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I want to run for president in 2016.

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Does that count as a political thread? Dh & I had the most delightful time planning my campaign over dinner tonight, but I noticed he left laughing, while I left inspired. :glare:


I think I'm outside-the-box enough to unite both sides of the aisle. Although they might just be united in their attempts to impeach me. :001_huh:

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We have to wait until 2016?

I would vote for you in 2012. :)

(I'm seriously thinking about getting a campaign sign to plant in my front yard just to tick off a certain neighbor. How bad is that?! :lol:)


Dh says you have to be 35. Although...if I don't release my birth certificate...


Never mind. ;)

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I don't want to run as an independent--I've seen what a hard time they have.


So I'm thinking repubrocrat. Or demolican. Yeah, I think I like demolican--one of my goals is to repeal the most laws in any one term. Dh says that's anarchy; I say it's getting the gov't out of people's way. :D

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Wow. I suddenly feel so old. :001_huh:

I have this weird habit of thinking that people with children older than mine must also be older than me.

Don't release your birth certificate and run now!


I figure not being a lawyer or a politician could work in my favor, BUT I might really need all 6 years to get anyone to know who I am.


Plus, I'm pg right now. I've noticed no one wants to hire someone who's pg. I figure that means the American public, too. So I figure one thing at a time, right? And I've got to finish getting mom's basement fixed up:


1. Fix basement.

2. Have baby.

3. Run for president. (The kids are saying bedtime prayers for this right now. Why? I told them the White House has secret passages. They've asked if I will tell them in the morning if I've made it or not.)

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I don't want to run as an independent--I've seen what a hard time they have.


So I'm thinking repubrocrat. Or demolican. Yeah, I think I like demolican--one of my goals is to repeal the most laws in any one term. Dh says that's anarchy; I say it's getting the gov't out of people's way. :D


Demolican sounds naughtier

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I don't want to run as an independent--I've seen what a hard time they have.


So I'm thinking repubrocrat. Or demolican. Yeah, I think I like demolican--one of my goals is to repeal the most laws in any one term. Dh says that's anarchy; I say it's getting the gov't out of people's way. :D


I'm definitely NOT libertarian...based on what I've heard from those who are.


Okay, I believe you, but I think libertarians would also agree with getting government out of people's way. :D


Ah well, they probably wouldn't go for swellmomma's kilts law anyway. :glare:

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Her slogan will be "Don't poke the hive" :D


After demolishing all the ridiculous laws, she could enact one requiring all attractive men to wear kilts. ;)





I'm in...I'll wear a nice yellow and black tartan plaid skirt, black sweater, tam hat, tartan scarf, and wave my signs furiously.


When the media gets ugly, we'll all go TROLL HUNTING, and then when the journalists lay whimpering in a heap, we'll remind them, "Don't poke the hive!"


Yellow and black tartan parades, honey and honey based products for the common man, and if we have to get devious, we can always unleash killer bees inside the both national headquarters. :D This definitely has potential!



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(Shyly, twisting my foot and looking down) Could I be an ambassador to somewhere? Somewhere not too warm, not too cold, with mountains and an ocean (but not Califormia, because the water is too darned cold!)?



Aubrey, send Chris in VA to be Ambassador of British Columbia. She can hang in the temperate rainforest there, see some beautiful mountains, and whale watch in the Pacific, while living in Vancouver which is a bit like Seattle weather-wise...it's a good fit.


I want to be the pianist laureate. I'll come to the White House and appease our great leader with Debussey and Chopin! :D



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Aubrey, send Chris in VA to be Ambassador of British Columbia. She can hang in the temperate rainforest there, see some beautiful mountains, and whale watch in the Pacific, while living in Vancouver which is a bit like Seattle weather-wise...it's a good fit.


I want to be the pianist laureate. I'll come to the White House and appease our great leader with Debussey and Chopin! :D




Oooo, that'd be so neat-o! I think there's a Forest Preschool (all outdoors) in that area that I could teach at when I'm done homeschooling!! :D (Ambassadors can have two jobs, can't they?)


Oh--it's here--.




BUT this thread is not about me. Back to your regular programming...

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(Shyly, twisting my foot and looking down) Could I be an ambassador to somewhere? Somewhere not too warm, not too cold, with mountains and an ocean (but not Califormia, because the water is too darned cold!)?


Oooooohh!!!!! Oh!! Oh!!! Pick me too!!! Pick me too!!! I wanna be an ambassador. Can I go to Europe please??? Pretty please???? Think of all the good I could do there in the name of Demolicanism.:auto:

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I'll vote for you. I'd like to be an ambassador to the UK or in charge of the military (so I can invade Canada). :lol:


My good friend from college and I are planning on running as a members of the Cocktail Party. :D


Hey, them's thar are fightin' words! Don't you remember the war of 1812? we will have to burn the white house again! We can't be destroying Aubrey's new home, when she finally gets one so grand.

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Hey, them's thar are fightin' words! Don't you remember the war of 1812? we will have to burn the white house again! We can't be destroying Aubrey's new home, when she finally gets one so grand.


This. Do y'all know how bad I need a place to live? Do NOT invade Canada!

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But what will your foreign policy be? And what will you do about the Federal Reserve?


Foreign policy: I'm a child of the 80s. I'd be inclined to revert to cold war spying rather than all-out war.


FR: I really think this one should be simple. If we'd just arrest the thieves (*ahem* bankers, etc) & redistribute their stolen $$ to the victims, we might not even have a problem left to deal w/. Fil says there are a lot of laws to get around to make that happen, but I don't mind that: I'm a demolican. ;)


Tip of the iceberg, I realize, but maybe a start.

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Foreign policy: I'm a child of the 80s. I'd be inclined to revert to cold war spying rather than all-out war.


FR: I really think this one should be simple. If we'd just arrest the thieves (*ahem* bankers, etc) & redistribute their stolen $$ to the victims, we might not even have a problem left to deal w/. Fil says there are a lot of laws to get around to make that happen, but I don't mind that: I'm a demolican. ;)


Tip of the iceberg, I realize, but maybe a start.



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