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This was mean....but hilarious!

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those two boys were ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:iagree:And I'm going to show it to my son to remind him of how appealing a little spirit is, and how great it is to grow older and be able to express oneself in words rather than tears. The only one I would not have included was the boy losing his temper. I would have blocked out the face.


I'd also be interested to see what the reaction was once the "joke" was out. (And, I would have suppressed the urge to giggle over my crying child.)

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Your kids are 9 and 13. The kids in the videos were all much younger than that.


If you raise your children that being betrayed and humiliated by their parents is okay, and think that doing otherwise is raising fragile children, then, seriously :confused::confused::confused:.


We raise our kids to know that there are bigger issues in life to get upset over than Halloween candy. It's hardly "betrayal" and "humiliation." Come on. :chillpill:

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:iagree:And I'm going to show it to my son to remind him of how appealing a little spirit is, and how great it is to grow older and be able to express oneself in words rather than tears. The only one I would not have included was the boy losing his temper. I would have blocked out the face.


I'd also be interested to see what the reaction was once the "joke" was out. (And, I would have suppressed the urge to giggle over my crying child.)


:iagree: And you all DO realize that the DID tell the kids they were joking, right?

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Just out of curiosity...dh wants to know if any of you who are soooooooooooo upset and horrified at this laughed at the "Charlie bit me" video awhile back.


I don't know anything about that, going to have to go google it now!


Anyway, I'm not going to engage in a big discussion about whether this segment was horrid and cruel or harmless and funny...while I found the accusation that anyone who laughed at this video clip is an emotional sadist to be a bit much, I can certainly see why some people would think it was not humorous or mean to do to the kids. I did say I felt bad for some of the younger ones who just started crying...I wouldn't tease my young child in that way although my older ones, who are old enough to know when I'm just messing with them, I do joke around with and prank a little bit sometimes. Not anything that would make them cry! Still, I found SOME of the reactions in the video to be funny and found the last two boys so funny and adorable, that it was worth sharing just because of those two.


Nance, who apologizes if she offended some of you by posting the video.

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I think it was done in fun. I don't think people expected those reactions. I did it to my kids, not because of Jimmy Kimmel - it's just they way we are....we joke around. My son had a blank look and just stared at me, then said "no you didn't." He then claimed in a chair to look in his bucket. It was fun.



This was my son's reaction. "no you did not" "where is my candy" "you don't even like candy" as he went and found his bag. But he is 8 and laid back, if I thought he was going to cry or melt down I wouldn't find it funny, and wouldn't have done it.

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I don't know anything about that, going to have to go google it now!


Anyway, I'm not going to engage in a big discussion about whether this segment was horrid and cruel or harmless and funny...while I found the accusation that anyone who laughed at this video clip is an emotional sadist to be a bit much, I can certainly see why some people would think it was not humorous or mean to do to the kids. I did say I felt bad for some of the younger ones who just started crying...I wouldn't tease my young child in that way although my older ones, who are old enough to know when I'm just messing with them, I do joke around with and prank a little bit sometimes. Not anything that would make them cry! Still, I found SOME of the reactions in the video to be funny and found the last two boys so funny and adorable, that it was worth sharing just because of those two.


Nance, who apologizes if she offended some of you by posting the video.


I do this to my kids all the time. I'm NOT betraying them. I'm JOKING with them. If I had told my kids I ate all their Halloween candy, they'd smile and say, "Yeah, right. Where's my candy?"

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Sometimes DS will ask where his brother or sister is (he can never seem to keep track of where everybody in the house is), and I'll tell him I sold them, and that's okay with him, right? He thinks it's funny.



I say "I ate them" when they are looking for a sibiling, and when they are looking for their shoes I tell them "that the last time I wore them, I put them back". When my son thinks I am the worst mom in the entire world, I tell him, "lets go to Walmart and you can pick out a new Mommy" and sometimes I tell him that since he is 8 I think I am going to trade him in for two four year olds. When he does something crazy silly, but off in left field I have even told him he has rocks for brains because I can hear them rattling, often while tickling him at the same time. All of those are lies, and if they weren't part of our dynamic, or I had a fragile child, they would be a problem. But it is, we don't, and there isn't.

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Okay, the last two little boys were VERY cute, but overall I thought it was too mean to be funny. I don't like pranks like that and I don't like to see children upset or crying. I might tease for a few seconds, but if I saw my kids were getting upset I would back off immediately. I definitely wouldn't push it long enough to get a "funny" video. :glare:

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I do this to my kids all the time. I'm NOT betraying them. I'm JOKING with them. If I had told my kids I ate all their Halloween candy, they'd smile and say, "Yeah, right. Where's my candy?"


Mine, too, but it depends on the kid and the family dynamic. If a child is crying or getting angry, the joke is going too far, IMO.

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I think it really depends on the family dynamics and the temperment of the child as to whether or not that type of prank is appropriate. I wouldn't pull that on my 3yo. My other children are used to kidding around and being sarcastic and would absolutely have rolled their eyes or scolded us in the manner the last two boys did.


I wouldn't play that kind of joke on a child too young to get the joke or a child prone to weepiness and such; then again, I really doubt any of those children are scarred for life. *shrugs*

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I really doubt any of those children are scarred for life. *shrugs*


Of course they were not but people also like to blow things out of all proportion.


I grant that it was mean and perhaps should not have been done but there is really no long term harm either.

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One of my kids was prediciting which kinds of jobs these kids might end up with. DC decided the ones who didn't act like angry maniacs were the ones not doomed.


Interesting to see the various reactions. The rational ones who kept it in check will probably never live in their parents basements, the sad ones will end up psych majors ;), and the angry ones are probably PITASs anyway.

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Interesting to see the various reactions. The rational ones who kept it in check will probably never live in their parents basements, the sad ones will end up psych majors ;), and the angry ones are probably PITASs anyway.


Just curious--if someone came into your house and took your computer, would you be upset? Or would you be happy to share your computer with the burglar?


This is what this was like to these kids. Except the burglar was their own parents, whom they trusted.

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Just curious--if someone came into your house and took your computer, would you be upset? Or would you be happy to share your computer with the burglar?


This is what this was like to these kids. Except the burglar was their own parents, whom they trusted.


If someone took my computer I would call my insurance angency. I wouldn't throw a fit, or start crying and throw things. Adults are not children, and children will be children. I do not like to stress chicldren, so....


Personally. I would *never* do that (pretend to take their candy-- not that my kids would have fallen for this. They know to hide it well. ;) ) Honestly, we're not teasers. It's not our family culture. It's not a nice thing to do to, I agree, and I wouldn't do it.


but the OMG! Scared for Life drama is ridiculous. How fragile are kids? "My mother once teased and told me she ate my Halloween candy. I cried, and 90 seconds later she handed my full bag to me."


How many co-pays will it take to work that one out?


I do agree with my kid that it is an interesting study in behavior. Who can deal and who can't? We both thought of the old Marshmallow Study.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Considering that their parents see nothing wrong with lying to and teasing their kids to provoke a reaction (sounds like bullying to me) just because a talk show host tells them to, I'm not surprised some of the kids reacted poorly. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but I don't see the humor.


I really don't get this, either. I have seen it posted on facebook for days and finally watched it tonight. Just wincing through the whole thing, although the boys at the end were sweet. Can only imagine what the "fruit" from this will be in these families. "Sorry for lying, Mom, just going for the laugh!" Hate to be a bad sport, though.

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I say "I ate them" when they are looking for a sibiling, and when they are looking for their shoes I tell them "that the last time I wore them, I put them back". When my son thinks I am the worst mom in the entire world, I tell him, "lets go to Walmart and you can pick out a new Mommy" and sometimes I tell him that since he is 8 I think I am going to trade him in for two four year olds. When he does something crazy silly, but off in left field I have even told him he has rocks for brains because I can hear them rattling, often while tickling him at the same time. All of those are lies, and if they weren't part of our dynamic, or I had a fragile child, they would be a problem. But it is, we don't, and there isn't.


See, I do this but my kids know I am joking because


a. it is way over the top.


b. I have a twinkle in my eye as I say it.


If I were to say something in all seriousness where the intent is to get the kids to believe me (which was the point of the prank, wasn't it?) then I think that is wrong. My intent when I joke and tease my kids is never to make them believe one thing and then replace it with another.

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What these parents did (or pretended to do) was a betrayal. I think the kids were more hurt by that than anything else.


:iagree: Exactly. They weren't just crying or getting angry because there was no more candy, but because the person they trust most in the world did this and they were hurt. BUT...it still made me laugh even as it broke my heart! Loved the two at the end.

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