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Stitches? Glue? - Does this need them?

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DS hit DD with the (heavy) handle of a spatula. This is the resulting wound. It didn't bleed much, but it appears to be gaping somewhat. Does this warrant a trip to urgent care for a stitch or glue? Not sure what to do!

It will heal without stitches, but it will leave less of a scar if it's stitched. Since it's on the face, I'd take her if it were my dd.

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It will heal without stitches, but it will leave less of a scar if it's stitched. Since it's on the face, I'd take her if it were my dd.


See, that was my inclination as well. It really is borderline. Sigh.


FWIW, the handle is solid something - plastic maybe? - I don't know...whatever it is is HEAVY. It's probably a 40yr old metal spatula, not one of the cheapy new ones.

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My ds2 had a lamp fall out of his closet onto his head a couple of weeks ago, resulting in a deep cut. We kept the wound moist for the first week, using antibiotic ointment and warm washcloths to clean it, and it is healing up nicely. But, there was a ton of blood when it happened, and I did text my husband pictures for his input. Hope she feels better soon :001_smile:.

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It will heal without stitches, but it will leave less of a scar if it's stitched. Since it's on the face, I'd take her if it were my dd.

My son had a longer wound but gaping and also on his face. I took him in and I'm glad I did. The scar will be less with a stitch or two imo. FWIW, the gaping is why my BIL (a pediatrician) recommended we go in along with it being on his face.

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A clean laceration on the face is often stitched up to 12 hours later, sometimes even longer.


:iagree: My son had stitches a few weeks ago. He split his ear open sliding down the bannister. You could see the cartilage inside of his year. We had to wait for a surgeon (actually a dentist, fyi) to stitch it because of the cartilage. It was around 5 hours from the time he did it until they were finished.

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My ds stabbed himself in the head with a steak knife.:001_huh: He was trying to cut a tree or some such nonsense. It was in a similar location and looked similar. I did take him to urgent care and all they did was clean it and put a butterfly bandage on. The reason I took him was because I did not know what had happened and he initially said he could not remember. Selective amnesia I suppose.:glare: Now I can not say for sure how deep your dd's cut is.

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I sent the pics to DH via email. He showed them to an EMT coworker who suggested we go in-that combined with my first instinct+ all your wonderful opinions & I think we're going to go in.


:grouphug: My dd2 just had stitches in the last 2 months for a cut about this size on her lip/chin.

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Butterfly bandages work, but I prefer steri strips. They would be in the same area for purchase. You just cut them to the length you need and put them on. You can use as many as you need to hold it together and make them as long as necessary. I don't tend to do stitches. I just tape my kids back together. They have all been taped at some point. Faces included. No terrible scars have resulted from my care.:D

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Butterfly bandages work, but I prefer steri strips. They would be in the same area for purchase. You just cut them to the length you need and put them on. You can use as many as you need to hold it together and make them as long as necessary. I don't tend to do stitches. I just tape my kids back together. They have all been taped at some point. Faces included. No terrible scars have resulted from my care.:D


Now steri strips I've heard of :) Thanks!

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