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s/o learning to cook - baking

Which do you prefer - baking or cooking?  

  1. 1. Which do you prefer - baking or cooking?

    • Love to cook - making dinner makes me happy!
    • Love to bake - the smells just take me away...
    • Both! Just put me in a kitchen!
    • Neither... hand me the takeout menus :)
    • Obligatory Other

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So if you like to cook meals, do you also like to bake? I find that in most people, these two are mutually exclusive. My sister loves to bake but hates cooking. My mother is the opposite. Several of my best friends will happily spend days in the kitchen baking but despise busting out a pan to make dinner. I seem to be an oddball because I love both. I'm just curious what the majority prefer.

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I can and do do both, but I prefer to cook; I think it's because I like dinner better than dessert.




DD14, on the other hand is also very good at both cooking and baking, likes both, but would choose baking over cooking if forced... she likes dessert more than dinner. :001_smile:

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I love to bake because it is a voluntary effort. I do so when the mood strikes me and I have time. The end product is greeted with cheers and thankyous, because it's an unexpected treat.


None of these apply to "cooking", which is expected, must be done whether I feel like it or not, have time or not, and is often greeted with "Oh, we're having THAT!?"


Yup, baking wins hands down ;).

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I love to cook....but I like quiet in the kitchen LOL and I don't like to be rushed---so I guess my "like" of it comes with stipulations LOL>....I love trying new recipes and making old family favorites....oh and thanksgiving-christmas---I LOVE COOKING BIG! LOL :D I love fall-I really get the cooking bug....

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I voted neither, but I think it has to do w/ following a recipe. Getting out the book, clearing the counters to make room for mixing, cleaning up afterward--that's all a lot of trouble. I saw this as a requirement for cooking OR baking a few years ago.


I've figured out how to cook a little better since then, & I see that it's easier, in the sense of...well, your mind can wander, you can make it up as you go, etc. I understand finally how a person could like one but not the other.


Me? I'd still rather have someone else do the bulk of the cooking/baking, but I don't mind it as much now that it's less of a mystery.

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