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This sounds so pathetic and needy

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I don't have any real people that I'm following with Twitter, unless you count the pope and Jaime Oliver. My IRL friends don't do Twitter. (I'm the most tech savvy of the three of us.) So I'm looking for someone to follow or if someone would like to follow me I won't mind.


I've only yesterday realized that I ought to link the blog and the Twitter account. I'm trying to look at this post more along the lines of simply advertising that I have a Twitter acct, instead of being an oh, poor pitiful me I'm such a looser that I have no friends. That sounds a whole lot better. :D


If anyone is interested I'm there as AvalonPrep

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I'd follow you, but I don't Twitter or Tweet or whatever it's called, either. Maybe someday if I get one of those fancy phones (mine's so old it doesn't even take pictures!), I'll be up to following Twitter.


Speaking of phones, aren't the batteries eventually supposed to die? I keep saying I'll get a new phone when the battery dies, but it's been 7 yrs. that I've had this phone and it still seems to be going strong.

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I don't have any real people that I'm following with Twitter, unless you count the pope and Jaime Oliver. My IRL friends don't do Twitter. (I'm the most tech savvy of the three of us.) So I'm looking for someone to follow or if someone would like to follow me I won't mind.


I've only yesterday realized that I ought to link the blog and the Twitter account. I'm trying to look at this post more along the lines of simply advertising that I have a Twitter acct, instead of being an oh, poor pitiful me I'm such a looser that I have no friends. That sounds a whole lot better. :D


If anyone is interested I'm there as AvalonPrep


I'm following you now. :-)


I don't tweet often, but I'm kristina_be

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You don't need a cell to Twitter. I follow on my home computer.


DH has been on it since before it boomed, so I've had an account forever. He calls it his 'mini-professional blog.' I just started using it for a class last January. I still have trouble remembering to read and post.


It's fun for professional links though. I follow the National Parks, Smithsonian, Time, Amazon, NPR, creative education folk, my favorite bands. You can find some interesting articles, ideas, and cheap/free stuff that way.


My name is the same here and there.

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I couldn't twitter if I had to. Most of the time my cell phone is off because I can't remember to charge it. It's not even a smart phone, so that probably means I couldn't twitter if I wanted to. :)


I do love reading your posts, though. So in my little tech-unsavy world, you rock.



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I couldn't twitter if I had to. Most of the time my cell phone is off because I can't remember to charge it. It's not even a smart phone, so that probably means I couldn't twitter if I wanted to. :)


I do love reading your posts, though. So in my little tech-unsavy world, you rock.




:lol: Same here. But I am impressed that the Pope is on Twitter. Can you get him to follow you?

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I couldn't twitter if I had to. Most of the time my cell phone is off because I can't remember to charge it. It's not even a smart phone, so that probably means I couldn't twitter if I wanted to. :)


I do love reading your posts, though. So in my little tech-unsavy world, you rock.



You are so sweet. :grouphug:


I don't think you need a phone to use Twitter. I'm not using it from my phone.

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:blushing: how to you follow tweeters? And if I do it from my cell, does it cost me? I'll follow if it won't cost me, but you're going to have to tell me how to do it.:blushing:

You have to sigh up with Twitter.com


I don't use my cell phone to do it. I suppose it is like FB without the (annoying) games.

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How does one live without a cell??? :001_huh:


Happily. :tongue_smilie:We have a pay as you go for Wolf, so that we can reach him if he's at work, but frankly, I don't want to be accessible. If I manage to leave the house without dh or kids, I don't want them calling me.


Of course, 99.8% of the time, I'm out with SpecialMama, and her cell # is on our phone, so Wolf can still get ahold of me :glare:

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I'm following everyone here but LostSurprise, because I can't find that on Twitter.


Everyone follow me now!:D Don't know if I'll ever enter anything, but at least I'll have followers if I do!!!:001_smile:

I'm following you.


I'll follow just about anyone.



*Hears stranger whisper, "Here little girl. Want some candy?"*

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