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Biopsy negative for cancer!!

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I am SO relieved!! Even the doctor was. He said it had looked like a certain kind of tumor to him. He even spoke on the phone with the pathologist. I'm so relieved!


I do have urinary reflux on my left side (right side also but had surgery for that as a baby). He wants me to take 90 days of antibiotic and see him back in 4 months.


He threw in a script for yeast infection med Diflucan for good measure since I've been on antibiotics non stop since early May.


He thinks I may just feel lousy still from the procedure last week.


Next step is to talk to my primary to see if my diabetes medicine may be causing my nausea.


I gave myself a huge pep talk on the way home today how I need to start exercising, eat super healthy, go gluten free (for a variety of other reasons) etc etc. Hopefully I'll listen to myself. LOL

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That's wonderful news.


When you see your primary, ask about what to take for a probiotic after your antibiotic is done.


Antibiotics wipe out your intestinal flora. Some folks just use live yogurt cultures, some don't. Your digestion will be whacky after the antibiotics.


After having been on heavy antibiotics (weeks and weeks of Cipro) for the last few months, I think my digestion is whacked! Could that be why I have stomach aches and nausea and feel aweful do you think??


I think I'm going to buy some flora stuff from my acupuncturist maybe?

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Oh Julie, I had terrible reactions to Cipro. It took me about 7 months to reverse the effects.


Are your tendons and all that okay?


That is a wicked wicked drug.


Did you have any usual symptoms while taking it? Did anything new crop up? Does your food taste the same?


After taking Cipro, I had no tolerance to dairy, meat, grains. I literally lived off fruits and vegetables for months after. I had hive reactions to every food in the universe.


Check black box warning cipro ---in Google if you can make any connection to Cipro and a change for the worse in your health. Did you have any rash type symptoms at all while taking it?


Don't get me wrong, Cipro took care of my illness alright, but it definitely came at a cost for me.


Definitely get talking to someone about a probiotic. After weeks of Cipro, you are probably very low in flora. I'd go with a supplement rather than yogurt. Your body doesn't have what it needs to break down food efficiently.


Nausea and cramping are very common after an antibiotic.


The other important thing to know about Cipro is that you must be absolutely vigilant about scanning for symptoms up until 6/7 months after you stop taking it.


Please please please take the warnings about tendons seriously and train yourself not to strain those areas in your feet and arms.


Use excellent protective shoes, no sudden jerking twisting or running and so on.

Edited by one*mom
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