are still trying new things. My mom is the one who loaned me TWTM last year. She just ordered SOTW1 to begin with her youger ones. :)

It is really amazing how the internet has changed homeschooling.

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I homeschooled for 1/2 11th grade and 12th grade...only I called it dropped out of high school and studied...lots...because i LOVED to study! I took my GED and went to college early...which I loved!


Even though i went to public schools and a 3 year stint at a Yeshiva(which gave me an AWESOME educational base) I really did most of my studying and learning on my own because the classwork was not challenging enough...and I wanted to learn MORE. My goal was to read every book in our library...and I almost succeeded.....LOL!!! (small library?)


Anyhow, even though I am homeschooling my children now, i still feel like I am homeschooling myself.


Great Post!


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Anyhow, even though I am homeschooling my children now, i still feel like I am homeschooling myself.


Great Post!



:iagree: Even after I "officially" finished highschool I continued my studies at home. Sometimes I feel like I never really finished hs'ing, and now I am transitioning to hs'ing my own.

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Like Amie we pretty much used something different every yr. here's what I remember:

3rd all BJU

4th All Alpha and Omega lifepacs

5th easy grammar, daily grams, easy writing spelling workout, mcp phonics saxon math, it couldn't just happen, the great dinosaur mystery, konos

6th calvert

7th key to..., bju science, I took a writing/ history class, voyages in English

8th alpha and omega lifepacs

9th all bju

10th all bju

11th saxon, writing/history outside class, BJU science

12th - listened to some american history tapes, saxon math and physics, English and computer at a local university.

My mom tried totally different things with my sister and other siblings.


There is so much more to choose from now.

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Just curious to see how many homeschool graduates there are on this group, who are now homeschooling the second generation. You know, those of us who were "homeschooled before homeschool was cool?" :)


Hey, I just remembered, after reading this thread several times (curious to see what your experiences were!), that my youngest brother was homeschooled for a couple of years in high school! My Mom went to Youth With A Mission, and my brother did Saxon math and read from a book list she assigned to him.

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Well, I wasn't homeschooled, but dh was. He went to private Christian schools until his family moved to New Mexico. His mom couldn't find a good school to send him to, so she homeschooled him and his younger sister for their last years of high school--only 11th and 12th for dh. But, that's how we got started homeschooling. DH knew that's what he wanted for his children.

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but I wish I was. I was a natural student and grew up hiding my grades and brains. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I'd been at home and allowed to go as deep and wide as I wanted in subjects that caught my imagination...


This sounds like I wrote it! Ditto.

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I was not homeschooled and my mother was opposed to homeschooling on principle (educational instituions should be trusted over individuals), but we were family-centric. My sister and I spent most of our free time with our family, neighbors or doing church activities such as joining the adult choir in the 6th grade or helping mom with her various responsiblities. (It was a small church!)


The result: we both were comfortable interacting with adults of all ages, and we often chose to hang out with our parents, even at high school football games.



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I wasn't, wish I was. Mainstream school was horrible - boring (teachers) and traumatic (other students).


My best memories of my school years are when I nursed an extended illness, stayed home with Mommy and read, read, read. I learned more on my own and my mother than I ever did at school.


Mainstream school did not teach me ANYTHING positive - not one thing unless you consider that it taught me there are much better options. It taught me a whole bunch of ugly though probably why I still like animals waaaaayyyyy better than I like peoples. ;)


I'm jealous of those of you who were homeschooled. I would have been in heaven.

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I was not homeschooled, however, my husband was. His mom homeschooled my husband and brother-in law in Florida in the 70's when they had to close the shades and hide from the neighbors. I don't know if homeschooling was legal in Florida at that time, but it definitely was not accepted. Eventually they moved to Alaska and attended a very small Christian high school. (My husband graduated with 1 classmate.....not much different than homeschooling, just in a classroom instead of the kitchen. :))


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I never considered myself as having been homeschooled, but I did spend my entire freshman year of high school overseas, left to my own devices. My mother was taking care of my grandmother, who had lung cancer, and I went with her though it was only intended to be for a couple of months. It turned into the entire school year. I'd had bad experiences in the English schools when I was younger, so my mother didn't bother putting me in there. We had my textbooks and schoolwork sent by the school, but I barely opened them while I was there and the airline lost them on the flight back.


So I pretty much spent that whole school year reading through the entire science-fiction/fantasy and history sections of the public library, then came back to the states in the spring and tested out of my 9th grade courses. :D

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It was great reading all your histories!

I was the average kid who went to an average school and earned average grades and just tried to not be noticed.

When I graduated I went to the local CC and got a job at a preschool.

The classes and job gave me a good background for homeschooling later on. At first I just homeschooled my children for pre-school and when my oldest started having trouble in PS, I thought why in the world am I tutoring her for 4 hrs. at night when we could just get it done during the day... and then our journey began!

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I was not homeschooled but my sister was homeschooled a couple of times. She had leukemia and had to miss a lot of school. My aunt is a special ed teacher was assigned to be her homeschool monitor or something like that. My aunt also kept us during several summers and did quite a bit of art projects, game playing, and baking with us.


I was a natural bookworm. I read anything I could get my hands on (often inappropriate). Unfortunately, I did not live in a literacy rich environment nor did I have anyone to point me to good books or discuss books with me. I taught myself Latin in 4th grade. I was a stellar student until high school and boys. I am self-educated in most subjects.

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