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Another random poll. How would you have read this..

What was your first thought?  

  1. 1. What was your first thought?

    • That the Chief-Mate had a gender-change operation.
    • That at one stage the ship employed a female as Chief-Mate.
    • Other :-)

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To explain - my mother is paying for her grandkids to go on a replica sailing ship, the Leeuwin. We wrote to a friend telling him of the wonderful opportunity dd has in going on this adventure.. part of his reply reads..


When 'D' goes for 7 days on board the LEEUWIN, it will be an all

new experience, she might like to become a sailor then.

The Chief-Mate on the Leeuwin used to be a female once and I heard a while ago that there was a female applying for the Skipper job.


I totally read it as the Chief-Mate had had a gender-change operation. It was only after about 30 seconds that I realized it probably meant that at one stage they had a female Chief-Mate.


I asked my dh how he read it, and he said of course the second option. He couldn't believe that I could have taken it the other way!!:confused:


The writer is German, so maybe it's just put a little differently than I would have written it.


So how do you read it - hopefully poll to follow very soon.:001_smile:

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I read it as "at one time, the ship had a female Chief-Mate, but that position is currently held by a man".


But I can totally see it the other way, too. :D


This is it.


Switzerland speaks English with German syntax and periodically comes up with some real doozies.




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I read it as "at one time, the ship had a female Chief-Mate, but that position is currently held by a man".


But I can totally see it the other way, too. :D


This (although, really, for me it's a stretch to get the other reading..)


But, I've lived outside the US for 4 years now so maybe my exposure to non-native English helps me sort out these things?

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When 'D' goes for 7 days on board the LEEUWIN, it will be an all

new experience, she might like to become a sailor then.

The Chief-Mate on the Leeuwin used to be a female once and I heard a while ago that there was a female applying for the Skipper job.



The word once at there'd of the sentence makes it sound like an operation has happened. If it said "once, they had a female..." it would read the other way more naturally. After reading further, you can get the true meaning.

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Yes, the syntax is awkward and, the way it is written, literally means the person in question used to be a woman. However, I would not take the statement literally as written, but assume the author, at least in this instance, is not adept at expressing themselves clearly in writing. This is one of those situations where context is key. If you know the author's native tongue is not English, and there is no reason to believe a trans-gender issue in this situation is likely, than I would go with the latter interpretation.

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