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My teeth are suddenly crooked. What do I do now?

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This is really bizarre, but my teeth have gone crooked. ?!?!? One of my lower center front teeth appears to be higher than the teeth on either side of it, and is now just a smidge behind the teeth on either side of it.


I am not in any pain and did not hit my face or anything.


I do get intermittent pain on one side while chewing. This has been the case for several years. I had all the tests run with a dentist and also consulted with an endodontist--they were of the opinion that everything tests normally, and that there is probably a crack that is affected only when biting sometimes. Since the tissues are all healthy and it's not constant pain, and the pain is really really mild, they said to leave it be but just monitor it. This pain does not seem in any way connected to my front tooth suddenly going crooked. ???


I did have my teeth cleaned about a month ago and everything was fine then.


Since I am not in pain I don't think I need to go to the dentist, but it seems so bizarre to have a tooth go crooked like that. Is this a normal part of aging? Should I go to the dentist?

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Since I am not in pain I don't think I need to go to the dentist, but it seems so bizarre to have a tooth go crooked like that. Is this a normal part of aging? Should I go to the dentist?


It IS bizarre so the pain thing is irrelevant. Go see if they and tell you what's going on. It might be an indicator of something more serious.

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One way the pain could be connected to the crooked tooth would be if there is an impacted (maybe extra) jaw tooth trying to come in and it is pushing on the teeth on that side. I don't think someone having extra or too few adult teeth is common but it is definitely not unheard of either.

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What!?? What else did they forget to tell me in Health class?


My lower teeth went crooked in my late 20's mildly undoing orthodontic work when my youngest ds was sitting on my lap and (accidentally) banged me in the mouth with the back of his head. It made one tooth end up slightly further back than the others, so that it's edges are not seen from the front.


What makes hair (on your head!) go curly suddenly? I'm talking about both new growth and already long, straight hair that suddenly goes very frizzy, then curly. It's like the spiral perm I wished my hair could have held waaaaay back in the day.

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What makes hair (on your head!) go curly suddenly? I'm talking about both new growth and already long, straight hair that suddenly goes very frizzy, then curly. It's like the spiral perm I wished my hair could have held waaaaay back in the day.


With each pregnancy, my hair got curlier. I joke that if I had one more baby, I would have an afro.:lol: Hormones are weird things...

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This has happened to me. I got a root canal and a crown on the bottom and that messed up my bottom front teeth. Now my top teeth have shifted a bit. Since it doesn't hurt and my bite is fine, I'm not planning to do anything about it at all. I never had braces and my teeth weren't perfect anyway. I don't think anyone would notice the difference but me. (Who else stares at my teeth in the mirror while flossing???)

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What makes hair (on your head!) go curly suddenly? I'm talking about both new growth and already long, straight hair that suddenly goes very frizzy, then curly. It's like the spiral perm I wished my hair could have held waaaaay back in the day.


As you get older the hair structure can change. This is often, but not always, allied to going grey. I use lots of conditioner on the frizzy bits - it helps a bit.



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I find your predicament TOTALLY bizarre, but something I'm suddenly dealing with! I'm getting a space between the top of my two front teeth and it's never been there before. People keep telling me I have something black between my teeth.


Unlike you, my teeth and bones in the part of my mouth hurt all the time lately. I haven't been to the dentist in 2 years because it's just so painful for me, and if I need to have a cavity filled or any other procedure, novocaine no longer works. After going to the dentist for DECADES, I now have anxiety over it because I'm just so uncomfortable and in pain, even if only for a cleaning. :sad::confused:

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