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whathome projects are you working on this week?


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Nothing fancy. I am cleaning house after having sick kids all week. We have a 1/2 beef coming this weekend, so I need to defrost the chest freezer. I did the small freezer yesterday. Cleaning out the big freezer usually involves a good bit of cooking up a few stray meats so I am sure my weekend will be busy with that. lol


ETA>>>>Well, I got motivated and it is already done and it is only Friday! :) The stray meats went to the trash, as they were from our 09 beef. I don't know how we missed those!


It is all sparkly clean and dry, refreezing for a bit before I put back the food from the coolers.


My next chore is putting dd4s bedroom back together. It was disassembled due to her destroying her room recently (litterally, destroying....ie breaking things). We have her on a new med and I am going to optimistic and say it will be the greatest ever and she can have her room back!

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Moved the girl back to the bigger of the other two upstairs bedrooms. Repainted the walls in there with whatever I had on hand. (an adventure all its own) Moved the desks to the smaller room. Working on allowing some of the girl's confiscated items back and getting all of that organized with her.


It's been a good outlet for me as this has been a stressful week (and still going).


Wishing I could take another week off school though. My head's not back in that game yet.

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We're moving in two weeks. :scared:


We are packing, packing, packing.


We painted my daughter's new room last weekend, and we need to go back and touch up a little.


We need to buy a washing machine for the new house, probably at the Sears Scratch & Dent outlet.


I feel compelled to measure all our furniture, cut it out of graph paper, and move it around on diagrams of our new rooms, but realistically speaking I ought to be putting things in boxes instead.


Oh my gosh, we have SO MUCH STUFF.

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