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I officially became that embarassing mom

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and I didn't even mean to. DS13 was down the street playing with his buddy. He came home for a minute and told me something very dangerous the two did so when he went back over there I went too, to let the other mom know what was going on, and to put both boys on notice that if they did it again they would not be playing together again anywhere but my house. (The mom and I are friendly to each other all the time, the boy is only there every other weekend, and we parent much the same way. She told the boys teh exact same thing).


Anyway, She and I are out there talking after all this and DS13 keeps saying "mom you can go now" etc. SO I finally ask him "why are you so eager to send me on my way". He says "You are over here in your PINK SLIPPERS!" Oops :blush: Here I had said hello to several neighbors between her place and mine, issued my warning to both boys and visited with her for a while all while standing outside in my pink slippers. They are super comfy ones with arch support and a thick sole so I didn't even think about them when I stepped outside, they feel like shoes.


Apparently walking through town and visiting with neighbors is frowned upon by 13 yr old boys when you are not only in your slippers but at the same location as him when you do. :lol:

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Apparently walking through town and visiting with neighbors is frowned upon by 13 yr old boys when you are not only in your slippers but at the same location as him when you do. :lol:


Shoot, my 13-year old daughter would have been mortified! She is as sensitive to being embarrassed by me as I was embarrassed by my mom at that age. I remember one particular time (9th grade) when my mom drove me to school. It was misty outside, not raining, but still enough water in the air to make the windshield wet. My mom turned on the windshield wipers to clean it off and we had just turned into the school driveway. I was truly mortified! I got down on the floorboard and told her, well sort of screamed quietly, for her to keep driving and drop me off at the end of the block. We laugh about that now, but it was a horrid situation at the moment!! :lol: My dd13 loves that story.

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Oh, no! Not the pink slippers!! Too cute.:)


I embarrassed my 12yo daughter the other night lip-syncing with Natalie Cole and Michael Jackson at the grocery store. Can I help it if they play oldies but goodies over the PA system? I mean really - how could I resist?:D



At least you only lipsynced. I have danced in teh grocery store singing along with the music dd12, and dd4 will dance with me, both boys try to grab onto me and make me stop. But the whole time they are laughing so I know they are not actually embarassed. I can't carry a tune in a bucket so it is not a good version of the song but we have fun with it. I think next time I should wear my pink slippers to the grocery store and see how they react :tongue_smilie:

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Pink slippers. Pffft.


When I was a young teen, my Mom took me back to school shopping at Sears. She proceeded to put my underwear on her arm...you know, through a leg hole? Uh huh. Cue the Mom of the *cutest* guy in school to wander up...and our Mom's begin talking. My mom is a 'hand' talker, so every time she gestures, there go my panties, jiggling and wiggling and dancing on her arm...While this cute older guy watches, facinated.


I. wanted. to. die.

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Pink slippers. Pffft.


When I was a young teen, my Mom took me back to school shopping at Sears. She proceeded to put my underwear on her arm...you know, through a leg hole? Uh huh. Cue the Mom of the *cutest* guy in school to wander up...and our Mom's begin talking. My mom is a 'hand' talker, so every time she gestures, there go my panties, jiggling and wiggling and dancing on her arm...While this cute older guy watches, facinated.


I. wanted. to. die.



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Pink slippers. Pffft.


When I was a young teen, my Mom took me back to school shopping at Sears. She proceeded to put my underwear on her arm...you know, through a leg hole? Uh huh. Cue the Mom of the *cutest* guy in school to wander up...and our Mom's begin talking. My mom is a 'hand' talker, so every time she gestures, there go my panties, jiggling and wiggling and dancing on her arm...While this cute older guy watches, facinated.


I. wanted. to. die.



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Pink slippers. Pffft.


When I was a young teen, my Mom took me back to school shopping at Sears. She proceeded to put my underwear on her arm...you know, through a leg hole? Uh huh. Cue the Mom of the *cutest* guy in school to wander up...and our Mom's begin talking. My mom is a 'hand' talker, so every time she gestures, there go my panties, jiggling and wiggling and dancing on her arm...While this cute older guy watches, facinated.


I. wanted. to. die.


Oh, my. Mortification. Aren't moms the best?:tongue_smilie:


My mom sent me a care package for Valentine's Day when I was at college. Packages were a rare commodity at school so when someone received one it was a community affair to open it and enjoy all the contents. I took it to the dining hall and, with all my friends of both sexes, began to pull out all the goodies - chocolate, more chocolate, conversation hearts, and (drum roll, please) a pair of bikini underwear with tiny red hearts printed all over them. I only saw the fabric at first and thought, "How cute!" until I pulled them out and held them up microseconds before I realized what they actually were. :blushing:

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Oh, my. Mortification. Aren't moms the best?:tongue_smilie:


My mom sent me a care package for Valentine's Day when I was at college. Packages were a rare commodity at school so when someone received one it was a community affair to open it and enjoy all the contents. I took it to the dining hall and, with all my friends of both sexes, began to pull out all the goodies - chocolate, more chocolate, conversation hearts, and (drum roll, please) a pair of bikini underwear with tiny red hearts printed all over them. I only saw the fabric at first and thought, "How cute!" until I pulled them out and held them up microseconds before I realized what they actually were. :blushing:

Sure, you all laugh it up. I was traumatized. I'd had a crush on that guy the entire year before. *sniffle* Hard to act cool after he's seen your panties dancing on your Mom's arm.


And Kathleen, at least it was only microseconds. My Mom yapped...and yapped...and yapped...*headdesk*

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Sure, you all laugh it up. I was traumatized. I'd had a crush on that guy the entire year before. *sniffle* Hard to act cool after he's seen your panties dancing on your Mom's arm.


And Kathleen, at least it was only microseconds. My Mom yapped...and yapped...and yapped...*headdesk*


Yes, it's true - yours was the more traumatic event. But now you have the makings of a good country-western song and might actually make some money off the experience. How about "You picked a fine time to have my underwear dancing on your arm"? Ok, the meter's not quite right, but you could fix that.:D

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Yes, it's true - yours was the more traumatic event. But now you have the makings of a good country-western song and might actually make some money off the experience. How about "You picked a fine time to have my underwear dancing on your arm"? Ok, the meter's not quite right, but you could fix that.:D



Trying *not* to imagine the accompanying video...:lol:

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LOL! My dd12 was SO embarrassed when her 5yr old sister enthusiastically carried her new package of Tinker Bell underpants through the store shouted to her Daddy across the store that she got "New Tinker Bell Big Girl Pants!" Dd12 could hardly stand to walk near the under garment aisle, let alone make an anouncement about it!


I remember being the same way when I was a kid. :D

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Ya'll ain't got nothing on my mom. She is and always has been such a complete nut. So she would invariably waver between being the "cool mom", the "scary nut-job mom" and the "embarrassing mom". She once came up to the bus stop waving the toilet brush at a young man who she knew had been not so kind to me. When we didn't get an answer at the McDonald's drive-thru, she would chime "Ronald, are ya in there?". On my first date with a super-cute guy when I was 18, she greeted him at the front door with a large butcher knife and a condom. She handed him the condom and said "Use it...(out comes the butcher knife) or lose it!" (We ended up staying together for five years, oddly enough) And these are only a few off the top of my head.


I have tried to keep some of her silliness. I spontaneously dance in public-especially at Mexican restaurants. I cannot help it. I sing in public too.

But no one holds a candle to my mom.


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Ya'll ain't got nothing on my mom. She is and always has been such a complete nut. So she would invariably waver between being the "cool mom", the "scary nut-job mom" and the "embarrassing mom". She once came up to the bus stop waving the toilet brush at a young man who she knew had been not so kind to me. When we didn't get an answer at the McDonald's drive-thru, she would chime "Ronald, are ya in there?". On my first date with a super-cute guy when I was 18, she greeted him at the front door with a large butcher knife and a condom. She handed him the condom and said "Use it...(out comes the butcher knife) or lose it!" (We ended up staying together for five years, oddly enough) And these are only a few off the top of my head.


I have tried to keep some of her silliness. I spontaneously dance in public-especially at Mexican restaurants. I cannot help it. I sing in public too.

But no one holds a candle to my mom.



She sounds like tons of fun.:)

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I remember one particular time (9th grade) when my mom drove me to school. It was misty outside, not raining, but still enough water in the air to make the windshield wet. My mom turned on the windshield wipers to clean it off and we had just turned into the school driveway. I was truly mortified! I got down on the floorboard and told her, well sort of screamed quietly, for her to keep driving and drop me off at the end of the block. We laugh about that now, but it was a horrid situation at the moment!! :lol: My dd13 loves that story.


My dad used to drive me to school when I missed the bus, pull up in front and kiss me goodbye in front of everyone. Or if I got out of the car really fast, he'd call after me "Hey, doesn't your old dad get a kiss goodbye?" This was in junior high, a time when one already feels completely awkward and sure that everyone is staring at them, without the help of a dad who likes to tease.

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Ya'll ain't got nothing on my mom. She is and always has been such a complete nut. So she would invariably waver between being the "cool mom", the "scary nut-job mom" and the "embarrassing mom". She once came up to the bus stop waving the toilet brush at a young man who she knew had been not so kind to me. When we didn't get an answer at the McDonald's drive-thru, she would chime "Ronald, are ya in there?". On my first date with a super-cute guy when I was 18, she greeted him at the front door with a large butcher knife and a condom. She handed him the condom and said "Use it...(out comes the butcher knife) or lose it!" (We ended up staying together for five years, oddly enough) And these are only a few off the top of my head.


I have tried to keep some of her silliness. I spontaneously dance in public-especially at Mexican restaurants. I cannot help it. I sing in public too.

But no one holds a candle to my mom.




OMG I have tears rolling down my face. I don't know if I should be terrified by your mom or in awe of her. I particularily like the condom and knife bit.

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My dad used to drive me to school when I missed the bus, pull up in front and kiss me goodbye in front of everyone. Or if I got out of the car really fast, he'd call after me "Hey, doesn't your old dad get a kiss goodbye?" This was in junior high, a time when one already feels completely awkward and sure that everyone is staring at them, without the help of a dad who likes to tease.


I still hug and kiss my kids good bye in front of their friends. I did it enough at daycare all the kids started coming up for hugs lol Yup my poor kids are doomed. DS is fine with a kiss as long as it is on teh top of the head while he gives me a side hug. After all even though he loves the momma attention he has a rep. to protect :lol: Now I wonder if I tried to give him a hug and kiss in front of his friend while wearing my slippers. Hmm, food for thought ;)

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I still hug and kiss my kids good bye in front of their friends. I did it enough at daycare all the kids started coming up for hugs lol. Yup my poor kids are doomed. DS is fine with a kiss as long as it is on teh top of the head while he gives me a side hug. After all even though he loves the momma attention he has a rep. to protect :lol: Now I wonder if I tried to give him a hug and kiss in front of his friend while wearing my slippers. Hmm, food for thought ;)


That's so adorable - like all the little minions in Despicable Me.:)

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That's so adorable - like all the little minions in Despicable Me.:)


Yup. My daycare kids were awesome but many were lacking in the personal affection category. This was my school aged group and many parents seem to think the need for hugs etc drops at that age when it really doesn't. They may act embarassed etc but they love the attention. I am a huggy/lovey person with my kids, and by extension my daycare kids. Even now when they see me on the street or at the store etc they run up for a hug. Again these are my school agers so not little kids (though most of them are not teens yet, though a couple turned 13 this summer and aged out).


Hmm, I wonder what they would think of my pink slippers :lol:

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I still hug and kiss my kids good bye in front of their friends. I did it enough at daycare all the kids started coming up for hugs lol Yup my poor kids are doomed. DS is fine with a kiss as long as it is on teh top of the head while he gives me a side hug. After all even though he loves the momma attention he has a rep. to protect :lol: Now I wonder if I tried to give him a hug and kiss in front of his friend while wearing my slippers. Hmm, food for thought ;)


I'm with you, they're never too old for kisses and hugs. Heck, my teen kisses me good bye voluntarily, he is not peer attached the way I was and couldn't care less what the other kids think about it.

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AWESOME!!! Every child needs an experience just like that. It's character forming.


Mine was the time my mom was sick and my dad went to the parent teacher conference - unseasonably warm day - so he wore a pair of polyester, burgundy "Bermuda" shorts, with an orange plaid pearl snap shirt, and a light blue vest with black socks and burgundy wing tips. It was one of the worst get-ups I've ever seen and then he managed to say, "She's real smart and you guys aren't doing your job. Get with it." Oh boy, if I could have melted and oozed out the door, I would have! (He kept those shorts and that shirt for years until one day my mom had a mental anger management moment and put them in the dumpster behind their business.)


I haven't given that experience to ds yet but he came perilously close giving me lip one night about an assignment and I mentioned that he could immediately adjust his attitude and get happy "right quick" or I was going to take him to youth night a church wearing his dad's old, ratty, plaid work shirt, my Winnie the Pooh lounge pants, fuzzy pink robe, and his sister's silver spangled houseslippers, AND refuse to leave until he agreed to play a round of pool with me in front of his friends. I absolutely would have done it and I guarantee that the youth pastor would have gotten a major kick out of it.


Yep, every kid needs this kind of embarassment...builds fortitude! :D



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AWESOME!!! Every child needs an experience just like that. It's character forming.


Mine was the time my mom was sick and my dad went to the parent teacher conference - unseasonably warm day - so he wore a pair of polyester, burgundy "Bermuda" shorts, with an orange plaid pearl snap shirt, and a light blue vest with black socks and burgundy wing tips. It was one of the worst get-ups I've ever seen and then he managed to say, "She's real smart and you guys aren't doing your job. Get with it." Oh boy, if I could have melted and oozed out the door, I would have! (He kept those shorts and that shirt for years until one day my mom had a mental anger management moment and put them in the dumpster behind their business.)


I haven't given that experience to ds yet but he came perilously close giving me lip one night about an assignment and I mentioned that he could immediately adjust his attitude and get happy "right quick" or I was going to take him to youth night a church wearing his dad's old, ratty, plaid work shirt, my Winnie the Pooh lounge pants, fuzzy pink robe, and his sister's silver spangled houseslippers, AND refuse to leave until he agreed to play a round of pool with me in front of his friends. I absolutely would have done it and I guarantee that the youth pastor would have gotten a major kick out of it.


Yep, every kid needs this kind of embarassment...builds fortitude! :D





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You guys are meeeaaaannnnn!!!! I haven't even begun to embarrass my kids like that yet. Though I may have a little tonight. DS played soccer on a homeschool team for the past 2 years and all the parents were super involved and all the kids were cool with it. Well, DS is now on his school team. Guess it's no longer cool for mom to even look in his direction when he's around his "school mates." Gasp when I walked on the field to see if he was okay after he had a collision with another kid and hurt his knee.


He's just hitting the stage where mom and dad are no longer cool to be seen with. And he's not even 8 yet! But I am taking notes because I may have to purposely mortify him just to keep him in line. :D;):tongue_smilie::lol:

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