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Are Taylor Swift concerts druggy?

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DD wants to go with some of her friends. She would save up and pay for this herself. This is her favorite musician. She is 15, very reliable, but has never been to a concert without a parent before. I am debating back and forth on it. She would be going with 3-4 other girls her age, and they would be driven by parents. I am not worried about their drop off and pickup situations. Just questioning the atmosphere in the pavilion.

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Hmm, doubting it.


She is a "good girl". Not really a rock-n-roll crowd, I would think.


The only people I have ever heard, that I know personally, of going to Taylor Swift concerts are preteen/teen girls and their parents.


(Not to say other's don't go, just saying that is probably the most prevelant type of crowd.)

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I saw you mention "pavillion" and see your location. Is she going to the Concord Pavillion? I remember a lot of concerts there with drugs; mostly pot. I would think that for Taylor Swift there wouldn't be a whole lot but I also think in most cases, the concert scene will always have at least a few. Will there be an adult with them? I honestly don't think I'd allow several 15 yo girls to go w/o an adult present during the concert. Just my 2 cents.

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I saw you mention "pavillion" and see your location. Is she going to the Concord Pavillion? I remember a lot of concerts there with drugs; mostly pot. I would think that for Taylor Swift there wouldn't be a whole lot but I also think in most cases, the concert scene will always have at least a few. Will there be an adult with them? I honestly don't think I'd allow several 15 yo girls to go w/o an adult present during the concert. Just my 2 cents.


No, the HP one.


Actually, I took DD to a concert in Concord 2 years ago, and there was almost no drug smoke. It was pretty expensive, and wine and mixed drinks were sold on site at very high prices. It was a Philadelphia Sound concert--Ojays headlined, also the Stylistics, Delphonics, and others. Great concert, very mellow and old-school.

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I went to a Depeche Mode concert with 3 friends when I was about 15. We had a chaperone -a limo driver - but once we got out of the car we were on our own, completely, getting in, getting out, and enjoying the concert - I knew there were drugs ( i could smell them) but it didn't affect us or the great time we had. It was a lot of fun and we got home safely, but would I send my daughter when she is 15?? NO.

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I would let her go. I went to many concerts at that age, some where there were drugs and many without and I never, ever to this day have tried drugs or smoked nor drank underage or to excess at any point. Music with friends is a nice experience to have as a teen. I cherish those memories. At a Taylor Swift concert they may be somebody smoking marijuana but I doubt it would be widespread or that your daughter would have to interact with whoever it was.

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What do you mean by are the concerts "druggy"? If you mean could there be a few people smoking pot - sure, there could be. I doubt that any those folk will run up and force your daughter or her friends to take part though. :p


I mean where inhaling it is inescapable to the point where you pretty much can't help ending up high. I'm not worried about any of these girls bringing anything or accepting 'offers to share'.

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I would think that a Taylor Swift concert would be one of the least "druggy" concerts around. :D


That being said, you can run into it anywhere. Even if it were a serious rock n' roll show (or '60s band, LOL) she would be fine. No one is going to offer her any. I am actually allergic to pot (I will get seizures) and wouldn't even think about it. There is a difference between smelling it, being near it, and smoking it.


I don't think you should worry about it, personally. I don't know how I would feel about letting my kid go to a concert at that age, but the "druggy" aspect wouldn't have anything to do with it. I was going to crazy concerts at 14 & 15 by myself (think of every weird band in the '80s and I bet I was there) and never was offered anything, asked for anything, got a contact high or drunk, or anything else my parents might have been freaked out by. It was about being with friends and the music.


If you are ok with the other reasons she can go, and this is the only thing holding you back, I think you should chill out and let her go. She'll have a great time with her friends, and never think about all the things you are freaked out about. If this is an excuse to not let her go, then you should be honest with yourself and figure out why you really don't want her to go.


My two cents.

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I mean where inhaling it is inescapable to the point where you pretty much can't help ending up high. I'm not worried about any of these girls bringing anything or accepting 'offers to share'.


I've been to rock and roll concerts where there were tons of drugs and never ended up high. I can't imagine a situation where this would happen, but especially not at a Pavilion.

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I mean where inhaling it is inescapable to the point where you pretty much can't help ending up high. I'm not worried about any of these girls bringing anything or accepting 'offers to share'.


Ha. I've been in small enclosed rooms with people smoking pot and sadly enough never ended up high because of it. :tongue_smilie:


I don't think you have anything to worry about with a Taylor Swift concert. I must admit, the thought of Taylor Swift + marijuana makes me giggle a little bit (and no, I'm not high right now, LOL.)

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I mean where inhaling it is inescapable to the point where you pretty much can't help ending up high. I'm not worried about any of these girls bringing anything or accepting 'offers to share'.


I went to some Grateful Dead and Phish concerts as a teen, and even there I didn't end up getting high off of secondhand smoke. I wouldn't worry. There may be some people smoking pot at the concert, but I'd say it's extremely, extremely unlikely there'd be enough smoke to affect your daughter.

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If you feel very concerned, I'm sure you could go and just sit nearby. :001_smile:

I seriously doubt there will be so much smoke she could get a contact high.


Yes, this is my answer and was going to post until I saw yours, so I'll say :iagree:


Can you possibly buy a separate ticket for yourself a couple of rows back and off to the right or left a bit...unknown by your dd and her friends? I would not tell her you are doing this. Also, you'll be right there ready to pick them up!

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Yes, this is my answer and was going to post until I saw yours, so I'll say :iagree:


Can you possibly buy a separate ticket for yourself a couple of rows back and off to the right or left a bit...unknown by your dd and her friends? I would not tell her you are doing this. Also, you'll be right there ready to pick them up!



I don't see the point of being sneaky about it....that surely does not set a good example, especially for a teenage daughter/mother relationship.


Why not just say, yes, she can go, with the understanding that you will be in the vicinity enjoying Taylor Swift as well. I think just the knowledge that Mom is around would curtail any thoughts of misbehaviour on the daughter's part (if that was even an issue), and also give Mom piece of mind.


But personally, age 15, with a group of like-minded girls...."go, have fun, be aware, make the right choices, and enjoy the music!" Mom will be outside waiting for you or whichever parents are giving a ride.



Personally, at age 15, in the right circumstances, I feel a child should be able to let their wings open a bit. For goodness sake, are we sending our children off to college without ever experiencing a wee bit of life on their own (within some limits). How will we ever know if we raised our children correctly if we don't allow them to show us? Not attacking OP here, just making a overall general statement.

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Ha. I've been in small enclosed rooms with people smoking pot and sadly enough never ended up high because of it. :tongue_smilie:



I have other experience. Let's just leave it at that.


Anyway, I'm not looking to not let her go. I'm looking to let her go.


If I were looking to not let her go, I wouldn't be asking for input. I'd just say no.


I have in the past gone with her and her friends to movies and sat several rows behind them with my husband. I have also let her go by herself pretty often more recently. If I wanted to join in this concert I certainly could, and I would not do it secretly.


But my inclination is to let her try this, but not if it's too druggy where second hand smoke or OC people would be hazards. I'm not at all worried about her being pressured to partake or choosing to do so. The former things are really all I'm concerned about.

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I have other experience. Let's just leave it at that.


Anyway, I'm not looking to not let her go. I'm looking to let her go.


If I were looking to not let her go, I wouldn't be asking for input. I'd just say no.


I have in the past gone with her and her friends to movies and sat several rows behind them with my husband. I have also let her go by herself pretty often more recently. If I wanted to join in this concert I certainly could, and I would not do it secretly.


But my inclination is to let her try this, but not if it's too druggy where second hand smoke or OC people would be hazards. I'm not at all worried about her being pressured to partake or choosing to do so. The former things are really all I'm concerned about.


I would think a Taylor Swift show would be relatively safe. I mean, as safe as a BIG show can be.


That being said, I probably wouldn't let my daughter go to a show with friends at 15. My mom went to a U2 show (Joshua Tree tour!) with me and a friend when we were 17. We had a blast and it's a fond memory! I was actually glad she was there. That was a huge show and the pushing and shoving to get out of the arena when it ended scared this small town girl :001_smile:.

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That being said, I probably wouldn't let my daughter go to a show with friends at 15. My mom went to a U2 show (Joshua Tree tour!) with me and a friend when we were 17. We had a blast and it's a fond memory! I was actually glad she was there. That was a huge show and the pushing and shoving to get out of the arena when it ended scared this small town girl :001_smile:.


When I was 19 or 20, I was supposed to go to an Ani DiFranco show with a friend, and my friend couldn't make it at the last minute. My mom agreed to go with me instead. It was so much fun! I actually really liked going to concerts with my mom, and also have fond memories of the times we did.

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