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Natural gurus: what can help recovery after surgery?

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Hey all Hive naturalists!


My dd19 had surgery last Friday, to remove her gallbladder. She's recovering fairly well, but is frustrated b/c she's still dizzy from the anesthesia/procedure. She stopped her Lortab (hydrocodone) on Sunday, so maybe it's still not out of her system?


Any hints, suggestions, to help her heal faster? Thanks!

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I concur with everyone because lots of fluid and "pee" is about the only way to really flush anesthetic from the system.


Now, for the rest of the body, since surgery is traumatic to the system, I think a good multi-vitamin, extra vitamin c, easy to digest foods, green veggies, simple proteins, fruits, very light grains, not much dairy, etc. are best.


Relaxation is just a huge one. Try some scalp massage, soft lighting, soft music, deep breathing, hot water bottle or heating pad under the back, anything that causes one to de-stress. Remove as much tension as possible.


For the dizziness, until it passes, advise her to keep her line of vision level and to turn her head slowly or raise and lower her head slowly. Basically, don't look down and then up quickly or side to side hastily, etc. Slow, deliberate motion. It can take a bit to get one's equilibrium back and especially when getting out of bed, off the toilet, or out of a chair, one needs to look directly in front (not down) and keep the head level as you rise.


Dd, the paramedic, says one of the number one places they find people who have passed out after surgery or significant illness, is the bathroom. People are on the toilet, looking down, go to get up, snap their heads suddenly upward, and down.they.go.



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Arnica. I took it after the birth of each of my 4 dc and every time, my midwives were amazed at how quickly I healed. Best to consult a homoeopath for the concentration/amount required in your dd's specific situation.


I second the recommendation for arnica montana. It does wonders to aid in tissue healing. Also lots of rest and lots and lots of water and whole foods.

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I just had my gallbladder removed the week before that and I'm only starting to feel more normal. I agree with everyone else on the water, rest and walking. Smoothies also help as I don't feel like eating, so the nutrition in a good smoothie is the only thing that keeps me going some days. I felt very foggy for a week and still don't feel totally with it mentally, but it seems each day is getting better. I know they really downplay gallbladder surgery as it's a relatively minor outpatient surgery any more, but remember, they put you out, removed an organ, messed with the digestive system, and send you on your way without much aftercare. She needs to just take her time and let the healing happen. Also, depending on how sick she was before having the surgery, she might have some extra healing to do - I was in the hospital twice with pancreatitis in the past month before I had mine removed so I have to remind myself that one isn't sick for a whole month, has surgery, and is suddenly better. Hope she is feeling better soon!

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Hey all Hive naturalists!


My dd19 had surgery last Friday, to remove her gallbladder. She's recovering fairly well, but is frustrated b/c she's still dizzy from the anesthesia/procedure. She stopped her Lortab (hydrocodone) on Sunday, so maybe it's still not out of her system?


Any hints, suggestions, to help her heal faster? Thanks!

Time, rest, lots of water, time, rest.......

I had two eye surgeries this summer. Supposed to be very do it and be up and going. Didn't happen that way with me. It has taken me weeks to get to where I am feeling normal. I simply don't flush the anesthesia out of my system like most people do.

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