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Can low iron levels really cause all of these symptoms?

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I am suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle (all of them) pain (more than normal). I am bruising extemely easily. I am getting bruise from leaning against things. For instance, when I was painting I got bruises on my leg where they were leaning against the ladder. I have bruises on my forearms from where they rest on the desk. I am having a great deal of weakness as well. I went to the dr. and he said I had low iron levels and prescribed an iron supplement. It was low last year but I didn't take anything for it and now it is worse this year. Is it possible that this is the problem and iron will cure it? If so, how long before I can expect to feel better? Also why would I get low iron levels now when my periods have become lighter and farther apart (every 2-3 months)?

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I am suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle (all of them) pain (more than normal). I am bruising extemely easily. I am getting bruise from leaning against things. For instance, when I was painting I got bruises on my leg where they were leaning against the ladder. I have bruises on my forearms from where they rest on the desk. I am having a great deal of weakness as well. I went to the dr. and he said I had low iron levels and prescribed an iron supplement. It was low last year but I didn't take anything for it and now it is worse this year. Is it possible that this is the problem and iron will cure it? If so, how long before I can expect to feel better? Also why would I get low iron levels now when my periods have become lighter and farther apart (every 2-3 months)?


My mom just had an episode where she actually spent a few days in the hospital. She suffered from very low iron levels as well and she had a lot of the symptoms you described. It took her almost a month after taking iron pills and eating foods with iron in them, for her iron levels to get back up to the normal level. She feels so much better now!

I hope you get to feeling better!

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I had several of those symptoms. Also, are you having any shortness of breath? Unexplained desire to chew ice?


[ETA - Copious hair loss is another symptom. Also, my mom had severe anemia (like another poster below, shehad to be hospitalized and transfused a shocking amount of blood, 4 pints). She actually had severe chest pains and went in thinking she was having a heart attack.]


The bruising is not something I experienced, and it is something that would cause me to investigate further. I do not mean to be an alarmist, but my doc told me, because he wanted to order the lab work and knew I would read the orders, something like this: "When we see a patient with your symptoms, acute anemia is a likely cause. However, we also do a routine test for leukemia. I just need to be up front with you about that."


Anemia was it for me, but it was good to know that another serious potential cause had been ruled out. It all depends on your doc's attitude. Does he seem generally dismissive of your issues ("oh, you just need a little iron, that'll fix you right up!"), or did he truly seem to listen and be interested in determining exactly what's going on?

Edited by AuntieM
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Could also be your thyroid...low thyroid would account for all of your symptoms including your menstrual cycle changes. It *could* also be Cushings (adrenals)..but honestly that's a very rare condition.


Hope you get it figured out and start feeling better soon!

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I am suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle (all of them) pain (more than normal). I am bruising extemely easily. I am getting bruise from leaning against things. For instance, when I was painting I got bruises on my leg where they were leaning against the ladder. I have bruises on my forearms from where they rest on the desk. I am having a great deal of weakness as well. I went to the dr. and he said I had low iron levels and prescribed an iron supplement. It was low last year but I didn't take anything for it and now it is worse this year. Is it possible that this is the problem and iron will cure it? If so, how long before I can expect to feel better? Also why would I get low iron levels now when my periods have become lighter and farther apart (every 2-3 months)?


Do you know whether you had a CBC? Excess bruising can also be from low platelets. A CBC would also rule out leukemia. Leukemia can cause anemia because the excess white blood cells crowd out red blood cells. You really need a CBC to know whether anemia/low iron is the only thing going on.

Edited by LizzyBee
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If your doctor didn't have any bloodwork done, you must get that (CBC) done.


If it is indeed iron deficiency anemia, there is more to do that just take iron supplements.


Most people absorb heme iron (from meat, specifically red meat and liver) much better than non-heme (plant) iron. Also the non-heme absorption will increase in combination with the heme iron so eat both types of iron rich foods together. Foods with vitamin C will also increase iron absorption.


Foods and beverages containing calcium and tannins block iron absorption. They should be eaten 2 hours or more before or after iron-rich food to get the most iron from the iron-rich meal.




http://web.mit.edu/athletics/sportsmedicine/wcrminerals.html (scroll down to iron section)


I was once almost hospitalized for anemia (that was confirmed with blood count). I stayed out of the hospital by following a strict diet - red meat with orange juice (without calcium) 3x per day, only having coffee, tea or dairy at different times per day several hours apart while my blood counts were monitored. This diet plus the supplement brought it up quickly. When it was this low, my fatigue was extreme.


I have to maintain my iron levels carefully. I cannot donate blood. I have to consume red meat at least 1-2 times per week whether it sounds good or not. My mom has the same issue.

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Yes, those are definitely symptoms of iron deficiency.


I found that it took me a month to start feeling much better. However, it took me EIGHT months before my ferritin score edged closer to the bottom of normal. For that eight months I took 125 mg of iron per day, in addition to eating a specifically iron-rich diet. After the initial eight months we weaned down my dosage of iron a little bit at a time for 3-4 months. After that point I continued with 50mg of iron per day for another year. After that I dropped to 27mg per day.


Bottom line: it takes a looooooong time to build your iron back up, but you will probably feel better after about a month if you start taking your supplements right away.

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Yes and no....but low iron can make other things worse...such as thyroid. And someone suggested Vit C- I think bioflavanoids might be good for you- they accompany VitC in foods and are good for bruising- a natural Vitamin C supplement with bioflavanoids- along with your iron.

Getting iron up is important for many things- its about having healthy blood, which affects everything in your body.

I find it hard to get my iron up even with supplements- it can take a long time for some people.

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My low iron anemia caused extreme fatigue, muscle pain, and extreme irritability. I also had an extremely low ability to deal with anything. I actually ended up going to see a therapist for a couple of months before I found out what the real problem was. I really thought I was having a nervous breakdown.


Once I started on supplements and eating better it was amazing how much it changed everything. I noticed a difference after only a couple of weeks. After a little over a month I was energetic, felt good and felt happy again.


I hope things work out as well for you once you get your iron levels up!

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I agree, you'd need a CBC if you haven't had one already. (For one thing, wouldn't that answer the iron question?)


Among the other possibilities, for the bruising in particular, a person could have low platelets (thrombocytopenia). Indeed, if platelets get extremely low, very bad things can happen if such problem remained untreated.


As for the iron, I needed some in my last pregnancy and I began to feel better within a day or two of starting supplements (Slow Fe - I highly recommend). The difference was huge.

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My dr. did a whole slew of tests and ruled everything else out. He has been my dr. for seven years. He is very familiar with my medical history and very involved in helping me managed my problems so I am pretty sure he covered all the bases. It just seems crazy that one little thing like that cause so many issues. Anyway, he has me on the iron now so we will see how that works.

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My dr. did a whole slew of tests and ruled everything else out. He has been my dr. for seven years. He is very familiar with my medical history and very involved in helping me managed my problems so I am pretty sure he covered all the bases. It just seems crazy that one little thing like that cause so many issues. Anyway, he has me on the iron now so we will see how that works.


Oh, wonderful! And yes, low iron can make you feel terrible. I feel like I lost several years of an active lifestyle to anemia. I hope you will start feeling better soon.


Now this may be a bit personal, but when you go pick up your iron pills I recommend you also get a container of Konsul. It is the most effective fiber supplement I know. I you don't end up needing it, you have a rare constitution. ;)

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I have IDA.

You need more then just a CBC.


You need


1. Serum Ferritin

2. TIBC(Total Iron Binding Capacity)

3. Serum Iron

4. Transferrin Rate.


Also, RDW-CV and MCV is part of CBC workup. But to DX IDA, all of those numbers need to be off.


You can be anemic without iron deficieny. Or you can me mildly iron deficient without the anemia.


I had to have to IV Iron infusions last August. Personally, I do not recommend them unless you are really, really bad and just cannot function. I did not show any symptoms, but was told it was the easiest way to get my iron levels up. Well, they gave me to much and my BP bottomed out, and I passed out. And I was deathly ill.


Plus you need to find out why you are anemic. I just had a colonoscopy to make sure nothing was going on in my GI tract, and all was good. So I know now, my IDA is being caused a combination of poor diet, my periods, and intermittent bleeding of hemorrhoids.


I am asymtpomatic though. Even though my ferritin was 8. That surprised everyone. I always felt fine. It was found on accident really.


I got it up to 32. I have no idea where it is now, because I am now on Omeprozole, and had to stop the iron for a few months. Being recheck in Mid-september.


I see a hematologist. That is who you really need to see. Especially about the bruising.


I never had any shortness of breath, lack of energy etc. I never felt any better when taking the iron either,becasue I was asymptomatic before, so who knows......


But I would certianly make an appt to get checked out. And make sure you ask for those other tests. HGB and HCT plus RBC's mean nothing without the rest.


And for the HGB finger picks at the Dr's? Waste of time. They are incorrect. You can have a good number in one finger, go to another finger and get a competely different number.


it has to be done though bloodwork.


Good luck.

Edited by dancer67
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With my iron deficiency I had extreme fatigue, swollen joins and joint pain mostly in my hands, knees and feet, was always cold, depressed and unable to think clearly, racing heart, feeling faint/cold sweats. My ferritin was 4.


I struggle to keep take enough supplements and can feel its getting low again at the moment. I bruise easily but not that easily.


I found I feel a bit better after 3 days of diligently taking the supplements and eating better, like more alert, but feel a lot better after a few weeks. It doesn't stay though, if I stop taking supllements I just go back to square one fast.

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Do you have a name for it?

Thanks. :)


I wish I could remember it. But I always had to call the health food store and get the name again. It was not a liquid. I had issues with the iron from the doctor almost immediately. And then when I switched, it didn't take long for things to resolve. You might try doing an Internet search.

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I was mildly anemic with my second pregnancy, and my midwife suggested Vitron C as a supplement. It's not natural like say, Floradix, but it's less expensive too, and it worked well for me, no constipation or anything. I was feeling tired and run down and was feeling short of breath too, but within a week, no kidding, of taking the Vitron C daily, I felt a million times better.

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Could also be your thyroid...low thyroid would account for all of your symptoms including your menstrual cycle changes. It *could* also be Cushings (adrenals)..but honestly that's a very rare condition.


Hope you get it figured out and start feeling better soon!


I was thinking thyroid as well

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I was mildly anemic with my second pregnancy, and my midwife suggested Vitron C as a supplement. It's not natural like say, Floradix, but it's less expensive too, and it worked well for me, no constipation or anything. I was feeling tired and run down and was feeling short of breath too, but within a week, no kidding, of taking the Vitron C daily, I felt a million times better.



This is what I take. My hematolgist says it is one of the best ones since it contains Vit C in it, and it is non constipating. I take 2 a day with no issues. I might up it back to 3 a day. Because if you are still getting your periods, it can be one step forward and two steps back.


The other thing you could try is Floradix. It is a liquid. Non constipating. I got mine at IHerb. BUT, mix it with something because it stained my teeth horribly.


I also take a childrens chewable vitamin with 18mg of iron as well.


Until your periods stop, and if you are anemic, you HAVE to stay on the iron.


Get you complete iron levels checked at LEAST every 3 months. And preferably once right after your period, and then again midcycle. That way they can see how low your numbers get right after. I know mine get a little low right after, but I bounce back quickly a week or so after I am done.


I am praying for menopause!!

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