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teach me how to grill good salmon

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Funny you should mention it..


I just came home from a salmon lunch at a really amazing restaurant.


The sauce was new for me, but lemme tellya, I freaked. See if you might like Ponzu sauce or if you can even find it around.


This stuff is way worth hunting for, trust me.


It looks extreme to make it by hand, and I'm not sure the bottled kikoman stuff is even going to come close..but I am so hunting this stuff.


The Ponzu sauce I had today was made in house, incredible stuff.



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We plank salmon all the time. We soak the boards in lemon water (or lime water if we are doing fish tacos.) I make a soy-ginger marinade that I put over the fish while the grill is heating up and then pour over the fish once I put it on the planks on the grill. We haven't noticed any flavors from the planks but, then again, we use a charcoal grill so we get a delicious smokey flavor.


I got the marinade recipe out of a South Beach Diet book (which called for Orange Roughy, btw.)

1/3 cup rice wine vinegar (the recipe calls for vermouth, but we never have that on hand.)

2 T soy sauce

2 tsp sesame oil

1/4 cup finely chopped green onion

1 tsp freshly grated ginger (we just go to town on the ginger)

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 lb salmon fillets

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We LOVE cedar plank salmon. Yes, it's a love or hate thing. Interestingly enough, all three kids love it as much as DH and I do. In fact, it's DS8's favorite dinner.


Our two favorite recipes:


Cedar Planked Salmon (my personal favorite)


Canadian Cedar Planked Salmon


Just posting these makes me :drool: Must put salmon on shopping list...

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Just posting these makes me :drool: Must put salmon on shopping list...



I've been wanting to try it again for awhile, but it's expensive here (cheapest I had seen was 8.99 a pound) But our grocery store had it on sale for 4.99 a pound this week, so I grabbed some. Now that I know how to cook it so my family will eat it, I may buy it at Costco. (never had before because I didn't want to risk buying a lot and no one eating it)

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I have some salmon fillets (skin on one side). The last time I attempted them they were a little :ack2:. I would like to grill them this time. What are your favorite seasonings/marinades?


We marinate salmon fillets in Kikoman's Garlic Teriyaki Sauce a few hours before grilling. They taste just like the grilled salmon at Longhorn Steakhouse. Delicious! This is what the kids usually request for their birthday dinners. We serve them along with baked sweet potatoes and a salad or steamed broccoli.

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