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Art curriculum--alternatives to Drawing with Children?


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and have decided to use Artistic Pursuits this year instead. Have received the book from Rainbow Resource, and it looks to be what I was searching for. More laid out for you, art appreciation/picture study built in, and not excessive in materials required. They also sell packages of the materials if you need.

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I like Artistic Pursuits, but I also like Evan Moor's Teaching Art to Children.

Neither one of them have explicit instruction in "how to draw," although both teach the elements of art.

I'm looking for something that has drawing instruction, but not like Draw Write Now, which tells you step by step how to draw something the way one person would draw it. Does that make sense?

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My children love art!


We've had wonderful success with the How Great Thou Art books.


We've used Baby Lamb's Book of Art, Feed My Sheep, Book of Many Colors, I Can Do All Things -- and probably a few more I've forgotten to mention and they've loved all of them


Another hit with my oldest son, who loves to draw, are the Let's Draw book series (I think that's the name!) There are rainforest animals, insects, dinosaurs, race cars, etc. -- I think there are 10 books in all.

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Thanks for the recommendations--I'll definitely be looking into all of them!


We started with Drawing with Children last year, and DD has been relentless in trying to persuade me to art ever since I gave up on it...I'm definitely feeling the need to find something that works for us!

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I don't know how it compares to DWC because I've never looked at that. We bought Hooked on Drawing because it was recommended by the teacher of an art class my dd took (who also happened to be a homeschooling mom!). I'm really happy with it, and it's certainly easy to use. But not being an artist myself, I'm not sure I could give it a fair review. All I know is, it works for us! :)

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For preK-3rd grade:


- Big Yellow Drawing Book by Dan O'Neill (http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com'>http://www.rainbowresource.com)

- 1,2,3 Draw series by Freddie Levin (http://www.amazon.com)

- Draw Write Now series by Marie Hablitzel & Kim Stitzer (either of above sources)



For grades K-8

- Draw Squad by Mark Kistler (either of above sources)

- Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre (either of above sources

- How to Teach Art to Children by Evan-Moore (either of above sources)



For high school

- Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

(either of above sources; http://www.rainbowresource.com also has an accompanying workbook)

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We started using Drawing with Children a few months ago. At first, I was a little disappointed looking through the book. I was expecting more explicit instructions to give my kids. But, I decided to give it a try anyway.


Things are going very well now, and my kids (ages 7.5 years and 5.5 years) love to draw. I think it helped my oldest especially when I did a drawing. We were doing the chapter on contour drawings. We did the Level 1 drawing of Leo the Lion, which wasn't too exciting. Then, we did the Level 2 drawing of the birds. I decided to make a drawing using 3 different birds. I wanted to show her how to use the whole paper. I had to show her how I planned my drawing...how my drawing had a purpose. I made a drawing using one bird to represent my husband at the top of the page, a different bird for me at the bottom, and 4 in the middle on different limbs for each of the kids. Then, I used different colors (different pinks and purples for the girls, browns and blue for the boys) to color all the birds. I showed her how to take her time, so that she would be really proud of her drawing. I showed her how to not leave any white space. And, I think the most important thing is that I hang up the drawings in the house. I scan them and put the on my blog.


I really like the introduction in the book that emphasizes our attitudes about our drawing abilities. I try to stay positive. I help them think of ways they can use their 'mistakes' in the drawings. I show them pictures in the book of the other kids drawings of what we're trying, so that they can see that they all turn out differently.


Anyway, we've had a good experience so far. You can look here on my blog to see some of their work: http://angelaarcara.blogspot.com/search/label/artwork

(Note: the 2nd post is about sidewalk chalk, which doesn't apply here. Just continue to scroll down past that to see some bird drawings.)

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Did you organize lessons from DWC? We're using it next year and I've already pencil marked a few sessions, if someone else has something already planned out, that would be great! I know about the lessons at Paulasarchives.com already and Barb's plans with DWC (http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/harmonyartmom)


We've used Artistic Pursuits K-3, Books 1-2 as we're using them with history but since they don't cover much of the early modern times I decided to do DWC this year and do AP Book 3 during Year 4 (Modern Times).

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It is called Video Art Lessons, by Art Video Productions, Inc. Here is the website www.ArtVideoProductions.com


Each DVD is $29.99 and comes with a teaching guide. The only other thing needed is the art supplies. I believe each video is for all age levels. I e-mailed to ask that question, but I haven't received an answer yet. This may not bode well for the professionalism of the company, but we'll see.


Anyway, I can try two (which will be 6 lessons) for $60, whereas with Atelier, I was going to spend $165 for six lessons (I would need two different levels because of the ages/abilities of my kids).

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The Phonics of Drawing is easy to implement for a drawing course and can be used with all levels. It's on a CD that student can use directly at the computer, or you can print out the lesson. My kids have been very pleased with their drawing projects. There is also a Masterpiece CD that includes the Phonics of Drawing, along with lesson on watercolor and multimedia.



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We use "Atelier -Homeschool Art". It's a video based program. Each level has 3 modules, A-B-C. with 6 lessons in each module. My children liked watching the teacher explain the lesson with her actually doing it as she taught. The teacher has a small group of children as her class. When the teacher is finished with the instructional part there is a a few minutes of video clips showing the individual children working on their own art piece. I say the videos ARE the program. I could definitely pull-off using them without the TM. The TM includes an occasional art appreciation lesson (1 per module) featuring a famous artist. We co-oped level 3

and were able to complete the entire level of 18 lessons. The children enjoyed their lessons and seemed to derive alot of confidence from the videos.

After viewing, I recommend you not turn off the DVD player while the children work (as music follows), it creates a pleasant atmosphere for quiet creativity.



best intentions,


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Visual Manna has a good drawing book. She has several books now that cover different history periods. We used the lewis and Clark one and enjoyed it.


this year we are using God and the History of Art. It may be a little old for your children but it may be a good future choice for you. It looks quite good and covers 4 years.


We too have used the art pacs in the past. They were kind of fun but I think we have outgrown them. I remember a favorite project from these was drawing a hot dog and then turning it into a weiner dog. We had alot of fun with this and drew whole "herds" of weiner dogs.:lol:

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