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Bad breath in kids?

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Why would an 8-yo kid who brushes his teeth twice a day have terribly stinky breath? He came into bed with us after he had a bad dream and I could smell his breath even when he was faced away from me. What might cause this? He also seems to drool a lot in his sleep...

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Mouth breathing. It allows all kinds of bacteria to set up shop.


My son has the same issue. The dentist gave us a tongue cleaner and suggested he rinse with Listerine KIDS rinse. Not the adult listerine, lol. There is a pink and a green version. My kids like the pink. Oh, and only the Listerine has germ killers. Other kid mouthwash only has flouride. That won't get rid of the stinkyness.


Oh, does he floss at least 4 times a week? My son has to floss every day due to braces and that made a big difference as well.

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My sweet little dd has this chronically. She gets up in the morning and comes in with this adorable curly hair and pink cheeks and perfect little teeth and she smiles... and then she breathes. Oh my gosh. It's so bad.


I assume that it's related to the fact that we seem to have chronic sinus issues in this family. I feel like I should take her off dairy sometimes, but the boys handle it so well, it seems cruel to take them off too or to maker her watch them eat it.

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Besides tonsil or sinus issues, a food intolerance can cause halitosis.


My dd had horrendous breath until we took her off dairy. Voila. No more bad breath.


Maybe (if there aren't any signs of illness causing the problem) you should start an elimination diet to see what could be causing it.

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Not sure whats the issue with DD7 but she as horrible breath at times too. Back a few months ago when I had really bad morning sickness, I couldn't stand to have her near me in the mornings....she made me gag. She even made me vomit once. :ack2: I began having her use a mouth wash each morning. It seems to have made somewhat of a difference.

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Thanks for the responses, everyone. Yes, I think most people's breath gets stale overnight but this is EXTREME. I will try that kids' Listerine, and flossing (I am such a bad flossing mom). Might try eliminating dairy for a bit, too... there are some other things I've wondered about being diet related (bumpy skin, lack of focus/memory for tasks, etc.) He's super-skinny but I don't think celiac is in play... he doesn't have stomach upset.


Thanks again, all.

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My son had it last year. The kids at school would tease him it was that bad. He also had a chronic cough. We have eliminated most dairy and that has helped both his breath and the cough. It's amazing what a difference it has made!


He has Greek yogurt and food with cheese on it on occasion but doesn't drink milk at all any more.

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My youngest ds, when he was about 3, developed horrible breath. About 9 months later, my dh was tickling him upside down and noticed a large growth in his nose. I called an ENT and got an appointment, but it was going to be 3 weeks till we could get in. I started googling "growth in nose" and then got terrified and called and called until I got him in the next day at a different ENT.


So, we go into the ENT and he takes out these long forcep things and sticks them in my ds's nose. Out comes several large wads of turquoise Play-dough covered in pus (which made the true color obscured from sight). Yeah, I felt like a big loser mom for not realizing that my ds had copious amounts of bright blue-green Play-dough shoved up his nose for almost A YEAR! Oh, and that's what was causing his bad breath :)

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Is he having the bad breath all the time, or just when he wakes up in the morning & through the night? I don't have any advice....I'm just wondering. My 7 year old has really horrid breath in the morning. We love to snuggle and I have to position us so I can't smell it. Poor little thing has no idea why mommy is turning her so that her back is against me. :lol: I'm going to look for the kids Listerine too.



My youngest ds, when he was about 3, developed horrible breath. About 9 months later, my dh was tickling him upside down and noticed a large growth in his nose. I called an ENT and got an appointment, but it was going to be 3 weeks till we could get in. I started googling "growth in nose" and then got terrified and called and called until I got him in the next day at a different ENT.


So, we go into the ENT and he takes out these long forcep things and sticks them in my ds's nose. Out comes several large wads of turquoise Play-dough covered in pus (which made the true color obscured from sight). Yeah, I felt like a big loser mom for not realizing that my ds had copious amounts of bright blue-green Play-dough shoved up his nose for almost A YEAR! Oh, and that's what was causing his bad breath :)


:blink: :eek: :ack2:


Wow! So glad you discovered that.

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