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My CC group is such a blessing, especially at the challenge A level! We had so much fun last night going out with the kids for pizza and to see Dolphin Tale. The moms in this group are incredible and I'm looking forward to the friendships that are developing!


and I finally have some time to really clean my house today!

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My son played soccer this morning and didn't have a meltdown or anything, he is autistic so this is a huge deal, and one of the parents told him after the game how great he did. Often times I cry and soccer and feel like it's a waste to bring him but today I felt like he really belonged. It was awesome.

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I found my 3 yr old a bunch of clothes on clearance at Sears. I got everything in a size or 2 bigger to put up for next summer. The dresses were $36 marked down to $4.99!! A light white cardigan was $24 marked down to $1.99 and Levis jeans were $2.99!!! Most all of her clothes come from a 2nd hand store. It felt nice to buy her some new clothes.

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I found my 3 yr old a bunch of clothes on clearance at Sears. I got everything in a size or 2 bigger to put up for next summer. The dresses were $36 marked down to $4.99!! A light white cardigan was $24 marked down to $1.99 and Levis jeans were $2.99!!! Most all of her clothes come from a 2nd hand store. It felt nice to buy her some new clothes.


This would TOTALLY make my day!!! :D

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I'm on this same quest but mine has been unsuccessful. I'm thinking my expectations are too high, but I keep looking. I want one that always has a $20 bill in it no matter how much money I spend.:D Where'd you find your new purse?




It's leather, and I got it at Target. It's probably not the perfect purse, and I've only had it a few days, but so far I like it.

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It is one of those crisp fall days up here and the trees are really turning now.


I'm making homemade mac and cheese for dinner and we're all going to cuddle up in bed and watch movies tonight.


I've got disc 2 of "The Good Wife" and as soon as the rest of my family conks out, I'm watching it!!! :D

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I cleaned my Sunroom today - thoroughly cleaned the windows (seven of them!), the floor and tidied up all the plants. I'm sitting in here right now and it just looks soooo sparkling and satisfying! :001_smile:

Sounds good to me. I wish I was in Carroll County right now!


I appreciate Negin in Grenada.


What I like: that my ds19 agreed to send his photo and info for consideration as an extra in a New Testament movie and even though he kept getting his hair cut and kept shaving, they still considered him because he has "THE LOOK" they want the actors to have. He finally is clean cut, instead of rowdy-looking cool guy. He made the final cut but decided not to participate. Instead, he's getting ready to serve a two year mission.


Sweet memory: Right after ds #4, child #5 was born, dh said to me: "Nobody can deny anyone else's right to be here."

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I am feeling happy because my dh was offered a really great job. One that he has spent the last 6 months interviewing for. One that offers us way better health insurance then the plan we were purchasing for ourselves so I will finally be able to have my fibroids taken care of. Plus, the salary will cover our expenses and I no longer have to worry about losing the house and we will be able to replace the savings we have been using to live on. I am so happy that I don't even care that most of those sentences end with a preposition. Nor, do I care that the last statement may start a heated discussion on whether or not it is okay to end a sentence in a preposition.

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I am feeling happy because my dh was offered a really great job. One that he has spent the last 6 months interviewing for. One that offers us way better health insurance then the plan we were purchasing for ourselves so I will finally be able to have my fibroids taken care of. Plus, the salary will cover our expenses and I no longer have to worry about losing the house and we will be able to replace the savings we have been using to live on. I am so happy that I don't even care that most of those sentences end with a preposition. Nor, do I care that the last statement may start a heated discussion on whether or not it is okay to end a sentence in a preposition.


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This is really good. You almost don't need s*x if you have some of this.


Chocolate Cream Pots

Makes: 6

2 cups heavy cream (or 1 cup heavy cream & 1 cup milk for the “diet†version)

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or good semi-dark chocolate

6 egg yolks

1/4 cup sugar

Heat the oven to 325ºF/160°C. Heat the cream, milk, and vanilla. Do not boil. Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie or in the microwave. Whisk the melted chocolate into the yolks in a bowl, then whisk in milk. Strain. Pour into 6 4-oz. ramekins. Place ramekins in a 9x13 pan and fill the pan halfway up the sides of the ramekins with hot water. Bake until set at the edges, but slightly jiggly still in the centre, 30 minutes. Remove. Cool. Wrap and refrigerate several hours before serving.

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I am feeling happy because my dh was offered a really great job. One that he has spent the last 6 months interviewing for. One that offers us way better health insurance then the plan we were purchasing for ourselves so I will finally be able to have my fibroids taken care of. Plus, the salary will cover our expenses and I no longer have to worry about losing the house and we will be able to replace the savings we have been using to live on. I am so happy that I don't even care that most of those sentences end with a preposition. Nor, do I care that the last statement may start a heated discussion on whether or not it is okay to end a sentence in a preposition.



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My youngest dd had her first Irish dancing feis today. All of the organizers and volunteers were so friendly and helpful, the stage managers made everything run smoothly, and I don't think her first feis could have gone any better. She won 3rd place for her reel. :001_smile:


The day I was diagnosed with leukemia, my sister's boyfriend left work early to go home and pack so that they could come down as soon as my sister got off work. When I was admitted to the hospital, my sister spent the first night with me, half-sleeping very uncomfortably in a chair. A friend organized a month of meals for us, mostly from the Sunday School class that my dh teaches and a few from our homeschool group. My co-workers collected money for a Kroger gift card for us. My former co-workers in Baltimore held a denim day at work to collect money for my Light the Night Walk team - money that goes to blood cancers research. (I left there in 1999!) A co-workers grandmother's church group knitted a prayer shawl for me. Friends of my mother whom I don't even know sent me cards. The partners at work reduced and streamlined my responsibilities without cutting my pay. A friend who is a contractor gave my dh some temporary work to help us recover from the time I had to take off from work this summer. It was devastating to be told that I had leukemia, but in some ways, I have never felt so blessed as I have in the past few months.

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The day I was diagnosed with leukemia, my sister's boyfriend left work early to go home and pack so that they could come down as soon as my sister got off work. When I was admitted to the hospital, my sister spent the first night with me, half-sleeping very uncomfortably in a chair. A friend organized a month of meals for us, mostly from the Sunday School class that my dh teaches and a few from our homeschool group. My co-workers collected money for a Kroger gift card for us. My former co-workers in Baltimore held a denim day at work to collect money for my Light the Night Walk team - money that goes to blood cancers research. (I left there in 1999!) A co-workers grandmother's church group knitted a prayer shawl for me. Friends of my mother whom I don't even know sent me cards. The partners at work reduced and streamlined my responsibilities without cutting my pay. A friend who is a contractor gave my dh some temporary work to help us recover from the time I had to take off from work this summer. It was devastating to be told that I had leukemia, but in some ways, I have never felt so blessed as I have in the past few months.


I am sorry about the leukemia but the people in your life are truly amazing.



Thank you to everyone who has offered congratulations on dh's new job.



I am also happy because I made a delicious salad dressing today. I have started perusing my old standby The Joy of Cooking because I really had not looked at it in a long time. I used this simple and delicious recipe:


1/2 tsp salt

1/8 tsp ground pepper (I used more like a 1/4)

1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard

1/4 cup vinegar




Slowly ad 3/4 cup olive or walnut oil (I used olive)


Shake well.


It was fabulous over my celeriac salad.

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I'm on a home schooling high! I feel confident that jr high and high school will be just as (if not more) amazing than the elementary years. I was panicked at the end of summer... but school has been so beautiful lately... I just have peace about it right now (and I plan on enjoying it).


Also, a few nights a week my cousin and my FIL have been showing up at my house around the same time. Everyone is eating, talking, laughing. The house feels cozy and merry when everyone's here like that! I'm loving it!


My 2nd batch of apple butter is in the crock pot. Fall is here.


I appreciate many cultures every time I go to the grocery store. I see Chinese people buying sangak bread (Persian), I hear more languages than I can identify, women in skinny jeans, women in hijab... I buy my Russian mustard, sushi, and French feta... :D

It's a beautiful thing!

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I am feeling happy because my dh was offered a really great job. One that he has spent the last 6 months interviewing for. One that offers us way better health insurance then the plan we were purchasing for ourselves so I will finally be able to have my fibroids taken care of. Plus, the salary will cover our expenses and I no longer have to worry about losing the house and we will be able to replace the savings we have been using to live on. I am so happy that I don't even care that most of those sentences end with a preposition. Nor, do I care that the last statement may start a heated discussion on whether or not it is okay to end a sentence in a preposition.


That's wonderful!!!

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This is really good. You almost don't need s*x if you have some of this.

Chocolate Cream Pots

Makes: 6

2 cups heavy cream (or 1 cup heavy cream & 1 cup milk for the “diet†version)

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or good semi-dark chocolate

6 egg yolks

1/4 cup sugar

Heat the oven to 325ºF/160°C. Heat the cream, milk, and vanilla. Do not boil. Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie or in the microwave. Whisk the melted chocolate into the yolks in a bowl, then whisk in milk. Strain. Pour into 6 4-oz. ramekins. Place ramekins in a 9x13 pan and fill the pan halfway up the sides of the ramekins with hot water. Bake until set at the edges, but slightly jiggly still in the centre, 30 minutes. Remove. Cool. Wrap and refrigerate several hours before serving.


Oh my goodness. :tongue_smilie: :w00t: :drool5: :auto: off to the store to get the ingredients I don't already have in the house...

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I hope it's not too late to play. We went to a new nature trail today and had a picnic and a really nice walk and we were surprised to find a fall festival right nearby and arrived just in time for a really nice children's show. The weather was perfect too and everyone was pretty happy!


Never too late as far as I'm concerned. There seem to ALWAYS be people griping about terrible neighbors, and critical in-laws, things they hate, people who annoy them, ways of believing they think are inferior, and blah blah blah. It only seems fair to ALSO keep up a constant stream of the good things in life. Because they're out there just as much if we bother to notice.


Thank you all, this thread has been good for my heart.

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This is really good. You almost don't need s*x if you have some of this.


Chocolate Cream Pots

Makes: 6

2 cups heavy cream (or 1 cup heavy cream & 1 cup milk for the “diet” version)

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or good semi-dark chocolate

6 egg yolks

1/4 cup sugar


Heat the oven to 325ºF/160°C. Heat the cream, milk, and vanilla. Do not boil. Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie or in the microwave. Whisk the melted chocolate into the yolks in a bowl, then whisk in milk. Strain. Pour into 6 4-oz. ramekins. Place ramekins in a 9x13 pan and fill the pan halfway up the sides of the ramekins with hot water. Bake until set at the edges, but slightly jiggly still in the centre, 30 minutes. Remove. Cool. Wrap and refrigerate several hours before serving.


Speaking as someone whose dh is geographically unavailable for an extended period of time, I might have to get me some of this! I wish I'd checked the forum before I went to the grocery store this afternoon; I have all the ingredients except the cream. You don't suppose it'd work out ok with just milk, do you? No...probably not. Sigh.

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