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Walkers/In-town livers -- what do you use to carry your purchases?

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Last summer, I enjoyed walking to the grocery store or the smaller deli/market in our town. The "better" grocery store is quite a ways from my house, so I would sometimes partner a small shopping trip there with a walk for exercise. But, the trip home, with whatever I'd purchased, was never so great. Lugging goods home gets old after about the first 1/4 mile. :thumbdown:


Push carts aren't an option here because of the state of disrepair or non-existence of the sidewalks in some places. Is a small backpack the best solution? Maybe I should just ride a bike with a basket and forget walking to that particular store. Just wondering if others have creative solutions to this "problem".

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But if you could ride a bike, would a cart that had bigger wheels - instead of the small ones most have - be manageable?


As fuel prices increase I'm actually thinking of doing more frequent, foot trips to the store for the same shopping/exercise combo. Dh mentioned getting a foldable card but I haven't started looking yet to see what's available. If I come across an all-terrain one, I'll let you know! lol


btw, dd would rather I didn't get a cart because of the "un-cool" factor. :lol:

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City dweller here. :)


I use a hiking daypack (with padded hip belt & sternum strap) for library trips and for some grocery and thrift store trips. It's the most comfortable way to carry a heavy load for a couple of miles. Also good for bus trips.


For shorter grocery trips to the nearby store, I have some reusable bags that are made out of some kind of polyester type fabric. They are the size of large paper grocery bags. All the grocery stores here sell them for 99 cents.


I have seen some bike panniers that are grocery-bag size. I thought about using them for library trips, so we could do family bike rides to the library, but I'm not convicted to spend the money on them right now.

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I never saw this before I moved to the Boston area...


But most people who walk to the store bring a cart home with them and park it at their house and take it back on their next run. Like they are for borrowing or something. If the sidewalks are broken up, they just push it on the side of the road.

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I never saw this before I moved to the Boston area...


But most people who walk to the store bring a cart home with them and park it at their house and take it back on their next run. Like they are for borrowing or something. If the sidewalks are broken up, they just push it on the side of the road.



Here people would think you were crazy. Or the store owners would accuse you of stealing it or something crazy like that.;)

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You know I do feel like I need a full sized shopping cart at the library sometimes...



but seriously, if you ever mentioned that taking a carriage (they don't say cart here) was anything other than acceptable, you would probably get a very sassy defense of why it was fine, or ignored. Just the area I guess.

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Depends on how much stuff...


If we can make several little trips during the week, then it's whatever we can fit under the stroller, plus carry.


If it's going to be one of "those" weeks, we load up the car, pack it full of our groceries for the week, and drive it.


I prefer the first option when the weather and schedule permits. But it's good to have the second option when needed!


I love summer -- the definition of "walking distance" becomes far more appealing!:001_smile:

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I never saw this before I moved to the Boston area...


But most people who walk to the store bring a cart home with them and park it at their house and take it back on their next run. Like they are for borrowing or something. If the sidewalks are broken up, they just push it on the side of the road.

Our neighbor teens do this. I guess it is just too hard for them to carry their groceries home. The store is maybe 100 steps from their house. :rolleyes:

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I have a basket on my bike (it's over the back tire) and a wagon with really big tires.


It really depends on how much I'm getting. It's so easy to go to the store now that I do more trips and get less stuff. My dh still runs by CostCo for some bigger things during the month.


I use my backpack or a grocery sack with longish handles if it's just a few things.

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