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s/o transcript - Homeschool Name?

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When I have been asked in the past to provide a report card for sports or dual enrollment, I have the name of our school, Rivendell Academy, at the top. I lifted this name from someone here because I'm a huge LOTR fan.


But as I start preparing the transcript for college, I wonder about the school name. It does not seem professional. Not that I'm a professional. I suppose I could use LastName Academy, but that seems so boring and unimaginative. But, picking anything else seems like I'm trying to hide the fact that we're a homeschool.


What do y'all do?

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When I have been asked in the past to provide a report card for sports or dual enrollment, I have the name of our school, Rivendell Academy, at the top. I lifted this name from someone here because I'm a huge LOTR fan.


But as I start preparing the transcript for college, I wonder about the school name. It does not seem professional. Not that I'm a professional. I suppose I could use LastName Academy, but that seems so boring and unimaginative. But, picking anything else seems like I'm trying to hide the fact that we're a homeschool.


What do y'all do?


I would think that elsewhere in the application, it would be clear that the application was from a homeschooled student.


If anything, you might want to make that explicitly clear. I have one friend who was told that her son's application to one selective school was more competitive as a homeschooled app than with an umbrella school transcript. YMMV.


I like Academy better than High School, fwiw. To my ear, Academy is something non-traditional.

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I put Name Academy (Homeschool)


My oldest went to a Christian Academy for his Junior and Senior years, and they said they appreciated the homeschool part being in the title. I guess they appreciated that it said it right out, so noone had to guess or wonder. That's just how they felt, so thought I'd share it...


I think the name you have sounds better than (Last Name). I also think Academy sounds better than High School. JMHO. :001_smile:

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The header on my son's transcript simply says, "Official Homeschooled High School Transcript." Our oldest is just a rising sophomore, so we have not submitted it anywhere yet. We have met with the admissions folks at a couple of colleges currently on his list while we have been visiting the area for other reasons. They have been fine with the title.

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Honestly, you are way over thinking this. IMHO.

:iagree: Story of my Life. :glare:


I am working with a transcript that is similar to the ones shared in this thread.


I think I will use "Official Homeschool High School Transcript" at the top. For the school, I will just use Homeschool. At the bottom (and this is where I can't figure out how to get around not having a name), I will say "<Lastname> Homeschool is operated in accordance with Florida Statute 1002.41"


Can I say that ds has just completed 9th grade, but I've made the transcript (of my dreams) and it is a work of art! What a dweeb. :blush:

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:iagree: Story of my Life. :glare:


I am working with a transcript that is similar to the ones shared in this thread.


I think I will use "Official Homeschool High School Transcript" at the top. For the school, I will just use Homeschool. At the bottom (and this is where I can't figure out how to get around not having a name), I will say "<Lastname> Homeschool is operated in accordance with Florida Statute 1002.41"


Can I say that ds has just completed 9th grade, but I've made the transcript (of my dreams) and it is a work of art! What a dweeb. :blush:


Ohhh. I like Rivendell Academy much better.


I did not include anything extra reflecting our homeschool status to our transcripts. Once you get serious about a particular college or option then you can adjust your transcript if they have any particular requirements.


My oldest joined the Navy and his recruitor suggested that I note which courses were outside courses so it would be obvious that my son had some experience with "group learning". So I did.


For 9th grade, keep a running log of classes and grades. Finalize your transcript the senior year when you have narrowed your options.


But seriously.... Rivendell Academy!

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Since in FL we're not considered a private school (like some other states) I just put "Official Homeschool High School Transcript" at the top of my girls transcripts. #1 applied to 5 schools (all but one in-state) & #2 to 3 schools & not one of them questioned or even commented on it.

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:iagree: Story of my Life. :glare:


I am working with a transcript that is similar to the ones shared in this thread.


I think I will use "Official Homeschool High School Transcript" at the top. For the school, I will just use Homeschool. At the bottom (and this is where I can't figure out how to get around not having a name), I will say "<Lastname> Homeschool is operated in accordance with Florida Statute 1002.41"


Can I say that ds has just completed 9th grade, but I've made the transcript (of my dreams) and it is a work of art! What a dweeb. :blush:

:hurray: Kudos to you! Isn't it a great feeling to have it all designed the way you want? :001_smile: I didn't get ours done until my ds was in 11th grade--that's great you have it done now just after 9th.


I love the name Rivendell Academy, but I can sure relate to your dilemma. We had a similar situation. For many years our homeschool was named after my grandfather, in tribute to his being a life-long learner. We loved the name, and there was at least one time where we had to have a school name in order to get some educational materials we wanted and it filled the bill nicely.


But, when I put it on the transcript, my dh became concerned. He felt it could be confusing or even misleading, because it sounds like a brick and mortar school--and isn't our last name. He felt strongly that, even though the fact that ds was homeschooled would come through in the rest of the application materials, the school name on his transcript should also clearly reflect his homeschool status.


So... fwiw, this is what I did for ds's (and will do for dd's) transcript. Centered across the top:


OurLastName Home Academy

Official High School Transcript


And then in the school information box, I put "OurLastName Home Academy" for the School Name. It seemed a reasonable compromise between identifying this as a homeschool and still using the term academy (which I do like better.)


Anyway, just another idea to add to the mix. You have time to play around with different options and you can always change it again when college applications come around (even change it per college) if you wish.



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I just put "High School Transcript" at the top of ours.


We have a name for our homeschool, but it sounds official enough that I was nervous people would try to google it and be puzzled that nothing came up on the search. I figured that it would be better to just skip the name altogether!

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I see no problem with Rivendell Academy as the name for your school. If I, not knowing why you chose the name, were to speculate for some reason, I might guess that yours was a Waldorf education school. Stay with it ! :)


Sometimes Orthodox Christian homeschoolers place their school under the prayerful intercession of a particular saint. Hence our school is "St. John Maximovitch Orthodox Christian School." I have used this name to receive educational "freebies" for all of our fifteen years. There are so many religious-affiliated schools around, our name sounds quite normal.

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I am working with a transcript that is similar to the ones shared in this thread.


I think I will use "Official Homeschool High School Transcript" at the top. For the school, I will just use Homeschool. At the bottom (and this is where I can't figure out how to get around not having a name), I will say "<Lastname> Homeschool is operated in accordance with Florida Statute 1002.41"


Can I say that ds has just completed 9th grade, but I've made the transcript (of my dreams) and it is a work of art! What a dweeb. :blush:


Hi, Sue!


Heehee, I had to laugh -- I'm a dweeb too! My son is also going into 10th next year, and I have a lovely, finished transcript for him! Of course, it's just a roadmap of what we're planning, but it sure looks mighty official! :001_smile: And in fact when I had to submit it (for the first time ever) this summer to the local community college, so my son could apply for concurrent enrollment, I of course had to strip out all the 10th-12th grade stuff :D ).


Here's something that may be of interest ... I think we're using very similar transcripts. I got mine (I think) directly from someone on this board (Kareni) who had modified hers from the one in the hs2coll archives. Anyway, at the top it says something like "Official Homeschool High School Transcript," which I kept, because as someone said, even though we are legally a private school, I didn't want to hide the fact that we're actually a home school. But then under that, the personal info area -- name, address, graduation date, etc. -- there's a place for "School Name." That's where I put our school name (and yes, it's an "academy" :)


So my son's transcript says "OFFICIAL HOMESCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT" across the top, but then underneath that it says "School: Blah Blah Preparatory Academy." And here's the interesting thing -- when I handed this transcript to the concurrent-enrollment coordinator at the CC, as she was scanning it to verify his GPA, she muttered, "Ah, the school name," when she saw the actual name. Not sure whether she was just interested (she's a super-nice person), or if it's because in CA we're technically *not* hs'ing, we're a private school with *some* kind of name, even if it's just LastName School. And of course it's "just" a community college, not a four-year college with competitive admissions, but still ... it made me feel that I'd done the right thing with my first transcript submission! :001_smile:


And Janice and Gwen, thanks for the encouragement that "simple" works! I know I will be tweaking my son's transcript over the next few years.



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I don't plan to put a school name on dd's. Honestly, I think college admissions officers would see that as a little corny. I went to a college career fair and spoke with several of them. They really want no frills applications and transcripts. We can do portfolios here in GA and most of them really discouraged a "huge scrapbook" like some turn in.

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Honestly, I think college admissions officers would see that as a little corny.

Yes, Rivendell Academy could be considered a little corny or it could be considered a point of interest. But, *I* chose the name, not ds. If a college admissions officer wanted to inquire about it, ds would roll his eyes and talk about his nutty mother who named her computer Frodo... Probably best to not go there. ;)

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and talk about his nutty mother who named her computer Frodo... ;)


LOL. Glad we are not the only ones who name gadgets! All the computers in our houe have LOTR names, too. My laptop is Galadriel, DD's netbook is Bilbo, then there are Aragorn and Gandalf, the desktops in the basement. Gimli is a little fat cube shaped entertainment computer.

(We are still debating whether Palantir is a fitting name for DH's Droid )

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Hi, Sue!


Heehee, I had to laugh -- I'm a dweeb too! My son is also going into 10th next year, and I have a lovely, finished transcript for him! Of course, it's just a roadmap of what we're planning, but it sure looks mighty official! :001_smile:

Hi Laura!


Since we are soul sister dweebs and I have your email from past computer programming correspondence, expect some email from me soon. :w00t:

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As a former college Registrar, the name of the homeschool never really mattered to me! I was much more concerned with having courses and grades communicated in an organized fashion.


That being said, if the transcript was disorganized, information was missing, and then I noticed that school name was questionable, these factors together would have given me concerns about the seriousness of the student's academic work and his/her prospects for success at our college.

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LOL. Glad we are not the only ones who name gadgets! All the computers in our houe have LOTR names, too. My laptop is Galadriel, DD's netbook is Bilbo, then there are Aragorn and Gandalf, the desktops in the basement. Gimli is a little fat cube shaped entertainment computer.

(We are still debating whether Palantir is a fitting name for DH's Droid )


Lol -- my cars have all had names that I assigned, but SO names the computers -- we have Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, Glenmorangie, and Murphy (the laptop).

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LOL. Glad we are not the only ones who name gadgets! All the computers in our houe have LOTR names, too. My laptop is Galadriel, DD's netbook is Bilbo, then there are Aragorn and Gandalf, the desktops in the basement. Gimli is a little fat cube shaped entertainment computer.

(We are still debating whether Palantir is a fitting name for DH's Droid )


At least if you're going to name your stuff, you picked great names! I love LOTR, too!

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