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KG: Does your state have requirements?


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We don't have to register until age 7 here in Alabama, though I did register my 6 year old for first grade since I was pulling him out of a private school. Just felt better about going ahead and registering him since we'd already been "in the system". My state's only requirement is to report attendance, so it really doesn't matter much to me whether I register the kids at 5, 6, or 7. Next year will be DS2's 'K' year, and I might register him just because he is receiving speech therapy at the public school and again is "in the system", so it'd be good to have my bases covered. It doesn't cost me anything to register him, and all I have to do for my cover school is tell them every 6 months basically what we've done.


As far as state requirements for K vs 1st grade levels... They are different for the schools, and I would expect them to be different for homeschool as well if homeschoolers were required to follow them.

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I'm in Alabama as well, and was going to post the same as boscopup.


And really, there are no "requirements" at all, at any level. Homeschooling is considered "church schooling" and is kind of treated as a religious freedom issue. That is, the state is hands-off when it comes to mandating anything from a "church school", though I imagine in theory they would come after a homeschool parent who was known to be negligent.


Bosco, your child is receiving speech through Alabama schools? I thought they were pretty much "you're on your own!" if you didn't use the system. For example, in Huntsville City Schools, homeschoolers cannot participate in sports.

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We have mandatory K here -- children who reach the age of 5 by Sept. 1 are required to attend school. You can get a waiver for one year by claiming that your child is "immature."


The homeschooling requirements are the same for K as any other grade -- "regular and thorough instruction" in English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Health, Art, Music, and PE.


There are no hours/days required, though.

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Bosco, your child is receiving speech through Alabama schools? I thought they were pretty much "you're on your own!" if you didn't use the system. For example, in Huntsville City Schools, homeschoolers cannot participate in sports.


Homeschoolers can receive speech therapy services through the schools. They can't participate in sports though. My son has an IEP and everything. He's 4 years old, started when he was 3. They know I'm homeschooling my oldest and planning to homeschool this one too. :)

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Actually, I just found out school is not mandatory here until 7 years old. Kindergarten is optional. According to that law, I do not have to legally register ds with the state until 2nd grade because they need to be 7 on or before Sept 15 and ds will not be 7 until Oct. I know K is optional but I would assume 1st is mandatory just don't need to report? I don't know but I was floored to find out that K was optional. There was a big discussion about this at a homeschool group meeting last year. We live REALLY close to the SD border so we have families from both WY and SD in our group and it is optional in both states. Go figure.

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Through a stupid oversight when they changed the cut off dates for K (which is now Sept 30), not only is K mandatory here, but so is preK if your child turns 5 before Jan. 1.:glare:


The requirements of homeschoolers are the same for K as every other year. Notification, teach your standard list of subjects and keep a portfolio of materials and the "state" has the right to review you. But they don't. Because they have no staff.

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I never heard of mandatory pre-k. That is crazy!


In their... defense?... I don't think they enforce it - though they did try to push through mandatory preK a couple of years ago, but it didn't quite pass. They just changed the cut off date for K but didn't change the age of mandatory schooling law to match it. Which is just poor management. Sort of sums up the city government.

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Through a stupid oversight when they changed the cut off dates for K (which is now Sept 30), not only is K mandatory here, but so is preK if your child turns 5 before Jan. 1.:glare:


The requirements of homeschoolers are the same for K as every other year. Notification, teach your standard list of subjects and keep a portfolio of materials and the "state" has the right to review you. But they don't. Because they have no staff.


In their... defense?... I don't think they enforce it - though they did try to push through mandatory preK a couple of years ago, but it didn't quite pass. They just changed the cut off date for K but didn't change the age of mandatory schooling law to match it. Which is just poor management. Sort of sums up the city government.


I guess that makes it better, but still very crazy!

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Hijacking here - our compulsory age is 6. Our local h/s organization discourages registering your kids until they hit 6. Last year, when my son was in Kindy, we registered at the beginning of the year, when he was 5 (He turned 6 in April). So, when people say to "wait" until your kid is compulsory age, does that mean to register halfway through the year? Or that that is the age they are supposed to be at the start of the year? I've never understood that....

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Hijacking here - our compulsory age is 6. Our local h/s organization discourages registering your kids until they hit 6. Last year, when my son was in Kindy, we registered at the beginning of the year, when he was 5 (He turned 6 in April). So, when people say to "wait" until your kid is compulsory age, does that mean to register halfway through the year? Or that that is the age they are supposed to be at the start of the year? I've never understood that....

I do not know about your state but here the compulsury age is 7 so you need to register the year they will be 7 before sept. 1st. If you child turns 7 in the middle of the year you wait until the next school year. We have until the end of August to register.

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Now I'm curious what they've changed. I get to file my first declaration of intent this year - DS turns 8 next month.


I haven't looked into at all. I know they changed how ALE schools operate, cut funding and increased reporting (of course). Also, if your child attends an ALE (Alternative Learning Environment) you can't use anything remotely considered religious towards your core hours, which is kinda a joke anyway because you don't have to report your hours! So, CKE-Science is out! I'm still using it, but I'll have to get creative with my "instructional materials list."


If my son didn't love the ALE school so much I would just bail and register as a home school. He only takes extra curricular classes there and he loves it and I love the teachers, so we put up with extra reporting. :tongue_smilie:

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