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School starts Monday-No, No, No!

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Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? Even tho my life doesn't look like someone who has that tendency, I find I often procrastinate because of a fear that my vision won't match what I will accomplish.


You'll be ok! Just plan the very first day--you might get on a roll and be able to finish more.


Our first days are always pretty easy, anyway.

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I hear you! I have some great Hive advice about how often to schedule each topic, but have I acutally written out the schedule for school which we start tomorrow? Nope. My just-mopped hardwood floors and newly-dusted shelves are looking good, though. :)

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I carried our books to work with me last Sunday so I could do the planning. They are still in the bag. No planning. Instead, we rebuilt our front porch.


My husband is out running. We are going to bend some wood fascia around the bottom of the porch before I go to work. I could be planning, but I'm in my nightgown, drinking coffee, and surfing the boards.


And I'm thinking I should get dressed and do something productive, like vacuum or run the dishwasher. :001_huh:


eta: He is now home, changed, and ready to bend wood. I am still in my nightgown, drinking coffee, no planning, no vacuuming... good grief.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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The only planning I ever do is to get books.


I used to plan. It was basically a waste of time. We went off and did something else anyway. Or, if we followed the plan, the kids didn't learn anything. Teaching has always worked best for us as a seat of the pants kind of thing.


Your procrastination might actually be telling you something you already know but haven't really figured out.


But I'm at the stage where I can point to my oldest who's now in college -- who gets the most amazing comments from professors about her organization and clear thinking. Who would have guessed?

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I woke up at 5:15 a.m. and realized that school starting was right around the corner. I'm not ready! :sad:


We won't be starting until our kitchen remodel is finished. NO WAY will I be able to school through that. We will probably start mid Sept. I will blink and that day will come. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.


Oh well. Usually I'm so glad to be back on schedule. HOpefully that will kick in. There's still time.;)

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oh shut up.


(KIDDING!!! see my response):glare:


LOL. It's okay to start in mid-Sept! You'll have a gorgeous new kitchen and you'll be all ready to homeschool in it. Unless you don't homeschool at your kitchen table like I do. Then you might be screwed because you might not want to leave your nice new kitchen. :D

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I am NOT ready. I have the books and a general plan in my head but that's it. So when I woke up at 4 am unable to sleep what did I do?? Decided to declutter/organize/clean/rearrange my dining room. What's up with that??



:lol: We start Monday too. The school table is 100% covered with scattered books and papers but last week I was rearranging the boys' bedroom and playroom, assembling garage cabinets and organizing the pantry. :lol:


I was going to be a whirlwind of planning this weekend but yesterday a friend needed me to watch her kids all day so nothing got done. Today is my day!:tongue_smilie:


Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? Even tho my life doesn't look like someone who has that tendency, I find I often procrastinate because of a fear that my vision won't match what I will accomplish.


Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Read The 3 P’s: Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Paralysis. Very eye opening stuff.


The only planning I ever do is to get books.


I used to plan. It was basically a waste of time. We went off and did something else anyway. Or, if we followed the plan, the kids didn't learn anything. Teaching has always worked best for us as a seat of the pants kind of thing.


Your procrastination might actually be telling you something you already know but haven't really figured out.


But I'm at the stage where I can point to my oldest who's now in college -- who gets the most amazing comments from professors about her organization and clear thinking. Who would have guessed?


My procrastination absolutely revealed stuff about me that I hadn't figured out. I remember reading a book once-upon-a-time that described a messy perfectionist and I thought that was such an oxymoron. But when I read the description as being someone who doesn't bother to do anything if it can't be done perfectly, I realized I am the messy perfectionist! It's a little hard on me because my DH is just a plain ol' perfectionist. :tongue_smilie:


If you have the time, I would love to hear details about what learning at your house looked like on a day to day basis. What did doing things by the seat of your pants look like to a fly on the wall? :D I know it sounds counterintuitive to consider instructions for spontaneity but a ballpark summary would be enormously helpful. I am especially struck by your statement that your only planning is to get books. Do you do projects? Do you schedule a general time every day to read those books, whatever strikes your fancy at that time, or do you not schedule anything and read whenever the mood strikes?

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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We start Monday as well...

I have all the books, pens, paper.

I looked through them all and came up with about how many lessons per week we would have to do to finish in 36 weeks...

That's all I've done :)

I only plan week by week - because I find myself having to "re-plan" and rearrange to make things work anyway.

So - today I'm using Homeschool Tracker for the next week, and finally getting the school room organized. Blech.

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I am NOT ready. I have the books and a general plan in my head but that's it. So when I woke up at 4 am unable to sleep what did I do?? Decided to declutter/organize/clean/rearrange my dining room. What's up with that??



You were trying to get a head start and be prepared :lol:! Your mind wouldn't let you rest until you did.


We don't start for another couple of weeks or so...

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I have this week all ready and laid out but not feeling motivated to do it tomorrow. Hopefully I will wake up with a fresh new attitude. I am determined to get the K'er into a groove right away since he is a reluctant little guy to begin with.:glare:



I feel EXACTLY the same!


Actually, I feel like all the thinking and preparing I've done over the summer has just gone out the window and I need to start all over again!


Last year I homeschooled an extra kid (11 y.o.). He was a great fit for our family and it was totally a God-thing to have him with us. He has Aspergers and his doc recommended that he be homeschooled. His parents said they were extremely happy with the way things were going with him and had said they wanted me to continue with him for a few more years. My son, 7 then, totally idolized him though. He's been counting the days until we would start school this fall, waiting for the extra to be back.


Then, last Thursday, the extra's dad called and said they were putting him back in p.s.! I was truly SHOCKED and then ANGRY!!!!! :mad:


Mind you, I'm a planner at heart and already had penciled out plans for 3 weeks. We only do school 4 days a week because I babysit my niece and nephew one day a week, and the extra can't handle all the extra noise. AND Because my husband works 2nd, I had a daily schedule outlined where we could still have family time.


Now all that is blown out of the water, and I have soooo much more freedom now...but my mind hasn't caught up to real life now...after the shock of everything!


My kids are ready for me to start, I guess I'm still a little bummed and mad.


How can I make the start of school extra special and get myself psyched?

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You know...we are homeschoolers...


We can start when we want to! :D


So if your not ready for tomorrow... give it another week. We start Labor Day week. I am still not ready.


I am forgetting something...


I just haven't figured it out yet.

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LOL. It's okay to start in mid-Sept! You'll have a gorgeous new kitchen and you'll be all ready to homeschool in it. Unless you don't homeschool at your kitchen table like I do. Then you might be screwed because you might not want to leave your nice new kitchen. :D


the kitchen opens up to the addition, where we school, so it's perfect. :001_smile:

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I feel EXACTLY the same!


Actually, I feel like all the thinking and preparing I've done over the summer has just gone out the window and I need to start all over again!


Last year I homeschooled an extra kid (11 y.o.). He was a great fit for our family and it was totally a God-thing to have him with us. He has Aspergers and his doc recommended that he be homeschooled. His parents said they were extremely happy with the way things were going with him and had said they wanted me to continue with him for a few more years. My son, 7 then, totally idolized him though. He's been counting the days until we would start school this fall, waiting for the extra to be back.


Then, last Thursday, the extra's dad called and said they were putting him back in p.s.! I was truly SHOCKED and then ANGRY!!!!! :mad:


Mind you, I'm a planner at heart and already had penciled out plans for 3 weeks. We only do school 4 days a week because I babysit my niece and nephew one day a week, and the extra can't handle all the extra noise. AND Because my husband works 2nd, I had a daily schedule outlined where we could still have family time.


Now all that is blown out of the water, and I have soooo much more freedom now...but my mind hasn't caught up to real life now...after the shock of everything!


My kids are ready for me to start, I guess I'm still a little bummed and mad.


How can I make the start of school extra special and get myself psyched?


I would feel the same way for so many reasons.


I usually have a bit of a party atmosphere the morning of our first day of school. I have special bags for them with all their new school supplies and a couple of extras (things they don't usually get - gum, maybe some candy and a small book). We might have a big breakfast and only do really fun subjects that day as well.


Despite the above, I have been off my game since starting back at the beginning of August. I am realizing that dd3 is really smart and needs to have schooling and needs my attention but I am already exhausted from teaching 3 and all our complicated medical problems. The first week I gave my dd12 all of her assignments for the week and told her to schedule them and show me her work when she is done. That has worked out very well. That still leaves me with the other three but hopefully we will get into a groove. Two of them desperately need a schedule so there is a push to get moving or else we all go crazy. :D

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Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? Even tho my life doesn't look like someone who has that tendency, I find I often procrastinate because of a fear that my vision won't match what I will accomplish.



Yes! I think this could be our problem! Remember our "teacher work days?" Convince the guys to take the kids to the movies or something and we'd "plan"! LOL!


Call me tomorrow when you need a break. After my first week, which involved major attitudes, hunger strikes, a plan to move out, which was then topped off by grief and attitude from the FIL about our punishment for before mentioned attitude ridden 9yo, no matter how your day goes tomorrow, you'll feel better! LOL!


Oh and tell the girls, it finally happened! Daddy came home by lunch last Friday!!! And you know how that goes. It's never good.....

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You know...we are homeschoolers...


We can start when we want to! :D


So if your not ready for tomorrow... give it another week. We start Labor Day week. I am still not ready.


I am forgetting something...


I just haven't figured it out yet.


I can't stand anymore "summer vacation". But now I have a sick child and a husband going o ut of town at the last minute so maybe next Monday...


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