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I know I've asked about this before, but can we discuss it again? I have yet to find any way of removing it that I'm comfortable with and I've noticed recently it seems to be getting worse. I may have envious viking men chasing me down soon wanting to know what my secret is.


Plucking irritates the skin, so does waxing and it involves letting the hair grow long enough to wax.

Don't know of anywhere that does threading... and I may be too much of a wimp for it anyhow

hair removers eat off my skin and leave the hair behind.


And now I've noticed that the fuzz on my cheeks is getting longer and darker. Not cool, mother nature!

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Have you tried veet? I can't use the other brands but this one doesn't bother me as long as I don't use it either right before or right after a hot shower.


No, i've never tried it. Do you have to let the hair grow out to use it? I have these dark hairs growing out of each side of my chin that I've been shaving off. I hate the stubble I get, but it's the easiest way to take care of it for now. But I don't want to have to grow them out to get rid of them. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere for days.

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I get mine professionally waxed every 3-4 weeks. I cannot do it myself. Also, the place I go is skilled, quick, and uses superior products. Yes, it irritates my skin, but I'm only really red for that day.


What about permanent laser removal?


I would definitely look into the laser removal thing. Even if it's expensive, it can be that much, right? Then you'd never have to deal with it again!

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I would definitely look into the laser removal thing. Even if it's expensive, it can be that much, right? Then you'd never have to deal with it again!



I would love to if I could afford it. Dh is just getting settled into a new job, and we'll have insurance soon. I'm waiting on it to kick in so I can go to a doctor.


It's probably not something insurance covers, is it? How much does it run? I'm also wondering about prescription creams... how good are they, are they worth the cost?

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I shave mine. Mine is all peach fuzz (except for 5-6 chin hairs that I pluck). I only have to shave every 2-4 weeks.




I will just say it right now. Shaving does NOT cause hair to grow back darker or thicker.



I'm dealing with it now by shaving, but dh says I'm the only woman he's ever met that has 5 o'clock shadow by noon. :glare:

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I don't know if you want my input, but I will put it out there. I am a licensed electrologist in the state of RI so I do have a little bit of info that could be of some help.

1st: if you are noticing an increase of hair, there can be several reasons. Anytime there is a change in hormones you will get new hair (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, heavy weight gain, smoking, going on or off hormone drugs such as the Pill, or a hormonal imbalance such as a benign cyst on your ovary or one of your hormone producing organs.)

2nd. Every woman has unwanted hair. For some its alot and runs in the family (genetics) for others its just 1 or 2 little stray hairs. If you pluck them, or any hair removal method that pulls the hair out by the root (plucking, tweezing, waxing, threading), will not only make permanent hair removal more difficult, but will actually create a bigger problem. Pulling 1 or 2 hairs will actually stimulate that area and hairs that were dormant will be stimulated to grow. So within a short period of time you will notice that 1 hair now has 3 or 4 little hairs in that same area.

Electrology is the ONLY FDA approved PERMANENT hair removal method. Laser can only claim Permanent REDUCTION. Laser is always improving, and cost is coming down. I have sent several of my clients to Laser method if they have a large area to remove and come back to me with what is left to help reduce over all cost in the long run. Laser works best on those who have dark hair and light skin. It will NOT remove hairs that are blond or gray. If the hair is light, laser has difficulty being attracted to it. Electrology will eliminate hair regardless of skin type, color, and hair type and color.

If you already wax or pluck, electrology will be simple. It isn't a PAIN FREE method, but its tolerable and similar to waxing. At least with electrology, the treatments will eventually come to an end, waxing is a lifetime commitment.

Electrology will remove permanently your unwanted hairs. They will not regrow once they are permanently gone, but that doesn't mean you will never have to deal with this again. Until the hormonal imbalance is fixed (if thats the issue) or anytime you go through a hormonal change (new baby, birth control, menopause, or some meds with this as a side effect) you will get NEW growth.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions if you should have any.

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I would love to if I could afford it. Dh is just getting settled into a new job, and we'll have insurance soon. I'm waiting on it to kick in so I can go to a doctor.


It's probably not something insurance covers, is it? How much does it run? I'm also wondering about prescription creams... how good are they, are they worth the cost?


I think my upper legs were like 2,000 dollars for the whole series. I only went for the first treatment because it left large brown spots on my skin even though I have supposedly the *best* coloring for laser treatment. My leg hair was very dark and my skin very light. If you have tan skin, it's way more likely to leave brown spots. It took about a year for the spots to go away. It was also excruciatingly painful and my skin came off at each place the laser shot over the next few days, so I think maybe the lady turned the machine up too high. I thought I'd get the best care because I did mine through a hospital. I had a terrible outcome, though. I even spent 3 days in bed due to the pain.

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If your budget allows and if you're patient, electrolysis is my absolute favorite. I studied all this many years ago. Trust me, it works. But you do have to be patient. Gone forever. Bye bye hairs, hello happiness :D!


ETA: I would never, ever shave my facial hairs. Stubble. My dh would complain that it's like kissing a man's beard. It wouldn't work for me. I'm too hairy to shave and 5 PM shadow. Yuck.

I used to tweeze every other day for many years. Big mistake. They eventually, after MANY years, grew back thicker and stubblier.

Hair removal creams were a pain for me.

Waxing is okay and I do it for underarms, etc. and even my brows, but not for upper lip/chin hairs. My skin there is more sensitive.

Laser is not something I like and it wouldn't work well apparently on my coloring.

Every time I've gone for electrolysis - my unibrow in my college years - and my upper lip more recently - the hairs never, ever grew back. Perfect! But again, you need to be patient. If you need tips and details, let me know.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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I shave mine. Mine is all peach fuzz (except for 5-6 chin hairs that I pluck). I only have to shave every 2-4 weeks.




I will just say it right now. Shaving does NOT cause hair to grow back darker or thicker.



I shave it every.friggin.day,


Good thing I used to pretend shave with my daddy. It was cute then...not so much now...but my skin is really beautiful( think exfoliated). No one would ever know! I get my eyebrows done professionally...so they always look groomed too. I just think of it as my daily facial:D.....


Mine is due to pcos and hashimoto's...and no, I am not overweight...and yes I am very lo carb.


My mother had it too...and she made me promise if she were ever dying, i would not let her die with hair on her chin. I kept my promise..." exfoliated" her chin and put on her make up 1/2 hour before she died. She died pretty:001_smile: I made my dd promise me the same.


Oh, I am married to a Viking man....he doesn't know about the beard thing:D


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If your budget allows and if you're patient, electrolysis is my absolute favorite. I studied all this many years ago. Trust me, it works. But you do have to be patient. Gone forever. Bye bye hairs, hello happiness :D!


ETA: I would never, ever shave my facial hairs. Stubble. My dh would complain that it's like kissing a man's beard. It wouldn't work for me. I'm too hairy to shave and 5 PM shadow. Yuck.

I used to tweeze every other day for many years. Big mistake. They eventually, after MANY years, grew back thicker and stubblier.

Hair removal creams were a pain for me.

Waxing is okay and I do it for underarms, etc. and even my brows, but not for upper lip/chin hairs. My skin there is more sensitive.

Laser is not something I like and it wouldn't work well apparently on my coloring.

Every time I've gone for electrolysis - my unibrow in my college years - and my upper lip more recently - the hairs never, ever grew back. Perfect! But again, you need to be patient. If you need tips and details, let me know.

Can electrolysis be done on white hairs?? Am I showing my age? I know laser can only deal with hair that has color.



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I agree w/Negin & Dmichellekp--electrolysis is the way to go. The hair can be any color, thick or thin. Laser is NOT permanent & it's mucho expensive. Electrolysis runs me about $1/minute. Not a bad exchange & you go as needed.


I am cursed w/the hairy gene so 1st had it done in my 20s. Now I've hit my hormonal 40s and am back again. I'm taking my 20yo dd w/me, too!

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If your budget allows and if you're patient, electrolysis is my absolute favorite. I studied all this many years ago. Trust me, it works. But you do have to be patient. Gone forever. Bye bye hairs, hello happiness :D!


ETA: I would never, ever shave my facial hairs. Stubble. My dh would complain that it's like kissing a man's beard. It wouldn't work for me. I'm too hairy to shave and 5 PM shadow. Yuck.




Maybe one day I'll be able to afford electrolysis.

I hate the stubble too. I have thick black manly hairs growing on my chin, and they grow fast. But it seems the choice is either shave them twice a day or pluck every day and have pimples and constant regrowth right there. It's just easier to shave.


Dh was actually the one that shaved my chin the first time. I stopped plucking for a few days because it hurt and I was irritated. He caught me in the bathroom one night and said didn't your daddy ever teach you to shave? Then shaved each side of my chin for me. He teases me about the whole 5 o'clock shadow thing, but I don't think he realizes how extremely unfeminine the whole needing to shave thing makes me feel.

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If you pluck them, or any hair removal method that pulls the hair out by the root (plucking, tweezing, waxing, threading), will not only make permanent hair removal more difficult, but will actually create a bigger problem. Pulling 1 or 2 hairs will actually stimulate that area and hairs that were dormant will be stimulated to grow.


See, I noticed that myself. But then on other spots, repeated waxing/epilation has led to a decrease in hair! It's very confusing.

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If your budget allows and if you're patient, electrolysis is my absolute favorite. I studied all this many years ago. Trust me, it works. But you do have to be patient. Gone forever. Bye bye hairs, hello happiness :D!


ETA: I would never, ever shave my facial hairs. Stubble. My dh would complain that it's like kissing a man's beard. It wouldn't work for me. I'm too hairy to shave and 5 PM shadow. Yuck.

I used to tweeze every other day for many years. Big mistake. They eventually, after MANY years, grew back thicker and stubblier.

Hair removal creams were a pain for me.

Waxing is okay and I do it for underarms, etc. and even my brows, but not for upper lip/chin hairs. My skin there is more sensitive.

Laser is not something I like and it wouldn't work well apparently on my coloring.

Every time I've gone for electrolysis - my unibrow in my college years - and my upper lip more recently - the hairs never, ever grew back. Perfect! But again, you need to be patient. If you need tips and details, let me know.

My question is, if the hair follicle is destroyed, does it damage any other part of the skin/glands next to or part of it? While I love the idea of electrolysis, I'm concerned that it will mess with something else. KWIM?

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My mom has this problem and it is now pretty bad. Hers is due to medication.


She won't spend a lot either and doesn't drive (she is 80) so I have been looking for something easy for her to do at home.


So far I haven't found anything.



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Hmmm.... I'm intrigued. I've been saving for laser hair removal but now I'll have to look into electrolosis (sp). When you have it done, does it leave a mark? Redness, scabs, anything??


Often the hair follicles swell quite a bit. In some people there will be a little scab, but that is not a great thing. I never scabbed. You can't wear makeup for a day afterwards or touch the expanded follicles so that you don't introduce an infection. You will also be somewhat red.

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My mom has this problem and it is now pretty bad. Hers is due to medication.


She won't spend a lot either and doesn't drive (she is 80) so I have been looking for something easy for her to do at home.


So far I haven't found anything.




What about one of these http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=tweeze&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=18034179248564928067&sa=X&ei=gP5jTsDHAYXL0QG6252XCg&ved=0CGYQ8wIwAA##

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Can electrolysis be done on white hairs?? Am I showing my age? I know laser can only deal with hair that has color.


As far as I know, yes.


Can I just say that getting older sucks sometimes?

That is all.

:iagree: but then as someone reminded me, it's better than the alternative ;).


Maybe one day I'll be able to afford electrolysis.

I hate the stubble too. I have thick black manly hairs growing on my chin, and they grow fast. But it seems the choice is either shave them twice a day or pluck every day and have pimples and constant regrowth right there. It's just easier to shave.

Dh was actually the one that shaved my chin the first time. I stopped plucking for a few days because it hurt and I was irritated. He caught me in the bathroom one night and said didn't your daddy ever teach you to shave? Then shaved each side of my chin for me. He teases me about the whole 5 o'clock shadow thing, but I don't think he realizes how extremely unfeminine the whole needing to shave thing makes me feel.

:grouphug: So very sorry. Can you give waxing another try? I can understand not wanting to. There are certain tips to make waxing less painful and sensitive. I can share those if anyone's interested.


My question is, if the hair follicle is destroyed, does it damage any other part of the skin/glands next to or part of it? While I love the idea of electrolysis, I'm concerned that it will mess with something else. KWIM?

Nope. :)


Hmmm.... I'm intrigued. I've been saving for laser hair removal but now I'll have to look into electrolosis (sp). When you have it done, does it leave a mark? Redness, scabs, anything??

Not if it's done correctly. You need to do your research beforehand.


One of my last choices. Me personally.


My preferences in order if I can remember them correctly:

1. Electrolysis - no tweezing in between treatments!

2. Waxing

3. Threading (or maybe this is 2 - I just don't have much experience with it, but have heard great stuff)

3. Depilatory Creams - but I really don't like them

4. Shaving

5. Tweezing - I hate tweezing since it irritates the follicle - but sometimes it needs to be done :glare:

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I bought this at Sally's





I have no idea if it would work for you. I have a minor hair issue on my upper lip that I handle with those quick wax strips. I have tried this on my legs after shaving and I do think it slows down the hair growth. I can go a few days longer without shaving. I have def. noticed that the hair on my upper lip has been slow to grow back. However, I think it is going to be different for everyone. I meant to use it on one leg and not the other and compare but I forgot.


FWIW, I have heard from my friends that there is a big difference between types of waxing treatments. Some are more gentle than others. I have been waxing my upper lip and some has never come back after just a couple waxes. After a couple years of regular waxing it is almost all gone.


Oh, I want to say that I don't like the scent of the lotion from Sally's. It is a sort of a light musk. it isn't yucky or even that strong, but I don't like that type of perfume. But, it isn't so bad for me that it is a deal breaker.

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Dh was actually the one that shaved my chin the first time. I stopped plucking for a few days because it hurt and I was irritated. He caught me in the bathroom one night and said didn't your daddy ever teach you to shave? Then shaved each side of my chin for me. He teases me about the whole 5 o'clock shadow thing, but I don't think he realizes how extremely unfeminine the whole needing to shave thing makes me feel.


I think it's quite sweet that he gave you your first shave, though!

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I have PCOS, so my problem is a hormonal imbalance. My doc has prescribed a medication, spironolactone, which helps a lot. I don't have a prescription plan and it's $28 per month. I take a pill each morning and evening, and I have to tweeze lightly just once a week or so. Best solution I've ever had, in the 20 years I've had this problem. I've tried everything else, with no luck. Shaving was stubbly. Waxing (professionally or with a kit) was fine, but I hated having to wait until it regrew. Bleaching left it still visible. Electrolysis was expensive, painful, and left me with significant scarring when botched at my last visit (I had burns and scabbing), which can you still see on my neck. Laser was good, but impermanent and very expensive.

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I don't know if this will work for you, SS, but I've started using an electric shaver - my husband's electric hair trimmer thing - with the shortest guard and it takes off all the darker ends of my mustache without making it stubbly. Might work on the longer cheeks hairs, too! Good luck - I feel your pain. :grouphug:

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