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My ds5 has decided he likes to color and wants "extwa coloring for school".


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I've never had a boy request coloring for school, but he wants extra coloring. I know I can just print off various coloring sheets, but does anyone have any great coloring book suggestions that seem a bit more productive than Star Wars or Transformers? He's already got the SOTW sheets, his Reason for Handwriting K sheets, and composer sheets to color. He likes patterns and letters.

Edited by JudoMom
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My kids love the stained glass coloring books. Have you seen them? Here is a mandala one and a wizard and dragon one. Our museum always carries the ones appropriate for their special exhibits and they all look really nice when we've flipped through them.


There's probably a coloring book for whatever history or science you are doing this year too if you search. I had an anatomy coloring book in college and it really helped with my class so I got one for DS when he was doing anatomy last year.

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There's light at the end of the tunnel! :D On currclick, there are Dan's Doodles - I think that's what they're called anyway. Some of the Dover coloring books are pretty intricate, but we have the dinosaur alphabet and love it. And I keep the little Dover books in my purse for emergencies. We've liked sea creatures, alphabet, Spanish alphabet, dino alphabet,farm animals.

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I really like the Dover coloring books. They are detailed but we just pick one thing on the page to color carefully. I'm picky about coloring books because the ones with too much white space just encourage scribbling, and because we often like to use colored pencils.


I always get Dover coloring books as souvenirs when we go to museums. Most gift shops will have several that are related to the theme of the museum. They also have them on Amazon of course.

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My kids love the stained glass coloring books. Have you seen them? Here is a mandala one and a wizard and dragon one. Our museum always carries the ones appropriate for their special exhibits and they all look really nice when we've flipped through them.



My dd loves them too. She's speech delayed (by choice) so these function as learning aids for her- every now and then she'll point and either talk about them or want me to talk about them. She talks about "vi-lins," "maids" (mermaids) and "dragons." :) I often use them as a sort of focus point for mini-unit studies. We have a set of fairy tale themed pics up on the lounge room window. I have a bunch in the mail for our letter of the week playing atm. 'Z is for zombie' :D



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How about doing a "color by numbers" thing? Take the "plain" coloring book and a fine-tip sharpie or ball-point and number the spots. Then assign numbers to colors.


To make it more fun try these things:

1) Take a fat sharpie and divide the bigger spaces into smaller ones. Number them the same or try different numbers to make a cool pattern.

2) Use simple arithmetic to code them. So the 7-color could be in the 3+4 space or 2+5, etc.

3) Assign the colors in weird ways on random pages and in "normal" ways on others. Ask him before he starts to color if he thinks it will be a "normal" picture or a weird one. Get's him to think ahead and visualize.


Notice that coloring is a forerunner to graphing higher order polynomial functions, so you're really doing some serious pre-math here! (It has to do with x-intercepts and vertical asymptotes and the fact that if a graph is on one side of the x-axis it must stay there (in essensce, stay inside the lines) until it hits an asymptote or x-intercept.)

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