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Choose a Math for me

Please help me with choose math...secular only  

  1. 1. Please help me with choose math...secular only

    • Stick with Miquon and worry about drill a little later
    • Try Saxon 1 since it's all inclusive
    • Buy Singapore and add it to Miquon - you can do it!
    • Try MCP. It's so under-recommended. It might work.
    • Get rid of Miquon and just try Singapore.
    • Other- explain

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This is probably a very boring and annoying poll, but I just feel that all these options are viable, so I just need to make a decision and get it over with. I decided whatever comes up on top is what I'm buying- right away!


Here is the info:


Son NEEDS a LOT of repetition on facts but is amazing with concepts. Loves color, but doesn't need too much repetition, especially on concepts.

Mom has ADD and has bad track record of juggling multiple programs- very bad

Finances are not that great...not so sure I want to spend too much but if it's the best we'll make it work.

I have Miquon at home but am concerned about the lack of drill and not covering too many concepts.

DH really really doesn't want to give money to Rod and Staff or BJU or Abeka

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I voted other because I've used RightStart from the beginning and it's the curriculum purchase i have been MOST HAPPY with in my three years (so far) of homeschooling. But if you're using Miquon, I don't advocate changing gears unless there's something wrong that needs to be addressed.

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In 1st grade, I think Miquon is just fine. It's fun, it's inexpensive, it teaches how to look at math in a different way. At this age, can't you just use flashcards to go over addition and subtraction facts, and make up your own worksheets if you think he needs extra addition and subtraction practice? I'm biased because we like Miquon here, so that's what I voted for.

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I could not vote because I would have put drill now regardless of what you go with. You can do drills while doing Miquon. Also, I used BJU without the teachers guide. If you do that, the workbook alone is less than $20 for a year.

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I voted other because your post made me think of Horizons as a possibility, not that you need another one! That said, we do a Singapore/Miquon combo and it has really worked here. I'm surprised how many math facts my dd has retained. There is a chart combining the two. All that said, if budget is a big concern stick with Miquon, it is enough. I would be doing just that, but my dd would have finished it all in a year and I need to slow her down alittle!

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I voted for just Singapore, but I guess I'd really say give Miquon and Singapore a try together, and if it's too much, just go w/Singapore. I think Miquon only goes to grade 3, and then you'd have to choose something else. With Singapore you just keep going....I find transitions between math curriculum stressful. That's just me though!

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I vote for not second guessing your decision to do Miquon. It is an amazing program based on Montessori principles. It is wonderful for teaching your son concepts and what numbers mean.


Add flashcards or online drill at the Math U See site. I personally don't think much drill is necessary in the younger grades. You have until the end of sixth grade to learn all 4 operationsl. There's plenty of time.


If you add drill, may I suggest RIght Start Math Games, simple flashcards or Games for Math by Peggy Kaye?

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We used Horizons for K, but only made it through the first K book. My son began to be in tears because there were few new concepts, only drill of the old stuff.


I did like Horizons, but I want a math program with more teacher interaction, discussion, something...Horizons just seemed to boil down to getting the page done for us. though I know the TM's have more work, it rarely suggested anything creative, and didn't talk me through any interesting application or mental math.


We used Miquon for a while and my son really loved it but I just didn't have time and energy last year for two maths, so it fell by the wayside. I am very happy with Miquon- my son also likes it. But I am just nervous about math. I am afraid to let my ds get behind and then have to play catch up. So I've been thinking of combining, but I don't know how realistic that is why my personality-or his.


My son can only handle so much switching from one thing to the next every day.

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I have been in your shoes and my insecurity and boredom with various arithmetic programs drove me to jump ship more than once... it didn't help with math facts. :) Miquon is more than enough for your son's age/level. He is so young, and learning should be fun and exciting whenever possible. I decided to drill math facts through games with much success. The game package from RightStart is wonderful and there are many more fun math games out there (try Mindware.com & other sites). Good luck!

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To me, it sounds like Miquon is just what you need. Of course, there are always many, many opinions when it comes to math, but here's why I think it seems like the best option for you:


1. Your ds likes it. Too much drill bores him. He loves to explore new concepts.

2. You like it. You want something where you interact with him during math.

3. You already own it. And if you need to buy the rest of the books they are very inexpensive.


Don't be insecure about using just Miquon. If you need to focus on just one math program at a time, do it and don't worry that you're missing something. In my opinion, Miquon is a great program. Wonderful for learning math concepts and developing mathematical flexibility. I'll bet he'll retain more math facts than you might expect. But if he still needs more drill on math facts you can hit it hard in 4th grade when he's done with Miquon.


Just my thoughts. Good luck in your decision!

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Take a look at some online samples of Horizons math. It's got color, lots of repetition of facts (and if there's too much repetition of concepts or anything, you can just assign a few of the problems), plus there's a lot of variety of topics and presentation.


Oh, and I really don't think you need a Teacher's Guide until level 4 (I really don't use the guide for teaching, just for the answers, and level 4 is when I noticed that sometimes it's faster & easier to just get up & get the answer key than to figure them out myself!) So if you're just getting workbooks, it's not very much $ either.


Merry :-)

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I voted for Saxon. My dd was using horizons K and it was tears daily for her. I also didn't really care for the TM it didn't really give me the "how" that I wanted. I love that the Saxon manual is scripted even though I don't read verbatim from it, it's there as a back up if my way of presenting it doesn't get through to her. My dd loves that on most sheets she has to color something, thus adding the color herself. I also bought little stickers to use for the some, some more, and some, some went away "stories" they use to teach the basics of addition and subtraction. She loves it. My son also after using Horizons 3 asked to go back to Saxon for next year (we used it our first year for his 2nd grade, wish I'd just stuck with it)

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I can't vote because we haven't used anything at all yet. When the time comes, I'm thinking I'll supplement Miquon with Ray's. From the reviews I've read, they seem to fill the gaps in each other. Of course we'll see what happens...


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I say make it simple and stick with Miquon. As others have said, it's a good program, and he'll be fine with it. Supplement with fun games and things rather than a whole different curriculum for now.


One thing my dd liked was rolling two dice, then she added or subracted or multiplied them. We had a lot of laughing going on, PLUS a lot of great learning! :)

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