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Forever Lazy

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:001_huh: I was ok until people were tailgating and going out in public in them... Not that I would wear them at home (since when did the blanket become technology too complicated for the average person??) but I can't really comment on what other people choose to wear at home. :p But wearing that thing out of the house? Or even in your own house in front of friends? :)

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What I dont get is, why not just use a jogging suit?


I wouldn't wear these--the butt zipper freaks me out, and the open foot would defeat the purpose for me--but I've often though I'd like footie PJs in the winter. Why? I can't stand wearing pants to bed, because they ride up my legs and I don't like that feeling. And, when it's really cold, I don't want my top riding up and leaving any gap between it and my pants.

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What I dont get is, why not just use a jogging suit?


I think this thing has the potential to be cozier than a jogging suit. I wouldn't know as I haven't owned a jogging suit for well more than 20 years I think. Sweatpants are pretty unattractive on me so I don't own them. Probably nearly as unattractive as this thing would be. :lol:

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Ummm....they do look quite warm and comfy. :blushing: Of course, I could do without the hatches...and I certainly would not wear it outside the comfort of my own home, but I could totally see lounging around the house in them. I don't have to worry though, it really doesn't get cold enough down here in FL to justify getting one.

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I'm just thinking about how


BrownChickenBrownCow it would be if dh and I EACH wore one of these and then look at each other with thoughts of teA...... ;)


ETA: I'm ALWAYS cold and I would TOTALLY wear that thing around the house (NEVA outside of!), but only if the feet were built in....and that hatch creeps me out. I'd rather half-undress to pee than have a trapdoor.

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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