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Local principal kills kittens

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When my kids were in ps, their principal was one of the worst kitten killers I have ever seen. The newsletter would come out with things like 'Dad's and Donuts'. I'd protest, bring in grammar resources, get their third grade teacher to back me up (she was one of the few school staff I was sure were literate). And then the next month, I'd be invited to 'Mom's and Muffins'. I admit that it was a factor in pulling them out in April that year (that and she didn't see a problem with the lunch lady abusing my 4th grader by making him wear a hat saying that he liked to wear diapers in front of the whole school).

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It's discouraging. It's difficult for students to do well, much less excel, when the teachers and principals only have marginal skills. But that's the elephant in the room, around here at least: when ways to improve the public schools are discussed, few people are brave (or foolhardy!) enough to point this out. It's complicated by touchy race relations and even more by politicians with no scruples about looking for personal advantage over public gain.


But how are the sacred test scores ever going to go up without addressing this? It's not a question of careless mistakes or typos, but of too many teachers who honestly have little to no grasp of formal writing and speaking.


I don't suppose it would help if I started marking the emails in red pen? :lol:

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My son's Kindergarten teacher (last year) used to send home weekly newsletters reporting on what the kids were scheduled to do that week.


My husband and I would take a red pen and mark it up. We didn't have the heart to send it back to her, but it really did solidify our decision to homeschool this year.


The errors were atrocious...the writing style was that of a 12-year old.


We pay $9,000 a year in property taxes, most of which go to the school system.


(Well, we're not homeschooling this year [yet] because we haven't moved yet and I'm still working full-time, but I'll be after-schooling until we do move, to keep him sharp and get us both used to the homeschooling system.)

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I have a good friend who is a high school principal. He's very smart, but has dyslexia. That's why he has his secretary proof EVERYTHING before it is sent out. Doesn't this guy have a secretary??


Exactly. Spell check on the computer, secretaries; there are ways to work around this problem if you're intelligent enough to know that they exist.

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