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Elegy to the WTM forum

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Dear WTMers

How do I love thee[thou, ah heck you]

Your posts give me joy.

I revel in your hilarity and insanity

while gleaning wisdom from posts of illnesses, canning, and grammar.


This past summer you have been a constant joy and comfort,

but alas, it can no longer be this way.



School starts today and I must leave you for long periods each day.

I will miss you as I educate my own,

but take solace in the fact that your assistance this past summer

is what got me to this place of schooling.


So good-bye mornings with the WTM forum.

Good-bye troll hunts and the threads about them.

Good-bye Dr. Who threads and pics of various men/cats/others

in kilts.

Good-bye apostrophe's and the kittenany that ensue's.


While this is good-bye for the mornings,

I hope to join you in the afternoon and evenings as time allows.


[sniff, sniff]


FTR, I cannot write poems at all and know that Tennyson is probably convulsing in his grave right now. :tongue_smilie:

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Roses are red

Violets are blue

You're totally gonna cave and come running back because you can't live with out us.







Hey, I did everything I planned to today. I also 'blessed' the kitchen/dining room. Granted, I had the help of a 16 dn, 12 dd, 9ds, and 8 dd, but I worked too. DD 5 started K today and did so much and kept asking what was next to do. I ran out of things. All in all, not a bad day. :D


Off to the dentist with 4 kids getting cleanings. Yikes!

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Can we say the last line as a lament??


YES! Always and Often!




Roses are red

Violets are blue

You're totally gonna cave and come running back because you can't live with out us.






I LOVE your poem Heather! It's why I was on this morning :tongue_smilie:

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No way you're gone.




Goodness, writing poetry and sneaking a peak while printing papers...you're in it, baby. There's no leaving once you've entered...The Hive....(muhuwahahaha :tongue_smilie:)

On a bright information highway, library paste in my hair

Warm smell of curricula, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw by the monitor's light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There it stood on the Google page;

I heard the kids yell,

And I was thinking to myself,

’this could be heaven or this could be hell’

Then I clicked on the link, and it showed me the way

There were posts down the threads,

I thought I heard them say...


Welcome to the WTM Hive,

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the WTM Hive,

Any time of year, you can find it here


You can sign out any time you like, but you can never leave...


*apologies as needed to The Eagles*



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On a bright information highway, library paste in my hair

Warm smell of curricula, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw by the monitor's light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There it stood on the Google page;

I heard the kids yell,

And I was thinking to myself,

’this could be heaven or this could be hell’

Then I clicked on the link, and it showed me the way

There were posts down the threads,

I thought I heard them say...


Welcome to the WTM Hive,

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the WTM Hive,

Any time of year, you can find it here


You can sign out any time you like, but you can never leave...


*apologies as needed to The Eagles*




:lol:Fantastic, Imp!! :hurray::hurray:

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On a bright information highway, library paste in my hair

Warm smell of curricula, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw by the monitor's light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There it stood on the Google page;

I heard the kids yell,

And I was thinking to myself,

’this could be heaven or this could be hell’

Then I clicked on the link, and it showed me the way

There were posts down the threads,

I thought I heard them say...


Welcome to the WTM Hive,

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the WTM Hive,

Any time of year, you can find it here


You can sign out any time you like, but you can never leave...


*apologies as needed to The Eagles*





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On a bright information highway, library paste in my hair

Warm smell of curricula, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw by the monitor's light

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to stop for the night

There it stood on the Google page;

I heard the kids yell,

And I was thinking to myself,

’this could be heaven or this could be hell’

Then I clicked on the link, and it showed me the way

There were posts down the threads,

I thought I heard them say...


Welcome to the WTM Hive,

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the WTM Hive,

Any time of year, you can find it here


You can sign out any time you like, but you can never leave...


*apologies as needed to The Eagles*





That is so wrong. :lol:

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Love them all! :lol::lol:


I want to play (and my apologies in advance to Sara Evans :D)



Woke up late today

But we gotta do school anyway

So I dragged myself up out of bed

Had teA, grabbed the planner, put a smile on my face


Could this day get any longer?


Every morning such a fight,

Because the darling kids stay up all night

So I pull the covers off their heads

Offer simple yet fair warning...

Better do what I said


Could this day get any longer?


Cause I'm done hoping

They will think it's fun,

I'm done with how it feels cooking three meals

Listening to ungrateful whines


And ooohhh, I'm done thinking

Perfect lives exist

I know my plans will sometimes go astray,

But I'm telling myself, send them out to play

Cause right now I've got bills to pay


Could this day get any longer?


Sometimes I stay up all night

As I search the forum for pure delight

And I often laugh until I cry

Not costing me a penny, nickel, dime or small cat

It's here for me at any hour


Cause I'm done hoping

They will think it's fun,

I'm done with how it feels cooking three meals

Listening to ungrateful whines


And ooohhh, I'm done thinking

Perfect lives exist

I know my plans will sometimes go astray,

But I'm telling myself, send them out to play

Cause right now I've got bills to pay


My Well-Trained Mind is getting stronger :D

Edited by *~Tina~*
Darn IPad added asterisks!!
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Love them all! :lol::lol:


I want to play (and my apologies in advance to Sara Evans :D)



Woke up late today

But we gotta do school anyway

So I dragged myself up out of bed

Had teA, grabbed the planner, put a smile on my face


Could this day get any longer?


Every morning such a fight,

Because the darling kids stay up all night

So I pull the covers off their heads

Offer simple yet fair warning...

Better do what I said


Could this day get any longer?


Cause I'm done hoping

They will think it's fun,

I'm done with how it feels cooking three meals

Listening to ungrateful whines


And ooohhh, I'm done thinking

Perfect lives exist

I know my plans will sometimes go astray,

But I'm telling myself, send them out to play

Cause right now I've got bills to pay


Could this day get any longer?


Sometimes I stay up all night

As I search the forum for pure delight

And I often laugh until I cry

Not costing me a penny, nickel, dime or small cat

It's here for me at any hour


Cause I'm done hoping

They will think it's fun,

I'm done with how it feels cooking three meals

Listening to ungrateful whines


And ooohhh, I'm done thinking

Perfect lives exist

I know my plans will sometimes go astray,

But I'm telling myself, send them out to play

Cause right now I've got bills to pay


My Well-Trained Mind is getting stronger :D


Just saw this Tina. It's great!:D [i'm on lunch break, honest.]

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