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Well I certainly won't be sleeping tonight NOW!

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Hurricane has made it to Long Island. I was in the basement and heard a rumble thud. I figured it was the husband because all three of us are (supposed to be) sleeping in the first floor guest room and he was shifting the bed or something. A few minutes later I heard it again but much louder.


Turns out the first thud was a large branch from the neighbor's tree falling completely across the stree. Second thud was the ENTIRE TOP OF OUR TREE FALLING ACROSS THE ENTIRE STREET! It's the tree between the sidewalk and curb, and it's probably about 45"-50" around. The whole top just snapped right over! It's completely blocking the road.


Now I'm sitting here listening for creaking/thuding trees. And the tornado thing is freaking me out. I didn't realize tornadoes where an issue with hurricanes.


This is my first hurricane (but was trained to prep for typhoons in Oki, but never had one) but I gew up with tornadoes. My G'ma lost her house to one. My mother was freaked by them, therefore putting a healthy fear into us. There are no sirens here.


So here I sit. On tree/tornado guard duty.


And I've got my bra in my pocket.


I couldn't wear the stupid thing any longer today. But while I'm worried about trees and tornadoes, I'm also worried that if something does happen, and we have to get out of the house, I'd rather not be braless.


The good news I guess with the tree down, it's that many fewer leaves we'll have to rake come fall.

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I laughed at the bra in the pocket, too, but for a different reason. I so wouldn't care. I've had to learn to sleep with pants because DH didn't like me sleeping in just a shirt/tank/undies just in case something happened in the middle of the night requiring that we vacate. Before I met him, I slept in undies only. Now I sleep in full pj sets if I can manage it; some nights I just can't sleep with fabric on my legs and pull them off.


Stay safe. I hope it blows over with no additional damage.

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How frightening, I hope things are calmer this morning. It a blessing that both trees fell into the street.


I totally get the bra in the pocket;). Personally, I have fears of running out of the house...jiggling and flopping away;:001_huh: and I so don't want to be on the news without one:tongue_smilie:.

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