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I visited my family today. Mom was feeling good (as good as she does these days), and we all had a wonderful time.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye, and I told Mom how much I miss her these days. We don't talk on the phone every day like we used to, and I don't visit her every week.

"You have to get used to being without me," she tells me, "That's what we're working towards."




I don't want to get used to the world without my mom.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry! This is so hard! I am praying for strength and peace for you! And for your mom! I'm glad you got to spend time with her though. This day will make special memories!!!


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

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:grouphug: Even though we age, we are still our mother's daughters/sons. I know we do go on without them, but still it's hard. I'm so sorry she is not doing well. I hope you are able to see her and be with her as much as possible in the coming days. Life is so short. Enjoy her and drink it all in.

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Oh, yes. I remember anticipating being without Mom. I asked her about 3 days before she died, "I'm going to be okay aren't I?" She assured me that I would be fine. And she was right, Crissy. Mom was/is my best friend in the whole world. It's been about 3 1/2 years, and I am fine. I miss her of course. And I get so excited to think of seeing her in heaven one day; we will never have to say goodbye again.


You will be okay. Please try to cling to that. You are your mother's daughter. You have her strength. She has loved you and taught you and made you strong. You will carry on. Let God carry you on eagle's wings.


I wish I could hug you. I am crying for you as I type. I know it is hard.




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:grouphug: and prayers for you . . .


I'm so sorry you're facing this.


My mom passed away in April. I dreamed about her again last night. It was sweet and comforting.


She'll always be with you, you know. It's terribly sad, but so many things remind me of my mom, it's like she's everywhere . . . And I'm so glad I had her as long as I did. The world is certainly better because she was here. I'm looking forward to seeing her again.


Pull close to your children. Let them know what's really important. Teach them what she taught you. It's comforting to be passing it on.


Blessings on you and yours!

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I visited my family today. Mom was feeling good (as good as she does these days), and we all had a wonderful time.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye, and I told Mom how much I miss her these days. We don't talk on the phone every day like we used to, and I don't visit her every week.

"You have to get used to being without me," she tells me, "That's what we're working towards."




I don't want to get used to the world without my mom.


OH Crissy, your post just made me burst into tears!!! I'm so sorry you are having to do this. I can't imagine the pain of losing my mom right now. Please know that I am praying for you today and shedding a few tears for your pain.

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I don't know you circumstances regarding your mom but I know I dread the day that I have to deal with the situation. My dad teases me and my mom as sometimes we talk 2-4 times a day. I think what I would like if to somehow keep her presence alive in my day and my boys' lives. Could you maybe videotape conversations during a good time or record talks so you can hear voice and laughter? When times are good, could you have her share memories for you to journal to keep? Just thoughts as I said since I don't know your situation. Praying for both of you as you walk this inevitable path we all someday will experience. God bless you.

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Oh Crissy,


I'm so sorry your having to go through this.


After momma died, she would be in my dreams everynight for at least a month straight, now, it seems like when I need her the most, she will come to me in my dreams (sometimes she comes to fuss at me;)). I gave her a necklace one year of Christ on the Cross and she never took it off. Well, she wanted me to have it after she died and when I've got it on, if He is turned towards me, I always say "I love you momma" and kiss it and turn it back facing outward. I truly believe that she is with me when the necklace is turned backwards because sometimes it will go two or three days without turning and then sometimes it will turn two or three times in a day.


You will be okay, she will always be with you and when you least expect it and need her the most, she will show you that she is there with you.:grouphug:




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Well, As one who did NOT have that relationship with her mother, be thankjful that you have had that kind of love, friendship and life together. My mom and I were adversarial. We could not live with each other. She was OCD and I am ADD. NOT a good match. Her intolerance and forceful ways pushed me away. I am very happy that you have a wonderful relationship with your mother. Enjoy and appreciate it.


For those of you who's moms are gone. Don't be sad, be happy and thankful, and enjoy the wonderful memories. It is a precious thing.

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I visited my family today. Mom was feeling good (as good as she does these days), and we all had a wonderful time.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye, and I told Mom how much I miss her these days. We don't talk on the phone every day like we used to, and I don't visit her every week.

"You have to get used to being without me," she tells me, "That's what we're working towards."




I don't want to get used to the world without my mom.



Oh Crissy, I am so sorry :(



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