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Baby Slings?

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I have a moby wrap that I used w/ my last one. I like it a lot, other than the difficulty of getting it situated in the first place, & the fact that every. time. I. did. someone showed up wanting to hold the baby. :glare: :lol:


I have a maya wrap that's good, too. I didn't use it w/ the last one because I had the moby, & I'm a little too short for it to work well, but it's MUCH better than the 1st one I owned (a gift, I didn't choose it, don't remember what kind).


So I'm good on baby slings. Really. BUT...I got a coupon in the mail for another kind that looks really great, simple, etc....:lol: They're FREE w/ the coupon. :svengo:


No-brainer, right? Well...shipping is $12. And I don't really need one. So will you go look at the website & tell me what you think, if you have experience w/ this kind, if it's worth $12? Thanks.



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I actually like sevenslings. They are definitely worth the $12, and I think every mama needs a good sling! I probably used my sling for hip carries, nearly every day from 6 months-2 years. They are NOT made for long trips (although I have hiked with one!), but they can't be beat for grocery store trips, or doing the dishes.


If I could only ever buy 1 carrier, it would be an Ergo though. :)

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For $12 I would consider it. The only thing of concern for me about a pouch sling is getting the correct fit since it's not adjustable. It's harder to find the right size when you can't try them on.


They've got sizing ins for another $3, but honestly, the range of height/weight is wide enough that I fall *solidly* into one size category, almost no matter what.

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A pouch sling was the first kind I ever owned. Nice for newborns and for quick trips to the store etc, but if you plan to wear baby for longer periods of time it will really wear on your shoulder. Especially as baby gains weight.


If you have lots of people showing up wanting to hold the baby pouch slings are very easy to pop in and out.

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I had a New Native that i used through all my pregnancies-and would whip up all kinds of colors for myself (it's incredibly easy to sew). I think I still ahve some-you want them?--ok just clicked the link-yep, kinda just like that-only not jersey.


You're sweet! No, I just want you all to tell me if it's worth the $ to buy *another* sling. I could see reasons to do it, but overall...I *think* I'm good w/ what I've got. It's just the psychology of "free"...:lol:

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A pouch sling was the first kind I ever owned. Nice for newborns and for quick trips to the store etc, but if you plan to wear baby for longer periods of time it will really wear on your shoulder. Especially as baby gains weight.


If you have lots of people showing up wanting to hold the baby pouch slings are very easy to pop in and out.


One of the other two would be good for longer wearing, I figure. But the "lots of people showing up wanting to hold the baby" thing was probably unique to #4. We were living in very communal apartments w/ lots of family nearby. Here, not so much. So that's a good difference to notice!

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I've received this offer a few times and have never done it. I have a homemade Moby, a Maya, and an Ergo, and I figured those will do the trick for me. I would just figure out the Maya sling, if I were you. It takes me all of 30 seconds max to get into place, and you already have one. But if you have $12 and you just want one, then go for it. :)

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I've received this offer a few times and have never done it. I have a homemade Moby, a Maya, and an Ergo, and I figured those will do the trick for me. I would just figure out the Maya sling, if I were you. It takes me all of 30 seconds max to get into place, and you already have one. But if you have $12 and you just want one, then go for it. :)


I haven't had any trouble figuring out the maya--I'm just really that short in the torso. It's fine--really, truly fine, but I didn't use it at all w/ my last one because I liked the moby so much better. A lot of trouble, though. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I'm 5'3; dh is 6'. Our hip to toe measurement is the *same.* I have NO torso! :lol:

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I'd get it because I'm an addict. I used a pouch with my 3yo dd for the first 4 months then switched to a Maya, then later a Mei Tai for back carrying. I have a Moby too, but it's such a pain to get on and off when you can just grab a sling and pop the baby in. Pouches are cool because you don't have to fiddle with them, but I've never tried them with a bigger baby.

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Pouches are great!

HOWEVER I would never recommend them for a new mother if they had any baby weight to lose. If you are one of those lucky women who give birth and then slip on their pre pregnancy jeans then you'll be fine, otherwise you should wait until your weight has stablalised because very soon your pouch won't fit and it will be very uncomfortable


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Pouches are great!

HOWEVER I would never recommend them for a new mother if they had any baby weight to lose. If you are one of those lucky women who give birth and then slip on their pre pregnancy jeans then you'll be fine, otherwise you should wait until your weight has stablalised because very soon your pouch won't fit and it will be very uncomfortable



That's what I thought, but the weight range covers pretty much everything I've weighed since my first baby. If I lose more than that, I'll be so thrilled I won't care about a sling fitting or not. :D

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If I could only ever buy 1 carrier, it would be an Ergo though. :)


I started w/ a simple ring sling, which I really did like (once I got instructed on proper use and such). However, I never could wear it long term like I had heard all this baby wearing info said. I then went to a mei tai(Kozy-which at the time was big-never found it comfortable at all), Moby(never could get the hang of all the fabric- took too long), didymos(again too much fabric and took too long and not terribly comfort even when I had the material and wrap like I was supposed to), finally I got the Ergo after drooling over them for awhile. I LOVE my Ergo- I've nearly wore it out, literally. I can wear it hrs at a time w/ never a pain. I'm getting rid of my sling and Moby(I've already sold the other 2 carriers) and the next baby I'm investing in the infant insert. We just bought a Sherpani for hiking but had to send it back it pales in comparison to the Ergo, we will just keep using it for hiking. I love that the Ergo puts the weight on the hips and not on the shoulders. I'll never buy another carrier! It is easy on and off as well!

Edited by soror
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I've owned a lot of pouch slings over the years and love them! They're great for quick carries, especially in and out of the car or the quick scoot around the house. They're also easy to make if you have a sewing machine, access to some nice fabric, and about an hour to spare. (I can link you to instructions if you need them.)


I have not tried this particular product, but I did some research and was not particularly impressed by what I read. Apparently they are made from cheap fabrics and the construction isn't consistent. I've read of loose threads, thin fabrics that make for uncomfortable wearing, poor sizing (i.e. not matching the charts or other samples of the product), and harsh chemical smells. It sounds like these are cheaply made in China and the company makes their money from the shipping rather than the product itself. So knowing all of that, even being the crazy carrier lover that I am, I probably wouldn't bother. Unless it was purely for curiosity and I had the money to blow.


If you do want a pouch, and don't want to make your own, I highly recommend the Hotslings brand. Great quality, comfortable fabrics (get the stretch cotton... though I don't know that they even make non-stretch any longer), and I believe you can get them at Target these days so they're easy to try out before you commit.

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I love pouch slings for tiny babies, but once they get very big they don't work as well for me. I had a New Native and I loved it.


I had a Moby as well, I liked it if I was going to be walking around a lot. It was really comfortable and easier on my back than a sling.


The Maya was easiest, it is great for tossing on while running errands. It is quick and simple to use. I didn't like wearing it if we were walking around a lot.


I er..I also have a Beco, which we loved. Dh liked using it.


I have a baby wearing device problem.

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Can you elaborate on what your issue is with the Maya Wrap? I also have pretty much no torso, but can use a ring sling comfortably. I wonder if it was positioning? (I can't wear a baby in cradle position, so for me it's tummy-to-tummy regardless of the carrier style.)


A pouch is just like a ring sling but without the tail for adjustability, so if you had an issue with using the Maya Wrap because of the basic style of the carrier when on, then I don't think you'd like a pouch.

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I have a baby wearing device problem.


:lol: I consider what you described a bare minimum. Well, sort of joking... but I do think every mama would do well with a pouch, ring sling, wrap, and a Mei Tai or soft structured carrier. One of each of these makes for really convenient baby transportation! (Baby carriers are my only baby gear thing... We haven't ever owned a crib, but there have been LOTS of carriers to make their way through here!)

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The problem with sizing is that it really has more to do with your shoulder to top of hip measurement than your overall height and weight. With you be so short-waisted, I'd guess you wear at least 1-2 sizes smaller than it says. I am also short waisted, about 5'7" and 150 some odd pounds, and wear a size 2 in a hotsling (the smallest was a 1), so I'd still be a little leary in the sizing. Oh, and I also have hefty milk producers on top especially right after having a baby, that factors in too. And, if you don't like the maya, this pretty much behaves the same way. I do love a good hip carry in a ring sling later, but find I can't kangaroo (baby facing out) at all cause my babies are way to chubby and I'm way too short waisted.

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Oh, they look like my old hotslings that I loved so much! $12 sounds like a deal I would not be able to resist - but - I think I would have trouble with their sizing. Not sure. I'm only 5', but I wear a M to L tee shirt - I have large booKs. Also, I'm not sure I understand their "green zone" (on the sizing page) - depending on the age of the baby, if his bottom is in the green zone, I don't think I'd be able to kiss his face. But maybe I just can't picture it.


Anyway, if I looked at the sizing and could find one I thought would fit me well, I would probably try it.


(Have you ever used a tube or pouch sling? As the baby gets bigger, I sometimes have problems with just a one-shoulder carrier - it hurts my back, the way the weight gets distributed.)



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I've owned a lot of pouch slings over the years and love them! They're great for quick carries, especially in and out of the car or the quick scoot around the house. They're also easy to make if you have a sewing machine, access to some nice fabric, and about an hour to spare. (I can link you to instructions if you need them.)


I have not tried this particular product, but I did some research and was not particularly impressed by what I read. Apparently they are made from cheap fabrics and the construction isn't consistent. I've read of loose threads, thin fabrics that make for uncomfortable wearing, poor sizing (i.e. not matching the charts or other samples of the product), and harsh chemical smells. It sounds like these are cheaply made in China and the company makes their money from the shipping rather than the product itself. So knowing all of that, even being the crazy carrier lover that I am, I probably wouldn't bother. Unless it was purely for curiosity and I had the money to blow.


If you do want a pouch, and don't want to make your own, I highly recommend the Hotslings brand. Great quality, comfortable fabrics (get the stretch cotton... though I don't know that they even make non-stretch any longer), and I believe you can get them at Target these days so they're easy to try out before you commit.


Oh, after reading this I have to agree; I wouldn't bother either. Unfortunately, I don't think Hotslings is in business anymore, so I don't know if you can still get them.

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Oh, after reading this I have to agree; I wouldn't bother either. Unfortunately, I don't think Hotslings is in business anymore, so I don't know if you can still get them.


I never had a Hotsling, but if anyone were looking for something similar, Slinglings is a good brand (http://www.slinglings.com) Her sizing charts are very very specific and the slings are beautiful and well made.

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Can you elaborate on what your issue is with the Maya Wrap? I also have pretty much no torso, but can use a ring sling comfortably. I wonder if it was positioning? (I can't wear a baby in cradle position, so for me it's tummy-to-tummy regardless of the carrier style.)


A pouch is just like a ring sling but without the tail for adjustability, so if you had an issue with using the Maya Wrap because of the basic style of the carrier when on, then I don't think you'd like a pouch.


It's been a while--I think it was the ring digging into my shoulder blade. I had to pull it way forward & then adjust down to nothing.

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It's been a while--I think it was the ring digging into my shoulder blade. I had to pull it way forward & then adjust down to nothing.


Is it one of the "older" style Maya Wraps or the new padded shoulder? If it is one of the older ones, I would invest in another (but not the ones you are looking at) :tongue_smilie: I couldn't have survived without a good ringsling (or 5...or 10) :leaving: sleepingbaby.net is a great resource. Not only are they affordable, but if you have an older Maya Wrap she rodoes the shoulders for not too much... If you have a newer padded shoulder, those are easier to use...

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Is it one of the "older" style Maya Wraps or the new padded shoulder? If it is one of the older ones, I would invest in another (but not the ones you are looking at) :tongue_smilie: I couldn't have survived without a good ringsling (or 5...or 10) :leaving: sleepingbaby.net is a great resource. Not only are they affordable, but if you have an older Maya Wrap she rodoes the shoulders for not too much... If you have a newer padded shoulder, those are easier to use...


I don't know--I bought it used in 2007, but the one I had before that was padded (not a maya wrap). Because of the padding, I couldn't tighten it enough, so I've shied away from much padding since.

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I don't know--I bought it used in 2007, but the one I had before that was padded (not a maya wrap). Because of the padding, I couldn't tighten it enough, so I've shied away from much padding since.


The new maya wraps are padded only on the shoulder, not on the rails. Is the shoulder narrow (maybe 5" or so?) or more spread out? I think they changed the shoulder in 2006 maybe?

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I agree on the old vs. new Maya Wraps. The old ones had a fan of fabric and a flap you pulled over to cup your shoulder. They're not nearly as comfortable as the newer ones.


I also agree that sending a sling to Jan at Sleeping Baby for a new shoulder is a great idea. She's awesome, and does great work.

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