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Pg & hs'ing...

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I don't know, this is my first (and should be ONLY) experience w/it.


I figure we'll keep going til the end. When I was working, I worked right til my due date, so figure its the same thing. Plus, the more we get done now, the less Wolf is under the gun later, b/c I figure a new baby in the house, Daddy taking over school is all going to be pretty distracting.

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I'll be 39 weeks this Thursday and I hope to finish this week and then take a break. At first I wanted last week to be the last week before our break, but it actually keeps me distracted and busy so I don't constantly think about when I'm going to finally have this baby!


I did decrease our workload a little. We're focusing on the basics and do some history reading if I feel like I can do a little more.

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I don't know, this is my first (and should be ONLY) experience w/it.


I figure we'll keep going til the end. When I was working, I worked right til my due date, so figure its the same thing. Plus, the more we get done now, the less Wolf is under the gun later, b/c I figure a new baby in the house, Daddy taking over school is all going to be pretty distracting.


I'm *much* more able to do school the week after a baby than the mo before. But being less able doesn't automatically equal UNable, kwim?

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I'm *much* more able to do school the week after a baby than the mo before. But being less able doesn't automatically equal UNable, kwim?



For me, though, we don't know how RSD is going to react, so I may be completely unable. Which is why I'll push through to the end.

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I'll be 39 weeks this Thursday and I hope to finish this week and then take a break. At first I wanted last week to be the last week before our break, but it actually keeps me distracted and busy so I don't constantly think about when I'm going to finally have this baby!


I did decrease our workload a little. We're focusing on the basics and do some history reading if I feel like I can do a little more.




Yeah, doing school does distract me, & I'm not planning on quitting yet, but my patience is SO thin. They're picking at ea other like they don't usually, asking questions like "Where is ch 2?" (Probably after ch1. It really depends on WHAT YOU MEAN.)


And I wonder...is it me or them? I'll keep wondering that until baby comes. Grrr. :lol:

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For me, though, we don't know how RSD is going to react, so I may be completely unable. Which is why I'll push through to the end.


Oh, gosh. I hadn't thought of that. Well, may your patience serve you & your kids well. May your kids astonish you with their good attitudes. :grouphug:

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Well, the one and only time I was pregnant I was teaching 7th grade English in a public school. I taught 5 classes per day right up until Molly was born. I worked all week through Friday, went into labor on Sunday night and Molly was born the next day, so obviously I had a sub from then on to finishe out the last week of school.


So pretty much, I'd take homeschooling my own while pregnant over 140 13 year olds at the end of the school year hands down. At least I could sit down, drink water and go shoeless and bra-less if I chose. :D


Hope you ladies have easy deliveries!



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Well, the one and only time I was pregnant I was teaching 7th grade English in a public school. I taught 5 classes per day right up until Molly was born. I worked all week through Friday, went into labor on Sunday night and Molly was born the next day, so obviously I had a sub from then on to finishe out the last week of school.


So pretty much, I'd take homeschooling my own while pregnant over 140 13 year olds at the end of the school year hands down. At least I could sit down, drink water and go shoeless and bra-less if I chose. :D


Hope you ladies have easy deliveries!




That's funny--I feel completely the opposite! I'm so glad I can teach after baby's born, since I can nurse, change diapers, etc while balancing equations. Otoh...you know how it's harder to be rational w/ your own dc than w/ other people? Heheh.

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If you do better taking a break at the end of pregnancy then I would do that.


We'll be having some big changes at the end of this pregnancy and I was sick over the summer and we didn't get as far ahead as I wanted to. My plan is to do as much as we can whenever we can. :001_smile: DH graduates in December and will most likely have the van to commute for a new job in January. We will most likely move closer to his work in February. The baby is due at the end of January and I'm trying to remain calm about the whole thing. :eek: I try to remind myself of all the wonderful things we have going for us, we are so blessed in so many ways.

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Am I the only one who keeps skimming past the title of this thread on the main board and reading "PG & pushing"? My heart leaps into my throat a little every time it happens!


:grouphug: to all of you PG mamas. I wasn't HSing at the time I had my second, and I'm so glad I wasn't. Just being PG was hard enough! Kudos to all of you for your hard work.

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I'm 37 weeks and we're still going. I don't plan to stop till DD is born. We're taking off some time after DD is born, but I don't know how much...we're just going to see how it goes. :)


My *plan* was to scale back in another couple of weeks, but keep going. Looking at things today, though...I could see it going either way. It's a good distraction, but gosh, I'm hard to get along w/.


Today, I was pretty sure it was the kids--I mean, screaming over spoons & throwing pencils--wow. I've never really seen that level of madness in our house.


But dh is home now, & he's making me crazy, too, so...it might be me. :lol:

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When I was pg and homeschooling I focused on just reading and using videos in the end. I was working at the same time until I ended up on bedrest. The kids were young then, 4, 8 and 9 so just reading and watching videos worked well so that I could stay in bed and still teach them. We took the month off completely (she was a prem and my oldest was having difficulty with the transition). After that we did lite school until after xmas. When the new year hit we jumped back in with 2 feet. It worked well for our situation.

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My *plan* was to scale back in another couple of weeks, but keep going. Looking at things today, though...I could see it going either way. It's a good distraction, but gosh, I'm hard to get along w/.


Today, I was pretty sure it was the kids--I mean, screaming over spoons & throwing pencils--wow. I've never really seen that level of madness in our house.


But dh is home now, & he's making me crazy, too, so...it might be me. :lol:


Lol!! I definitely have the unreasonable vibe going on. DD keeps telling DS, "A grumpy mommy isn't a good mommy! Don't make her grumpy!!". :lol:

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With my first pregnancy, I worked as a half-time special education teacher until spring break, when my due date was March 25. I think spring break was March 18.


With my most recent pregnancy, we finished school the end of April when my due date was May 30. I think having the time off was more important for my nesting than for my physical/mental ability to have school. I had so little done! There were several days that I thought I was in labor prior to actual birth though. Those would have had to be sick days if we were still schooling!

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I've had two babies while homeschooling. The first (my fourth baby) was born in September. We were living with my parents while our house was being finished, so we didn't do a whole lot of school until after we moved (end of September). We did start Sonlight K while at my parents' house. I ran out of gas around 38 weeks and dd was born a few days later. My intention was to get ahead.


My fifth baby was kind enough to arrive at the end of June, so we finished the school year before she came and then had the summer off. I didn't want to do school right after the birth. If I had another mid-school-year baby, I'd work as long as I could and take time off after the birth.


We are TTC # 6 now. If it works in the next 3 months we will have a summer baby (my preference for a lot of reasons, including school). :)

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I'm 35 weeks and I think I'll go 'till the end and then take a week or so off, more if the baby is early. I've never homeschooled while pregnant/with an infant though so I'm sort of dreading the last bit and the time after.


Ah well. We've got our routine mostly down. I find that helps a LOT. I can sleep in or nap whenever as long as we just pick up the routine where we left off.

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