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School rings

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So, who here buys their kid a $400 school ring when they graduate from college? And an ugly one at that (ring, not college). I just don't get it! Dd is lamenting that she never got anything for her highschool. She was also trying to have me pay $60 for some ugly senior year photos (that I never knew about until after the fact). They are not the prettiest and her sister is an amateur photographer with a great camera and could take smashing pictures, come the *actual* graduation (and not 8 months before).




I told her I'd pay half of the ring, but I doubt she has $200 herself. She might enver forgive me if she doesn't get one. For the pictures, her sister will take some and they'll look much greater than what they took.

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In high school my parents gave me the option of a class ring or picking something out on my own. I picked out a pearl ring set in gold that is really pretty. I still wear it as an adult, and I can guarantee I would not still wear a high school class ring. I think the ring I ended up with was less expensive than a class ring by quite a bit, and it has been more versatile.


I didn't get a college ring either.

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In high school my parents gave me the option of a class ring or picking something out on my own. I picked out a pearl ring set in gold that is really pretty. I still wear it as an adult, and I can guarantee I would not still wear a high school class ring. I think the ring I ended up with was less expensive than a class ring by quite a bit, and it has been more versatile.




My parents bought a sapphire (birthstone) ring for my sister. She still wears it.

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I still wear my class ring. And if senior pictures are only costing you $60, (did I read that right?) that's a ridiculously low price. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't taken by a pro. Did she maybe know you would have that attitude about senior portraits and that's why she had them taken without your input? I worked my @$$ off to pay for my own senior portraits because I didn't think my parents would want to spend the money.... If I had had someone offer to take them for $60, I would have been overjoyed.

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My parents let my sis and me choose nice rings at our local jeweler instead of highschool class rings. We both picked ruby/diamond rings and still wear them often. (My sis had hers remounted on a wider, nicer band for college grad) If I had a daughter, I would definitely be encouraging the same thing.

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That's a lot of money for a ring! My father's parents didn't buy him a class ring so he felt strongly I should have one. I got the cheapest one and I haven't worn it since graduating.


If your dd is going to college, she probably won't wear the ring very long. I purchased a college ring, because my university has a very distinctive style and former students identify each other with the ring.


An alternative would be a real ring. she would always know it is her "class" ring but it wouldn't be so dated. My parents gave me a birthstone ring my senior year. It wasn't anything fancy, but I treasured it. I even had the stones mounted in my wedding ring. It might help as an alternative suggestion.

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I don't know anyone who wears their high school or college rings. In my ancient memory I recall them being worn for a very short time after graduation. My mother had some of her jewelry remade into rings for my sister and myself when we graduated. $400.00 can buy some nice jewelry! As to the pictures, I'm with you, it's not just the money but the quality of the pictures.

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I (not my parents) paid $400 for my college class ring 25 years ago and it was on the lower end.


Guys from my alma mater routinely wear their rings, even have their wedding rings curved to fit snugly against them, but I don't know any girls who wore them after they got married. I wear it occasionally when I go to an event where someone might appreciate it, but otherwise, no.


My senior pictures (in college) cost a lot more than $60, and mom would have had fits if I hadn't bought them.

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I've not read the whole thread, but given the school, and her desire for it, I would absolutely buy the ring. But I might be shallow that way, and consider it an heirloom.



I did not want to buy my child's college photo. It didn't look like him. ;) My dh was appalled. How could we *not* buy them? was his argument. We bought the smallest package possible to please dh. I don't like it. It's in an album, not on the piano or mantel. The pic I took on the day is displayed, however. ;) Everyone is happy.

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I bought a high school ring and wore it for about a year, and I didn't even consider a college ring because I barely wore the high school ring.


Instead of buying a hideous ring, why not put the money towards professionally matting and framing her diploma? Something that will go on her wall until she dies and never go out of style? I wish I could afford to get DH and my diplomas professionally framed. They have some really beautiful options, and you work so stinkin' hard for those bits of paper!


I'd cave on the senior pics too. It's different than having your family member take a nice picture of you.

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I haven't take my college ring off since the day I got it. Maybe to you it's an ugly ring. To her it represents all of her years of hard work and accomplishments. To her it might be the equivalent of being able to wear her diploma! And $60 for senior pictures is actually really cheap.

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paying half for the college ring seems reasonable to me... she is nearly an adult. Whether you think it's ugly or not shouldn't matter.


pictures I would cave on, or pay to have them re-done by your other child or another professional if you don't care for the way they came out. Your opinion of the pics does matter I think!


ETA... there have got to be cheaper ring options out there, if she doesn't want to pay the $200 maybe she can do some research on it!

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It's a college ring and she has been wanting it since she entered college. I think it is hideous and never had anything to commemorate my milestones anyways so I can't relate. The pictures, I think it was $60 a piece. I wasn't really listening because she never told me beforehand or I would have been psyched. Guess I am not really feeling very included in her life so she is not getting a lot of sympathy from me. I mean I just had ds 3 take soccer pictures, for the fun of it. But the pictures were not special, her sister takes great pictures plus she isn't even graduated yet and they take pictures????


I really think she should have been saving her money so she could buy this ring since she has been talking about it for such a long time. As it is right now, then I don't feel like getting it for her. We have told her we'll pay for her college and that is still the plan (when she graduates then we plan on paying the loans she had to take when dh had no work).


I am thinking priorities here. Save your money if you want something that unnecessary, but hey, you can't save because you spend all your money.


Sorry for the rant.

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It's a college ring and she has been wanting it since she entered college. I think it is hideous and never had anything to commemorate my milestones anyways so I can't relate. The pictures, I think it was $60 a piece. I wasn't really listening because she never told me beforehand or I would have been psyched. Guess I am not really feeling very included in her life so she is not getting a lot of sympathy from me. I mean I just had ds 3 take soccer pictures, for the fun of it. But the pictures were not special, her sister takes great pictures plus she isn't even graduated yet and they take pictures????


I really think she should have been saving her money so she could buy this ring since she has been talking about it for such a long time. As it is right now, then I don't feel like getting it for her. We have told her we'll pay for her college and that is still the plan (when she graduates then we plan on paying the loans she had to take when dh had no work).


I am thinking priorities here. Save your money if you want something that unnecessary, but hey, you can't save because you spend all your money.


Sorry for the rant.


Now the whole thing makes more sense to me. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Save your money if you want something that unnecessary, but hey, you can't save because you spend all your money.




I didn't know there was a back story. Although I wonder how much money she can make as a fulltime college Sr. I know my oldest had a lot of expenses, and didn't have a lot of extra money, even as he worked summers and at school.

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1dd wanted a ring (classy - gold with the school's seal engraved on top. no stone.) when she graduated from college. she wears it all the time. It means more to her than her phi beta kappa key necklace(?) - which sits in her jewlery box.


2dd didn't care. (she did want a new viola.)

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Just thought I would mention that the ring is not a buy now or never item. The company would be more than happy to sell her the same ring a year from now. And if she saves up and still wants it then....she can buy it for herself.


I agree $60 seems reasonable for the pics if SHE likes how they turned out.


- Cammie

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