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Anybody else here tired of the rudeness?

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Yes, I'm talking about here, but also in real life (see my prior thread about the police).


I'm sure that it shouldn't bother me, but it does. I wish I could just let it roll off my back, especially if it isn't directed at me, but I can't.


I wish I could get a perspective-transplant from Rosie.


Has it always been this way here & I'm just noticing it now?

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My guess, is the ruder posters seem to be available and ready and willing to put forth a snarky comment. The majority of those who use these boards have the restraint to not 'touch' those hot topics..so you don't hear the voice of reason as often as you would the voice of contention. I'm in the middle, I try very hard not to be snarky, but I am honest if someone is asking for suggestions/opinions..when I get a snarky comment, I try my best to respond for clarification and not be snarky back...or just refuse to respond...no need to stoke their fire.

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Rudeness doesn't bother me at all. It's not my problem if someone is rude, especially if it's not pointed at me. I guess all those years in customer service desensitized me.


Contradictions bug me, because I have to sit on my hands and not point it out, lest I be rude. :tongue_smilie:

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I've noticed it. And rudeness does bother me. Not personally - I don't really care about it for my own sake. I do care that some folks have tried to post here and have been chased off by rudeness simply because their notions may seem out of fashion or politically incorrect. It saddens me that, as a whole, our nation seems to have lost the ability to just be civil.

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I've noticed it. And rudeness does bother me. Not personally - I don't really care about it for my own sake. I do care that some folks have tried to post here and have been chased off by rudeness simply because their notions may seem out of fashion or politically incorrect. It saddens me that, as a whole, our nation seems to have lost the ability to just be civil.


As usual :iagree:. Can I hire you to write all my posts? :tongue_smilie:

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WRT to the board, the snarkiness comes and goes in waves. I don't necessarily think of it as intentionally hurtful--I sort of envision it as a big family gathering, where we all love each other because we're family, but we know how to push each other's buttons or push back when feeling provoked.


I don't often participate in snarkiness here; however, I do tend to respond with my back up a bit when people initiate threads or post with a heavy-handed judgmentalism. I have no problem with "old-fashioned" or "politically incorrect" opinions, if they're presented as a personal opinion. We all have those. When you're on what comes across as a disingenuous, passive aggressive rant in an attempt to persuade people to change their ways--well, that does not bring out the best in me. Que sera, sera.

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When someone is rude or mean and I wasn't expecting it, it makes me angry and sad. When someone is consistently nasty, it's like a switch flips in my brain and my main internal response is to be glad I'm not them.


With some people, you can just tell that the inside of their head is an ugly and unhappy place to be. I'm not a nice enough person to feel nothing but pure compassion for them, but I do find myself thinking "I'm glad I'm me!"

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I find that I don't encounter much rudeness in real life. I think it's a survival trait for getting thru the long winters without killing each other.


As far as the boards - if you jump in on a controversial topic, you have to make sure your skin is thick enough to take it if someone disagrees with you.

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I wish I could get a perspective-transplant from Rosie.




:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:Everyone *LOVES* Rosie! I want to be like her when I grow up. (I'm older than her!):tongue_smilie:


While there have always been rude people here that are quick to post mean replies, the tone of the board in general has turned lately. That saddens me.


I'm glad to see one person, in particular, banned. She was an awful pot stirrer.


Although some people are very blunt and to the point, I don't think that's rude or mean at ALL. I think honesty is wonderful. I know some people have a hard time when their feelings get hurt, and I've seen grudges be held. Oh well, what's one to do?


Come here and relax. Enjoy yourself. It's a WONDERFUL forum that we're all lucky to have. If someone hurts or offends you, take a break for a few days. Don't let anyone run you off. That almost happened to me but some wonderful ladies contacted me through PM's and encouraged me to stay. SO glad I did, and I won't allow anyone to run me away anymore. I'm too in love with the Hive.:001_smile: It's my one stop shopping for ANY answer to ANYTHING at all. I've turned here MANY times when my IRL friends couldn't help me.


Focus on the good, toss the bad.;)

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As far as the boards - if you jump in on a controversial topic, you have to make sure your skin is thick enough to take it if someone disagrees with you.


I'm sure MANY of us have posted to ask an honest question, having NO idea it was HOT topic, and then got BLASTED out of the water for it. I know I've been shocked about the number of heated responses to an HONEST question. Glad I have thicker Hive skin now.:001_smile:

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I find that I don't encounter much rudeness in real life. I think it's a survival trait for getting thru the long winters without killing each other.


As far as the boards - if you jump in on a controversial topic, you have to make sure your skin is thick enough to take it if someone disagrees with you.


True enough. But I've seen some very new people here post questions not realizing that this is a very diverse group and gotten bonked quite hard on the head for it. I think the number of posts of the OP should be taken into consideration when replying to a question. Even if you don't agree with them or you think the person is incredibly naive or even completely off their rocker, I believe a little patience is in order.

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True enough. But I've seen some very new people here post questions not realizing that this is a very diverse group and gotten bonked quite hard on the head for it. I think the number of posts of the OP should be taken into consideration when replying to a question. Even if you don't agree with them or you think the person is incredibly naive or even completely off their rocker, I believe a little patience is in order.


As usual, your grace amazes me, Kathleen :D I don't like dogpiles on newbies or people who seem to really be struggling with something personal, or even just someone who seems naive. I'll admit that my patience is not the best with people who know the terrain around here or who have shown a tendency to see us (and the world at large) as a personal mission. I can think of quite a few people who seem to be here for that reason, and no, I don't respond well to it! But you're right, a little more patience would patience would probably go a long way *hangs head*

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As far as the boards - if you jump in on a controversial topic, you have to make sure your skin is thick enough to take it if someone disagrees with you.


Not just controversial topics. I can't believe the hyper-sensitivity and snide comments on the current postal service thread. :confused:

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I agree with Kathleen, and no, the early boards (before changing to this format) were not always like this. There were problems on the early boards, and there haven't been any major blow-ups for a while here, but after all the problems with the last presidential election there seems to have been a definite change in overall tone here....

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True enough. But I've seen some very new people here post questions not realizing that this is a very diverse group and gotten bonked quite hard on the head for it. I think the number of posts of the OP should be taken into consideration when replying to a question. Even if you don't agree with them or you think the person is incredibly naive or even completely off their rocker, I believe a little patience is in order.


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: very much so.

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