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Anyone else in TX had enough of this heat

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So tired of it! It's almost 7 pm and it's still 106. Everything around here is dead, brown, dry. So many fires are being reported. We had 2 fires this week and several before that. Our volunteer fire depts. are being pushed passed capacity. Even the city fire depts. are asking for physical donations. We really need some rain and cooler weather!

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It's in Oklahoma, too. Water rationing, rolling blackouts... it really is frightening. And I saw a report today that says with the current La Nina situation, nothing's likely to change for the next SIX MONTHS. I don't know if the farmers (and towns, and everyone/everything else) can hold out that long :(

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Hopefully the rolling blackouts will be for short periods of time, like they were during the week of ice in February. 20 minutes shouldn't be long enough for houses to really heat up.


I love how the news told us to keep the lights off AND shut the blinds. So we're supposed to sit in the dimness? Heh.

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Hopefully the rolling blackouts will be for short periods of time, like they were during the week of ice in February. 20 minutes shouldn't be long enough for houses to really heat up.


I love how the news told us to keep the lights off AND shut the blinds. So we're supposed to sit in the dimness? Heh.


Our power just went off but it was for 1 minute, so I don't think it was part of a rolling blackout.


I actually already do shut the blinds every afternoon and evening and don't turn lights on. I guess my blinds aren't that dark because we can still see. My living area faces west and it gets too hot in there if I don't.


We also already keep our thermostat at 78, I wish everyone would adjust theirs, just until we're through this heat wave. The other recommendation is to not use the dishwasher, clothes dryer, etc, between 3 and 7 so I'm following that. Supposedly if we would all do those things they wouldn't have to do rolling blackouts.

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We are miserable in Oklahoma too! We are at something like 41 days over 100 now. I have never been so ready for fall in all of my life. It's sad when it's too hot to even go swimming!!


Yep, same here. It has been around the 110 or 111 mark for the high here the past couple of days, NOT including the heat index. It is really scary hot....and we moved here from Houston so that is saying something;). We had some cloud cover this morning for a little while and it was such a relief to stay in the 80's for just a little while, before the clouds went away and the temp quickly shot back up to over 100.


A new neighborhood pool (the first for our neighborhood) opens tomorrow and I have no desire at all to go. It is too hot to be out in the sun, even if we are in the water.


I heard today that the Tulsa area is under threat of rolling black outs also. Our area is under an outside watering ban, as of yesterday. No outside watering at all.

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We are miserable, and my van died on Tuesday so we are using DH's car but his a/c is broken. Needless to say we are not going too many places. So many of the farmers I know are selling off their cattle and having fast price sales on meat because they cannot support their herds anymore and just want to recoup what they can.

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Lived here all my life and am still not used to it. So, I don't go out much. My van stays in the garage until it's time to go and then it only sits in a parking lot for 2 hrs (at the most!). Not enough time for it to get crazy 122 degrees hot inside.


If we go outside we swim only and that's in the am. We're inside by noon.


My big tip is to never leave the house w/ dry hair. Keeps me cool for most of the time I need to be out! LOL



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Our electricity went out late this morning. It was out for about an hour. The temp in the house rose 6 degrees, which is a lot when we already keep the thermostat up to conserve energy. When the power came back on, the AC ran for 2 hours STRAIGHT to get the temp back down. And it's not like our AC is old. It's supposed to be very efficient. We have a small house and had all the blinds closed.


I'm dreading our electric bill this month.

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Our electricity went out late this morning. It was out for about an hour. The temp in the house rose 6 degrees, which is a lot when we already keep the thermostat up to conserve energy. When the power came back on, the AC ran for 2 hours STRAIGHT to get the temp back down. And it's not like our AC is old. It's supposed to be very efficient. We have a small house and had all the blinds closed.


I'm dreading our electric bill this month.



That is awful! I wonder how much these blackouts really help as everyone cranks down their AC to cool down the house as fast as possible afterwards.

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I'm fortunate that our house faces north/south, so we only get about an hour or two of direct sun coming in the windows. I keep the lights off and the curtains open most of the morning, and then close them about 2-3 hours in the afternoon. It works out perfect because we're usually done with school by then and don't need brighter lighting for schoolwork. We usually have enough ambient light that we're able to keep all the lights off most of the day.

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Yep. The local weatherman basically pleaded with everyone to pray for rain this weekend at their churches. Tyler has had 38 days IN A ROW of temps over 100 and 50 days this summer total.. 50 days!! Mind boggling. Our ponds are down to almost nothing. We'll have to sell cows. Tyler has gotten a little bit of rain, but we have had none here in over a month.



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Another okie here agreeing that this summer beats even the summers of the early 1980s. But for a bit of perspective, read about the summer of 1936.





And NOBODY had air conditioning back then.


:tongue_smilie:That is true. I always think about that & it is hard to imagine. I am SO grateful for air conditioning!

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I hate winter and being cold. This is the first year, since we moved to Texas 15 years ago, that I can't wait for winter to come. Our air conditioner went out yesterday. It was unbearable to sleep last night, even with a fan. I just don't know how much more of this I can take.


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So very tired of the heat. I do not know how people work outside in this. My job is in the coolness of the dairy and frozen department and I don't complain.


My husband paints cars - so on top of essentially working outside (open door body shop) he paints cars inside a paint booth that is 120+ degrees. He drinks water all day long.

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That is awful! I wonder how much these blackouts really help as everyone cranks down their AC to cool down the house as fast as possible afterwards.


Heh, I was watching the news last night and the 'efficiency guy' from the power company said DO NOT turn off your A/C during the day because it won't be able to keep up when it's turned back on. Nice. :glare:

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