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s/o - nicknames/endearments for your dc

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The thread that had to happen, spinoff from the 'what do you call your husband/partner one.


Everything under the sun. I have had the craziest nicknames since birth for all five. LOL I cannot even begin to state them all because they wouldn't make sense to anyone else! :D I love nicknames.

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I have a long list of things I call the kids. (Not sure whether this is disturbing or just an Australian thing!)


George gets: Gorgeous Georgeous, Geo, Georgie-Porgie, The Porge, Podge Factor, Geoginus (pronouned Gee-O-jenus with a short o), Geothermal, Mr Perfect


Amelia gets: Milly, Mils, Milsa, Milly Mary, Millymoo, Moo Moo, Moomikan, Millekan, Mikelan, Chook Girl, Sunshine


Elizabeth gets: Beth, Bethie, Bethalie, Bethie-Boo, Boo Boo, Bubba, Boobala, Lizzy Laura


They all get: Moppet, Poppet, Gromit, Grotster, Grotty McGrotster, Sweetie, Sweetypie, Sweet-Pea, Bubble, Darling, Beautiful Boy/Girl, Gorgeous Girl/Boy, Mr/Ms [Name]

And any of the above in combination.



There are probably many more I wouldn't remember until I say them.

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So many nicknames:

My son (Chris): Kissy (not so much now that he's 17), Ickle-kissykins to annoy him in a teasing sort of way

My daughter: sweetheard, punkin (again, not so much since she's 18)

My niece: Carebear

My other niece: Mate


It makes a bit more sense if you know their names but I don't want to post them for privacy reasons.



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I have a long list of things I call the kids. (Not sure whether this is disturbing or just an Australian thing!)


George gets: Gorgeous Georgeous, Geo, Georgie-Porgie, The Porge, Podge Factor, Geoginus (pronouned Gee-O-jenus with a short o), Geothermal, Mr Perfect


Amelia gets: Milly, Mils, Milsa, Milly Mary, Millymoo, Moo Moo, Moomikan, Millekan, Mikelan, Chook Girl, Sunshine


Elizabeth gets: Beth, Bethie, Bethalie, Bethie-Boo, Boo Boo, Bubba, Boobala, Lizzy Laura


And they all get: Moppet, Poppet, Gromit, Grotster, Sweetie, Sweetypie, Sweet-Pea, Bubble, Darling, Beautiful Boy/Girl, Gorgeous Girl/Boy, Mr/Ms [Name]


There are probably many more I wouldn't remember until I say them.


Love it. My dad, not Australian:), does nicknames on this grand of a scale--taking it to a whole nonsense language type of level. Still calls us by them at times.


For my kids...hmmm....most common are:

ds1: Manny, Buddy, Red (the latter was his request when hiking with friends with a child of the same name--yes, he has red hair). We mostly call him by his actual name.


dd: Bean, Beanie, Norah-Bean, Reenie, Bean-a-reen. You can see a theme, no doubt;). I had an ultrasound due to bleeding at 8 weeks, and she looked like a jellybean, which is what we called her until we knew she was a girl. Original, I know.


ds: He's gotten the brunt of it. Four people calling him all sorts of sweet nothings:D. The most frequent are Budaboo, Biscuit, Double-Batch of Biscuit Dough, Muscle Man (the one of his own choosing), etc.

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For dd (12), we used to call her Banana (her name is Hannah) but she has asked us to refrain from calling her that so she doesn't have a nickname.


We call ds (10) Buddy and dd (8) Missy Moo-Who. I am the one who started calling her that and I don't have a clue where it came from. I reckon, though, that she will ask for a ceasing of that name soon, as well.

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My oldest is Magnus, he usually gets called Mags or Maggie, but my dad and I call him Maggieboy or My Maggieboy.


Katie is almost always Princess to me and the boys.


Oskar somehow never seems to get called by his name. Zsa Zsa, Goober, Munchikin, Tiger, Pookie, Bum, Dumbbum and Fartface are some of the regulars.


My youngest, Luke, is usually Big Guy or Little Man. Go figure.

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Pigby does indeed get called "Pigby" fairly often. It all started a few years ago when he was giving really wimpy hugs and I'd say, "Squeeze, Pigby!" in my best Kristin Chenoweth voice. He often gets called "Da-da" because that's how Digby says his name. He also gets called "B" since that's what his real name starts with.


Digby rarely gets called "Digby." I think the most often used nickname is "Mal."


Chuck is usually "baby girl" or "baby doll." DH tried to get "Bubbles" going once because she was always making bubbles with her mouth, but it didn't really stick longer than a month. She sometimes gets called "Hopper" since that's how Digby says her name.


I also called all three of them "turtles." DH objected to my using "Turds" as a term of endearment, so I'd say, "turd...les." and it became "turtles." I also call them little turkeys or Tofurkeys.

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Raziya: Zia, Miss Muffet, Missy Muffet, Miss Muffety, Bub, Girl Face or Daughter.


Marek: Puggle, Puggle Pants, Paggle Pants, Piggle Paggle, Piggle Paggle Puggle, Boy, Shmoi, Boy Shmoi, Boy Lastname, Boy Face, Mr Mareczku.


I'm glad you aren't asking my mother. She called me some ridiculous things long past the age of objection. :glare: I'm sure I won't be calling my son Puggle Pants when he's 14. :p



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I am forever calling the kids my monkeys....Funky monkey, Mini-monkey , Monkey Butt (6 yr old LOVES this one...I think it had something to do with Primate studies last year...she giggles every time she hears it) Monkey See and Monkey Do (Interchangeable, and usually when I'm mad about something they did....*grin*)


DD6..Munchkin...Peanut...and shortened even more to Nutter (She loves Peanut Butter and Nutterbutter Cookies....Ironically, my Mother has a dog named Peanut, Originally she thought we named her after the dog :lol:)


DS12..Professor and sometimes XaXa (Pronounced ZayZay, nicknamed by his sis before she could say his name) oh yeah...and YOSHI


When I'm calling them downstairs I'll often yell "X marks the spot"


Ironically all our names begin with X so that one in particular is fun!!!


They both come running to "X' in any fashion.


And that about covers it :001_smile:

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When my ds was a baby, we called him Bubby Fusskins and Buckaroo; later, dh called him Teeny Man until ds got big enough to object - at least to the "teeny" part.:lol: For awhile, he wanted to be called Bat Man, but he denies that ever happened. He denies he was a baby, actually, even though I have photographic evidence to prove otherwise. Now, he's likely to be called J, or sometimes Dude. Ds's friends apparently all call each other "Person", and at TKD, ds is called Turbo.


When dd1 was younger, dh called her Doobie; I'm afraid I couldn't join him in that nickname effort. Other nicknames for her include Miss M, MollyWollyDoodle, Molly Bear, Moy (courtesy of ds, who could not pronounce his L's) and one other one I just cannot remember right now. I'm so ashamed.


Dd2 (age 7) is still called Itty Bitty, Ittiest, and Bittiest, though she's finally broken the 40 lbs barrier and outgrown her size 4 clothing so we might need to find something else soon. We also used to call her Budgie and Budget (MIL started that one); she's still sometimes called Bridgie.


Generic/not kid-specific nicknames include Bug/Love Bug/Bugalug/Snugglebug, Peanut, Pumpkin, Sparky, Spanky, Snort (this one and Doobie might cause some to think we partake of certain chemical substances; alas, we do not - we're just not very careful or creative with our nicknames, I reckon), Love, Snoodle, Doodle/Doodlebop, Monkey, PopTart, Tater Tot, and Punky.

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The oldest goes by the first syllable of her name - Asia - didn't know how to spell that phonetically.


The second goes by Nana.


The third Mandy and that is not her name or even really a derivative of her name.


The youngest used to go by Monkey Butt for a very long time but now just goes by Kels.


Stormy always goes by Stormy except for the semi-endearment below.


All of them have occassionally been called Princess Pain in the Butt.

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Logan has almost always been just Logan - he was very literal and didn't like to be called anything else for the longest time. Now I call him Buster - but only when he's ignoring me, lol


Brianna has had nicknames since before she came home from the NICU since her brother couldn't say her name (he was 13 months). She's been Bri, BriannaBoo (her favorite), Boo, Petunia, and I know there are others....

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For dd, I call her "E". Her middle name is Elizabeth and I'm not certain when I started it, but it's somewhat common for me to say, "Hey, E".


Ds #1 - Bud...dh called him "little buddy" when he was a tot and Bud or buddy has stuck, though I'd say we use his first name more often than the nickname.


Ds #2 had bright red hair and he had a paternal grandfather who was a redhead known as "red" so we occasionally called him "little red". He's not so little anymore, so dh uses just "red'. I never use the nickname and I don't know why.


Ds #3 - Dh used to call him "Bubba Louie". For the life of me, I.do.not.know.why! Louie stuck and it was dh's off again on again nickname for him (I admit to occasionally using it too) until we got our cocker spaniel puppy last October and the children decided to name him Clives Staples Lewis and called him Lewis for short. I put my foot down about ds and the dog having what is essentially the same name/nickname! They now call him "Zander man". Boys are just - well - boys...the thought process is inexplicable! :D




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If you were an older, traditional Australian, you'd call a red haired person Bluey.


Well, whaddaya know. Why?


We were at a museum this summer when a woman with red hair walked up to us and started gushing over my "gingers" (both my boys have red hair). I'd never heard that one before. I looked it up and was even more confused:001_huh:. Some stuff said it referred to Anne Shirley-type coloring/complexion (not my boys at all), other sources said it was derogatory...but the woman at the museum had nothing but wonderful, nostalgic gushing for the term. Weird.

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for my husband, i didn't have any. but for my kids, i have a few. i call my daughter grace face. i call my son, bubbles, bubby, or little man. when my daughter was much smaller, it was grace poo or pooh bear...as she's gotten older though, she wants NOTHING to do with poo being tied to her name, lol.

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DS: A, Albie, Bug, Booger, Bubba, Pele (Did I mention he has a soccer fixation? He can't start playing until the spring, but he's obsessed!)


My mom's sisters call him Louie. (Mostly just because it makes me mad, I think.)


DD: Boo, Pooh, Princess P, P, Prissy


Collectively, I refer to them as the Monkeys. "Come on, Monkeys...."

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